Why do you think your Dad does this?
Why are you asking a 14 (almost 15) year old to explain his abusive father’s actions? Asking this of a victim isn’t as bad as blaming the victim, but it comes real close.
Does your father love you?
Are you suggesting that abuse is somehow cancelled out by love? It’s not. It only augments the pain and (emotional) injury because the would-be protector is the abuser.
Is he sick?
And if he is, this should not be a reason to seek help for the rest of the family. Abusers are notorious for not getting help. And unfortunately rarely change, even with “help”.
How is he other times?
Doesn’t matter. Family violence has significant lasting affects on it’s victims. Boys** are more likely to become abusers and girls victims in adult relationships because that is what has been modeled. The self-worth of victims is almost non-existant.
And did you note that Christus Rex said that this happens weekly for as long as he can remember? Just how long should he and the rest of his family put up with this? What ratio of “good times” to abuse is acceptable here?
What do you think the problem is? The prolem is that abusers
choose their behavior. There is at lease a split second in which they make the decision to be violent. This isn’t a mental illness.
Does he have trouble in his job?
Doesn’t matter. I have bad days all the time and I chose not to run people off the road or commit violent acts against my family. Or call people names on forums.
Is he addicted?
How will continuing to take abuse help? People will not typically decide to get help just because others (even loved ones) ask or tell them to get help. The abuser will probably have to hit somewhere underneath rock bottom before he gets help. He’s not going to docilely go to rehab or whatever. Most would rather die before getting help. Men are worse then women when it comes to seeking help for anything.
Does he love your Mom?
Terrorizing one’s family is an odd way of showing love.
I’m curious how you think a parent like this would show love that could possibly make-up for abuse.
Abusers are often sorry for what they did, give gifts and promise that they won’t do it again. But they do. It’s part of the cycle of violence.
Why does anyone ever show more sensitivity to the abuser and none to the abused? It is (sort of, in a way) laudible to want to understand what is going on with an abuser but only AFTER the family is safe form abuse and is getting help. Not before. Then it’s just insensitive and unsupportive. Victims too often second guess themselves and stay in harms way for too long.
**Regarding what I said above: One does not automatically grow up to be an abuser if one has been abused. It is a choice to abuse. It is a choice to break the cycle of abuse. It boils down to self control. NO ONE ever deserves abuse.