My First 4 Months of marriage

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NO! Bickering and fighting are not the way to do this at all. I’m saying 2 very important things: that she has to pray and ask God to let her know how she should handle this(and then do it!) and that her attitude can’t be “he’ll change if I do this” She can’t make him change. She can only change herself. Her attitude needs to be that she will do whatever God tells her to do with a loving spirit and attitude, but that ultimately, if he does not respond to that, it is his problem!
You are absolutely right. But with love and time and prayer, it is quite possible he may make some progress.

I’m glad you wrote back to us to let us know what’s up. You are not going to be able to control your husband’s spending on pornography. I suggest that you don’t try to, either. Why fight a battle you can’t win? It sounds like you are both extremely angry. Fighting for control of his porn money will increase the anger and not achieve control anyway. He will only stop spending money on porn if he wants to. That’s it. No other way. You say that you two have enough money, so I’d move to doing other things at this time.

You can’t stop him from using porn either. He can always buy a magazine on the way to work, etc, use it in the bathroom, etc. It is impossible for you to stop him. If he asks for your assistance to stop, then fine. Do what he thinks would help him stop, like put passwords on the internet. But it sounds like you two are far from that stage.:nope:

Stop doing stuff that won’t work or help. That is much harder to do than to type. It is very hard! I still do things that don’t work.

If he is a sex addict, having sex (even lots) with you will not cause him to stop his addiction. Sex addicts need their own fix, and you aren’t it. However, if this is some big fight for control, that is a different ball of wax. It is a very despicable thing, to tell your wife that if she doesn’t have sex with you right now, that you will go off and do porn. How demeaning and humilliating! But there is no revenge for you. You have to take it. That is the way life is. When someone does something that wrong, it makes all sorts of waves. And you can’t fix them by doing something else wrong, nor can he fix the waves just by apologizing. Real damage is done.

Yelling, fighting, trying to control, hiding stuff, cancelling credit cards…none of this will work. Sorry. Every person unexpectedly caught in such a situation wishes they can control it, but they can’t. He is bigger than you and controls the money. ** You’re out of luck in regard to being in control.**

About whether or not it is okay to have sex with him, I can’t answer. Is he actively dreaming about other women while having sex with you and letting you know it, too, just to get you? If you can maintain marital relations, I would do it, but I can imagine situations where they would need to be suspended.

Get help from whomever you can, counselor, priest…I wish you the best. Pray every day for your marriage! Marriage is outrageously hard!
Did you know of these habits or had any idea he was like this before you married him?
I agree with wcnight. From my current relationship, I can ascertain that men do not respond well to threats. And dangling sex above one’s head is also counterproductive. Marriage shouldn’t be conditional, it’s about give and take.

Hiding computer screens and locking him out of his home were probably not the best approaches. Doing this will only make his will stronger. He has to prove to you that he can still do what he wants. He has to kick this habit on his own. It’s like forcing someone to quit drinking or smoking, can’t be done. They have to make up their mind to stop.

When I caught my boyfriend with his porn for the 4th time, I cried my eyes out and told him it made me feel rejected and ugly,then he finally understood how much it hurt me. He went to his closet and broke the tapes and threw away the magazines. The first time I caught him, I responded with threats and talked condescendingly to him, obviously it didn’t help. :o

Avoid phrases that contain “you.” Instead of telling him “You are sinning against God, I can’t believe you did this to me, You need to get rid of this…” Try “This really hurts me because, and I care about your soul because…” Tell him how YOU feel.

I also don’t blame you for not having sex with him. I would explain to him that you are with holding relations because it hurts you to be with him when he may be thinking about someone else. Avoid saying things like “I’m not going to have sex until you get rid of the porn.” Again, that sounds threatening.

I am not trying to make you look like the “bad guy.” I hate pornography. I hate what it does to people. And I am especially sympathetic toward your efforts to make it go away. I am so sorry this is happening to you. It’s not your fault he looks at porn either, so please don’t get that impression. I understand your pain and distrust for him. I sincerely hope you weather this storm, and if you do, your marriage will be a lot stronger because of it. 🙂

That’s a well-written post. Tell him how hurtful it is and why. I also despise pornography. I cant help but ask, did you know this guy had issues before you married him? If you didnt notice his controlling behaviors before, it seems like you didnt know him well enough to get married. I hope to be married forever, and I already have my list of rules: No man who regularly engages in porn, masturbation, or promiscuous sex, and no man who drinks or does drugs, or has a temper or extremely controlling nature. Women think they can “tame” the guy or overcome these things, but it poses too great a risk. My dad has a temper and I know I couldnt stand being married to a guy like that. My friends dad has a drinking problem, and Ive seen what thats done fo the family. I know I cant change people. I can totally understand how the woman feels “dirty” when having sex with her husband, fearing hes fantasizing about someone else. But if she’s set on the marriage working, I’d suggest she makes a serious effort to be kind to him. It will be hard and unfair, but she can do it. If her husband still doesnt give up porn and is still controlling about money etc., wouldnt she have grounds for an annullment because he clearly wasnt going to keep his vows. I dont know though. Tough situation. I can also understand why she doesnt want to have sex because bringing a child into this household would be unfair to the child.
vern humphrey:
Which is neither here nor there – the canon law does not say one partner can withhold sex as a weapon or tool.
If withholding sex is not an available option, I simply cannot fathom why suspending the conjugal relationship presented as a valid recourse for several offenses against the sacrament of marriage.
vern humphrey:
Where is the danger to body or soul?
That section of canon law does not read as allowing separation as legitimate only when a spouse has made the common life unduly difficult and presenting a danger to body or soul. It is “or’s” all the way through.

The reason I’m fairly confident in her legitimate use of witholding sex until he is willing to make at least some positive changes is the combined effect of the other at least partially met conditions playing into the independently sufficient “intolerable” condition that have been at least partially if not fully met in this case.

Witholding financial support from one’s family is included in what constitutes a threat to thier bodily well-being. There are no legitimate reasons to withold that support. I’d admit its debatable whether his actions are sufficient to meet that condition in thier own right, but its a legitimate enough beef to toss onto the the “intolerable pile” when he’s the one tying allowing sex as a precondition to financial support.

Likewise, the use of porn and self-abuse doesn’t meet the bar of “adultery” in its own right, but its another “close enough” to toss onto the “intolerable” pile when he rubs it in her face.

It is also a serious error to presume the relationship of one’s mental and spiritual state is not connected to one’s soul, especially when dealing with engaging in the marital act. Perhaps you can manage that disconnection, but it is clear the OP currently cannot, and that her husband’s emotional abuse and de facto previous “committment” to other women has plunged the OP into a personal spiritual and moral crisis. This is one where you’d have trouble convincing me the condition of being a grave offense to her sould hadn’t been met on its own right, but even if not, combined with the other there would be a mighty heap in the “intolerable” pile.

Yes, she needs to get some competent outside counseling of some sort on a regular basis on how to proceed, and needs to drop the childish responses like locking the doors and hiding computer parts, but as far as suspending the conjugal relationship until he’s at least showing signs of wanting a healthy relationship, she’s got a broad position in her favor.

There is agreement by all parties here that the OP needs to change her approach. The issue we are stuck on is whether all - or just part - of what she was doing was out of line and therefore needs to be ditched. However, it is possible to refuse relations with a loving spirit, as often that is the only recourse a woman does have. An obstinate refusal to give up porn and self-abuse combined with a refusal to provide financial support is a legitimate reason to adopt that approach. At the same time, when and if he does start to show signs of change, resuming the conjugal realtionship something she is going to have to resume long before he’s “perfect” on those issues, but insisting he at least start working towards giving up porn and including her needs in financial considerations is a reasonable precondition.

I encourage you to read what Ray_Scheel has said in regards to your “marriage.” (I put this is quotation marks because it seems very questionable that you have a valid one, given what you said in a previous thread and regarding your husband’s idea of fidelity.)

I think vern’s idea that “love and prayer” will solve the problem is oversimplistic. Having sex with her husband right now could result in a child, and the Church calls every married person to be discerning about their circumstances. Given that he is emotionally abusing her (and physically, too, if he chooses not to provide her with basic physical needs such as money for food, etc), she must protect her body from his objectification and the potential abuse her future child might endure if brought into the world. What would she do if her husband wouldn’t give her the money for pre-natal doctor’s visits??? What if after the child is born, he didn’t feel like providing money for the child’s nourishment or medical care???

The OP needs practical solutions and the abstract platitudes of being “a city on a hill” and employing “love and prayer” do little to help her in concrete terms.

Her husband does not seemingly understand the concept of fidelity. When he goes off and masturbates repeatedly to pornographic material, he commits physical and emotional adultery in his heart. She has every right to separate from him for a time–until the problem is solved or maybe until the Church can help investigate whether or not they even have a marriage to be saving in the first place.

This man needs serious counseling, and so does the wife for the abuse she is enduring.

Also, the idea that her soul isn’t being damaged when she she is in such terrible emotional turmoil is just plain silly. The soul dwells within our body, and when our mind and body is in conflict, so is our soul.
I sympathise with what has been written here, but I would have to call to mind what is happening in the RCC today. First of all, we have the novels of Father Greeley. Now, you might say that the novels of Father Greeley are not pornographic, but I am will to bet anyone $25 that if I were to put on this board some of the lewd trash quoted word for word that is found in these novels, that I would get myself suspended. And as well his novels contain blasphemous expressions. . Secondly, there was an article, not long ago in the publication New Oxford Review, according to which there was described a course taught at the Catholic college, Providence college. It contained some of the most lewd descriptions through and through. Thirdly, if you would go to the page of the Cardinal Newman society
you would see a link to help stop the V-monologues, which is being shown at Catholic colleges. For example, at Holy Cross college, in Worcester, Massachusetts, they celebrated Ash Wednesday by having students participate and put on this quasi-porno production. You can read about it yourself, and the type of lewd activities that this play supports.
I sympathise with what has been written here, but I would have to call to mind what is happening in the RCC today. First of all, we have the novels of Father Greeley. Now, you might say that the novels of Father Greeley are not pornographic, but I am will to bet anyone $25 that if I were to put on this board some of the lewd trash quoted word for word that is found in these novels, that I would get myself suspended. And as well his novels contain blasphemous expressions. . Secondly, there was an article, not long ago in the publication New Oxford Review, according to which there was described a course taught at the Catholic college, Providence college. It contained some of the most lewd descriptions through and through. Thirdly, if you would go to the page of the Cardinal Newman society
you would see a link to help stop the V-monologues, which is being shown at Catholic colleges. For example, at Holy Cross college, in Worcester, Massachusetts, they celebrated Ash Wednesday by having students participate and put on this quasi-porno production. You can read about it yourself, and the type of lewd activities that this play supports.
Can you further expound upon how this information applies to the OP’s situation? Thanks.

And I agree that his novels are not suitable reading material.
If withholding sex is not an available option, I simply cannot fathom why suspending the conjugal relationship presented as a valid recourse for several offenses against the sacrament of marriage.
Because it ain’t the same thing. If you say it is, then:
Can. 1153 ß1 A spouse who occasions grave danger of soul or body to the other or to the children, or otherwise makes the common life unduly difficult, provides the other spouse with a reason to leave,** either by a decree of the local Ordinary or, if there is danger in delay, even on his or her own authority.
Since the OP has said there is no danger in delay, she must seek the permission of the local Ordinary.
That section of canon law does not read as allowing separation as legitimate only when a spouse has made the common life unduly difficult and presenting a danger to body or soul. It is “or’s” all the way through.

The reason I’m fairly confident in her legitimate use of witholding sex until he is willing to make at least some positive changes is the combined effect of the other at least partially met conditions playing into the independently sufficient “intolerable” condition that have been at least partially if not fully met in this case.
Using sex as a weapon or a tool is a good way to destroy a marriage. The Church does not condone it.
Witholding financial support from one’s family is included in what constitutes a threat to thier bodily well-being. There are no legitimate reasons to withold that support. I’d admit its debatable whether his actions are sufficient to meet that condition in thier own right, but its a legitimate enough beef to toss onto the the “intolerable pile” when he’s the one tying allowing sex as a precondition to financial support.
Piling one nasty act on top of another is like trying to have a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.

There isn’t a threat here – and two wrongs don’t make a right.
Likewise, the use of porn and self-abuse doesn’t meet the bar of “adultery” in its own right, but its another “close enough” to toss onto the “intolerable” pile when he rubs it in her face.
None of this justifies separation at all, let alone dispensing with the local Ordinary.
It is also a serious error to presume the relationship of one’s mental and spiritual state is not connected to one’s soul, especially when dealing with engaging in the marital act. Perhaps you can manage that disconnection, but it is clear the OP currently cannot, and that her husband’s emotional abuse and de facto previous “committment” to other women has plunged the OP into a personal spiritual and moral crisis.
And your justification for saying that is?
This is one where you’d have trouble convincing me the condition of being a grave offense to her sould hadn’t been met on its own right, but even if not, combined with the other there would be a mighty heap in the “intolerable” pile.
“Intolerable” must be judged by the local Ordinary.
Yes, she needs to get some competent outside counseling of some sort on a regular basis on how to proceed, and needs to drop the childish responses like locking the doors and hiding computer parts, but as far as suspending the conjugal relationship until he’s at least showing signs of wanting a healthy relationship, she’s got a broad position in her favor.
If she wants to destroy her marriage, yes. She can do that. But she must bear the responsibility for her part of the disaster.
There is agreement by all parties here that the OP needs to change her approach. The issue we are stuck on is whether all - or just part - of what she was doing was out of line and therefore needs to be ditched. However, it is possible to refuse relations with a loving spirit, as often that is the only recourse a woman does have. An obstinate refusal to give up porn and self-abuse combined with a refusal to provide financial support is a legitimate reason to adopt that approach. At the same time, when and if he does start to show signs of change, resuming the conjugal realtionship something she is going to have to resume long before he’s “perfect” on those issues, but **insisting **he at least start working towards giving up porn and including her needs in financial considerations is a reasonable precondition.
She needs to play catch-up and get this relation back to where it was when they took their vows. What she needs to do is based on feedback, not on “arguments from engineering data.”

We’ve already seen that demanding and insisting only makes things worse.
Can you further expound upon how this information applies to the OP’s situation? Thanks.
It applies, (in my personal opinion) inasmuch as what we see going on in the RC colleges and what we see written in the novels of Father Greeley, contribute (although perhaps indirectly) to the problems which are being described here today.
I have a few questions for the person who started this thread. Didn’t you know that he was like this before you married him. If not, why not? Why did you want to marry him in the first place? Your thread makes it sound like you just woke up one morning married to this man through no fault of your own. If you were married in the Church, didn’t they make you go through any kind of premarital counseling?

Your husband is not a child. Taking a computer away from someone is something that you might do to a teenager, but not to a grown man. Your behavior is coming across to me as just as inappropriate as his behavior. Even though his behavior is wrong, it seems to me that it must be enough of a habit for him that it will be difficult for him to give it up. He needs to want to give it up. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can change someone, even if you happen to be married to him. The only person you can change is yourself.

What you are saying about credit accounts is simply how the laws work. They work this way in community property states, too. Your husband didn’t write these laws.

Regarding the question of joint accounts, I think it is a mistake to put all of your money into a joint account. You do need a joint account to pay joint expenses, like pay the mortgage, the light bill, etc. To my way of thinking, it is much healthier if each of you has his/her own account, in addition to your joint account. You need to have an agreement about how much money goes into your personal accounts and where it comes from. This will give you each freedom to purchase items without asking the other. It is amazing how many fights over money you will avoid.

I think you would both benefit by seeing a marriage counselor. If he won’t go, you should go alone. My prayers are with you.
or maybe until the Church can help investigate whether or not they even have a marriage to be saving in the first place.

This man needs serious counseling, and so does the wife for the abuse she is enduring.

Also, the idea that her soul isn’t being damaged when she she is in such terrible emotional turmoil is just plain silly. The soul dwells within our body, and when our mind and body is in conflict, so is our soul.
I wonder if a women was doing this, and her husband the victim, would you be saying the same thing? Nah. It smacks of a “get rid of him he’s not meeting your needs” women centric attitude.
a while back, i posted about how my husband views pornography, and how we fight all the time. a month later, and things are still not better.

i am so disgusted by this, that i cannot become intimate with him. we have had sex less than 5 times since we have been married. it didnt take but a week to find the DVD porn, and after that i have been so extremely turned off. i cannot have sex with a man who looks at pornography to fullfill desires that dont start with me. i cannot have sex with a man who i know is committing such a terrible sin.

he bothers me about sex. he asks to have sex, i say not until he cleans up his habits, and he says “OK, ill just go take care of it myself”. he knows i am sexually frustrated, yet cannot fulfill my sexual desires alone like he does.

i actually hid his computer monitor in the basement, so he went out and spent 6000$ on a new computer from an internet reseller. not that 6000$ is a deadly blow for HIM, since he makes quite alot of money that i dont have access to.

i called the credit card company to cancel the card, and transaction, but they said since i had not been added jointly to the account after we were married, i had no authority to do so. HOW CAN I BE MARRIED TO HIM AND NOT HAVE ANY SAY OVER OUR MONEY? the bank wont add me to his account *, until they get HIS consent. i cannot stop him from spending money on things that i dont feel are necessary. the banks and the card companies say that they just cant add even a WIFE to an account without consent of the original holder.

i asked him to please take care of this. his response: “not until we start having sex”. thats about how everything goes. it looks like i am going to have to bribe him to do things with sex. if i am out of money for the week and i ask for some, you guessed it: “only if you have sex with me”. does he think i am a prostitute?

i think we are at a deadlock. he says he can watch whatever he wants in his house. i am practicing “tough love”, to which he continues the porn habit to fulfill the lack of sex. i wont give in because i know i am right about church teachings, so he wont give in and uses other things to try to make me.

i cried my eyes out to my priest, who told me that anullment like some of you had suggested is not an option. he said i am called to follow church teachings, and be the “city on the hill”. how i do that is up to me he said.

i am the city on the hill i guess, but my husband is the town on the lake 10,000 miles away. i just cant get him to do anything without him saying “Not until…”

i just cant see having sex with a man, and the possibility of becoming pregnant and bringing a child into this home until we are ready. how can i want to have sex if i feel we are not ready for children? not until he has stopped this terrible habit. i just cant take the chance a baby will be brought up here with him acting the way he is.*

On behalf of my gender I apologise 😦
It sounds as if there are several issues with this marriage. Perhaps some time and distance would be beneficial.

And if the OP doesn’t want to have sex, she shouldn’t. HIS addiction isn’t because she DID or DIDN’T do something. Put the blame where it belongs…squarely on HIM.

Oftentimes when an overcontrolling partner is an issue, there are many more underlying issues at play here than what we see. HE needs to seek counselling as well as SHE and as well as THEY together do.

But the bottom line is abuse is abuse is abuse…be it physical, emotional or verbal. and NO one EVER NEEDS to stay where they are abused.
~ Kathy ~
I wonder if a women was doing this, and her husband the victim, would you be saying the same thing? Nah. It smacks of a “get rid of him he’s not meeting your needs” women centric attitude.
Excuse me. But do you have any advice for the original poster, or are you just picking random posts to critisize? And you’ll have to enlighten us what a “woman centric attitude” is, because I am VERY interested in hearing that.
Hi, Seminole.

My impression of your posts, so far, is that you are like a panicky person running around wildly in the dark, trying to find your way out of a smoke-filled burning house.

I agree with your decision to not “put out” at this time. You and your husband are not even friends.

However, remember that marriage seeks the spiritual perfection of each party to the marriage. Your JOB is to seek HIS salvation. HIS job is to seek YOUR salvation.

Therefore, pray for an end to your anger. Pray for calm. Pray for wisdom. And start kindly and gently communicating.

Dedicated masturbators are sexually spoiled. They profoundly believe that they HAVE TO have sex, so, darn, they make physical love to “the perfect lover,” the girl in the porn, whenever they feel the urge, which is as often as possible. Since this is the precise opposite of what a relationship needs, the demands of a relationship make them angry.

This is the person you will be talking to. Talk. You swore that you will, when you said, “I do.”
Your husband is not a child. Taking a computer away from someone is something that you might do to a teenager, but not to a grown man. Your behavior is coming across to me as just as inappropriate as his behavior.
A totally unfair statement. He is the problem, she is only reacting to her husband’s addictive and lewd and pathological behavior, however non-constructive. Personally, if the computer is the access and entry point for pornography into my house for my porn addicted spouse, I would expect safeguards put into place to prevent this; even to the point that this modern technology would find its way out to the curb side. Why should any Catholic spouse have to tolerate the darkness of pornography in to the haven of their home? If the only safeguard measure means severing the connection to the entry point, then do it, whether this means no brown wrapping magazine deliveries or internet access.
NO! Bickering and fighting are not the way to do this at all. I’m saying 2 very important things: that she has to pray and ask God to let her know how she should handle this(and then do it!) and that her attitude can’t be “he’ll change if I do this” She can’t make him change. She can only change herself. Her attitude needs to be that she will do whatever God tells her to do with a loving spirit and attitude, but that ultimately, if he does not respond to that, it is his problem!
He can change himself IF he is so inclined. In the current climate that is not likely and less likely if the air is still confrontational. Yes I too recommend prayer, but part of that prayer has to be toward changing how she deals with the problems.

IF she wants better results, she needs to treat him as an equal, and less like the problem child. Sure he is acting immature and and spoiled, but the route to go needs to be much more subble than trying to beat him over the head with a baseball bat. People don’t respond well to demands and accusations.
A totally unfair statement. He is the problem, she is only reacting to her husband’s addictive and lewd and pathological behavior, however non-constructive.
The only person with whom we are in contact is the wife. We can’t MAKE the husband change – nor do we know any more about him than a few paragraphs on the internet.

If this marriage is to be saved, the OP must remember that the only person she can control is herself.

We are not doing her a favor when we re-inforce the confrontational behavior that we all know doesn’t work.
He can change himself IF he is so inclined. In the current climate that is not likely and less likely if the air is still confrontational. Yes I too recommend prayer, but part of that prayer has to be toward changing how she deals with the problems.

IF she wants better results, she needs to treat him as an equal, and less like the problem child. Sure he is acting immature and and spoiled, but the route to go needs to be much more subble than trying to beat him over the head with a baseball bat. People don’t respond well to demands and accusations.

The OP has only one tool for change – her own behavior. She needs to take a new tack.
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