None of us is qualified to give a detailed answer – we are not personally acquainted with either the OP or her husband. We can only make thematic suggestions. Those that have been offered fall into the following categories:
- Leave him permanently.
- Leave him temporarily.
- Keep doing what you’re doing, but do it harder.
- He has to change.
- Get counseling.
- Try love and prayer (which does not preclude Number 5, above.)
Actually, I proposed the start of an analysis:
- Determine what your goal is (I suggested "to have a long, happy marriage.)
- Determine if your present course of action is working.
- Remember you can only change your own behavior.
- Continue with this analysis – look at each incident. Ask, “What action triggered this incident?” If it was an act by the OP, she should ask, “What could I have done differently to prevent this from escallating?” If the OP can honestly say it was the husband’s act, she should look at her response to that act, and ask the same question.
She can thereby build a repertoire of actions and responses related to the types of problems she had been having.
She should make a list of the things they did before they were married, the places they went, the enjoyable times they had, and suggest to her husband they take time to revisit those places.
She should seek counseling – and as has been pointed out by others, if he husband won’t go, she should go alone.
She should pray and implement her new course of action with love in her heart and a determination to live up to her marriage vows.
And, as I have also suggested, she should realize she’s playing catch-up. The marriage must be healed before any progress can be made. This means working on their relationship with each other, and putting everythings else on the back burner for now.
This is your imagination at work – she has not said this happens.
How is she “stripped of dignity?”
How do you know that is their particular mode of sex?