My frustration with modern stories and my own

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My therapist says I should be writing or else it will ball up and get worse, that and the things you said

Fortunately my job search was successful and I’m to be hired soon so that should help

Im sorry for my ranting everyone
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Maybe rather than trying to do long stuff, you could try doing some short story exercises? There’s some fun writing prompts online that are aimed at doing short stories that don’t have to be continuous to anything.

And find a writing forum with better moderation. I hang out on a gaming forum myself and I know someone criticizing someone else’s work like that would receive a harsh warning from the mods about constructive criticism.
Im not sure If I should just wait for this to be deleted it because Im just realizing how incoherent it is
That’s the first coherent thing you’ve said on this thread! Congratulations!
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Let me restate my dilemma a little more coherently

I used to watch this web-series called RWBY(an acronym of the first names of the main four characters) which was a very anime-esque technicolor show that revolved around 3 teams, RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN who alluded to characters to fairy-tales, legends, and mythology and fought monsters based on the same thing known as the Grimm

The first two seasons were okay and had developing romance between characters, Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos, Sun Wukong and Blake Belladonna, and Weiss Schnee and Neptune Vasillias

It had its light and dark but didnt go for the tragic romance or some obnoxious endurance test of how much tragedy you can deal with while keeping a good attitude

But then Volume 3 came, Pyrrha was tormented into a tragic character that ended as a tragic ending with her before kissing Jaune good bye, by the other volumes they melted down her armor and melded it with Jaune’s in rememberance, and justice was brought to her murder

But that wasnt enough for me, I hate that she was supposed to be a tragic character, regardless is she alluded to Achillies, I wanted her resurrected, not unscathed, but still.

And not just her, I wanted all three teams to make it and have a happy ending, and I left RWBY because I was sick of this formula, and the dreaded fear they’re gonna pull that stunt again with Sun and Blake as a noble sacrifice against her abusive ex-Adama Tarus who corrupted a civil rights group into a milita and then have the words “keep moving forward” slapped in our faces again

A few animes before which you may or may not have heart of Gurren Laggan, Akame Ga Kill, and Madoka Magica has done the same thing, and when I was younger, I was into that kinda stuff, I watched animes that were dark such as Hellsing Ultimate (though the way the portrayed the Catholic Church was like something out of a Chick Tract) and both Vampire Hunter D movies, that showed that war is ugly, sacrifice must be made for the greater good, life can go wrong sometimes, keep moving forward, etc. But now I just can’t take it anymore. I feel like these messages are now being shoved down my throat, bashed over my head, and pulled out from under my feet and lastly these morals and messages are being as a means to hold power over these characters and torment them which then the world is saved so it magically makes it okay.

When Pyrrha died, not only was it what I believe a nasty taste of something they will do again, but also something I took it VERY personally. It told me, you cant have a significant other, you cant have a happy ending, you are a sacrificial lamb for the greater good to be grateful for the time you have, because that all what people like you can ever get.

and this show at first was such a welcome change before that. I really thought it was going to be different.
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Believe me, I know tragedy happens, and to good people, I lost 3 close people to me in one year during high school

My close family pet Jessie from illness

My Grandfather from a hemorrhage

and my Cousin from a Car Accident which then a foundation was made after him, The Claudio Cares Foundation

I explained my case to others and they told me “Then you should have supported and liked the writing decision, you need to look at writing objectively than your subjective feelings” while bringing up writers such as George RR Martin as their argument as if he is some kind of Fiction Führer(sorry if that sounds hyperbolic) which came off as patronizing and telling me what to think

Just because I experienced it doesn’t mean I have to like it in fiction, people deal with tragedy in their own way and if they aren’t acting like Norman Bates or Annie Wilkes and a descent human being then what the HECK is the problem?

So all this inspired me to start writing my own work Lorekeeper in response to said writing choices and reasons for them provided by online fans but at the same time I want to write out of revenge against Martin, Miles and Kelly(The Current Writers of RWBY, the original writer Monty Oum died of a violent allergic reaction), and the writers of Madoka Magica and Gurrent Laggan.

I’m torn between writing it out as a response, and writing it as a vendetta against the writers who I blame for this trend.

Does it make sense now? Please be honest.
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Does it make sense now? Please be honest
I think I get what you’re saying. And don’t apologize; this is the internet, you’re allowed to be a little weird. No one is going to bite your head off. 🙂

That said, it’s a little odd to me that this bothers you so much. I get that it’s a bummer when your favorite character gets killed off on Game of Thrones or whatever, but it shouldn’t bother you this profoundly. Not to the point where you’re actually becoming mad at the author and writing an alternate version as some kind of revenge, anyway.

Also, I guess I disagree that the trend is a bad thing. Endings that are 100% unambiguously happy ring false to me. That’s just not how life is. Look at history: sometimes the good guys don’t win. Or if they do, it’s rarely without a lot of pain and sweat along the way. Ending a story with everything working out perfectly for everyone just doesn’t feel right. Which isn’t to say it has to all be doom and gloom either, but real life is almost always a bit of a mixed bag. Just my two cents.
It makes sense. I’m going to say honestly, fanfiction that tends to go against the story direction isn’t as likely to be well received by people at large. Some people like the feeling that not everything is a fairy tale. Some people like happy endings. Write it out if you want, but overwriting an existing story is likely to not be as well received.

I’d encourage you to try to make an original story instead. Or look for lighter media if you want. (I’m a 30 year old woman who watches MLP because if I wanted depressing I’d read the news. And I’m hardly the only one.)
I took it VERY personally. It told me, you cant have a significant other, you cant have a happy ending, you are a sacrificial lamb for the greater good to be grateful for the time you have, because that all what people like you can ever get.
My friend…I wonder if you are too involved in this fictional world.
I’d encourage you to try to make an original story instead.
But that’s the Thing, Loreekeeper is, these are not literally the same characters, yes they are inspired by various characters I’ve known but how can I make my point without drawing inspiration from other things?
Also, I guess I disagree that the trend is a bad thing. Endings that are 100% unambiguously happy ring false to me. That’s just not how life is. Look at history: sometimes the good guys don’t win. Or if they do, it’s rarely without a lot of pain and sweat along the way. Ending a story with everything working out perfectly for everyone just doesn’t feel right. Which isn’t to say it has to all be doom and gloom either, but real life is almost always a bit of a mixed bag.
Like I said, I get it, I lived a bit of it, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it in fiction. And I never said unscathed. And I can help but feel people are getting imperialistic and elitist about this trend

But I hate tragic romance no matter how good it is, it makes me sick to my stomach. It just does

I just wish things were more like Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and season 1 on sword art online, they go through the wringer and let it be enough and the audience just appreciated that. Now I hear people say FMAB was garbage simply because Roy and Riza weren’t a tragic romance or ed and winry.

Like Hughes death, that poor little girl and her dog, and the twisted things The Elric brothers weren’t enough.

More blood, more tears, more Game of Thrones narratives!
I know, sometimes I do, but how do you be passionate about writing without getting too involved? Where do you find a balance

I mean getting a job helps but I’m the guy who has to live with his folks at a local college while everyone else had gone off their separate ways and I’m still learning to drive

And my college friends live l the way in New Jersey. I feel trapped and with getting a better job I now feel like I’m just cracking the walls
There is a difference between passion and obsession…
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See, this is why I think you’re a little too obsessed with this stuff. You’re assuming everyone else has read/watched all the same things you have. I have zero idea who Hughes is or what happened to the girl and her dog.

I think you might need to take a step back from all this stuff. It’s fine to be invested in stories, but you seem to be taking it too far. I mean, there is a lot of genuine, real human suffering in the world. If what keeps you awake at night is what happened to some fictional cartoon characters, I think you need to take a look at your priorities.

Just my two cents.
I know, that’s why I’ve been trying to get a better job and get out and join local writing clubs and such. I want to be a passionate writer instead of a obsessive fool
I know, and I know it’s stupid, that’s why I’m trying to get my life back in gear and I’ve just started to. And believe me was wasn’t as obsessed as I still a bit now. I suffer from OCD and high functioning Aspbergers Syndrome
Sometimes I know for me if I’m anxious about stuff in real life I can get way too involved in fictional stuff. I think it’s a thing? I was told your brain kind of subconsciously latches on to fictional stuff as an outlet for the anxiety.

You’ll probably have to differentiate between writing for you and writing for others. I’d really recommend finding more positive media to get into. There are stories out there that aren’t all grimdark!
It’s alright dude, I’m not insulting you or anything. Consider it friendly advice 😃
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