
Emily, Edwin gave some great advice. I have spent this past year being angry at the 2 men in my life, my ex-husband and the man I love. The only way I have found true peace, forgiveness and joy this year is by the grace of God from frequent mass and Adoration.Your life right now will be changing FAST.
I would advise that you get the time to sit with our Lord in Eucharist Adoration as often as possible. Let your heart speak to our Lord for comfort, support, and guidance.
Do your children know what Eucharist Adoration is, they may need to be trusting in the Lord too!
I would also suggest to start journaling. If your husband wants to ‘re-write’ your marriage, you need to have your thoughts and state of mind in the best working condition as possible.
Sit before God and take your kids with you - no matter the age. Take this oportunity while you are not working to spend as much time with Jesus. He will take away your anger and bring healing, peace and joy back into your lives.
I will pray for you at mass and Adoration.
Open your heart to Jesus.