it is, it means that your son’s attraction to woman has being turned towards men, as long as he feels atracted to men he will have to figth the urge to sin, the feelig itself is not his fault and is not a sin but actualy going towards a men in a romantic way its a mortal sin.it wasn’t a big deal
That is very very bad, if you son is straight you should not worry but if he came out and he’s asking to stay with a friend for 2 nigths?! do you realise what migth have happened? you should not have allowed that as a parent.stayed with a friend for two nights
That is bad, you son cant do this, a gay relantionship goes against the reason why God gave us genitials in the first place.My son has been dating a black man
GO to a priest as soon as possible, and the fact that your sons is an atheist is even worst, you had the chance to help him when he was 16 but now that he is 26 you dont have the authority to tell him to stop.wants to take us to a priest which I was happy to do, except my son is an atheist.
NO! a child NEEDS a father figure and a mother figure, 2 man and 1 child is going to result in the child growing up without a mother figure and that is NOT healthy at for the child or the gay couple at all.My son expressed his interest in adopting babies in the future!
You son’s soul is in great risk and you should NOT be happy with itm pray for your son every day, this type of problem can be solved.e my son be happy even if that means he follows a homosexual lifestyle.
DONT GO, you love you husband and the bound you have with him is 10x stronger then the mistake your son is making, even if your husband wanted to go you should NOT go, going would be showing support for an terrible decision that your son is making, your husband is rigth on not going, please dont destroy your relationship with him becuse of a simulation of a wedding, your love for your husband and his love for you is your son, he came becuse you both love each other and now he is threatening your marrige, dont stop loving your son but dont come either, the reason why you are not coming is becuse you love your son and you cant support that.Then she threatened to get my husband to separate from me