My Journey Has Ended

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Sounds like they are debating leaving Christianity too?? How do you go from as Catholic as they were (as per their own admission) to potentially atheist that quickly?

Seems like they actually express some anti-Catholic sentiments in their post. They got some hatred or something
The author? Simcha Fisher? Not a chance.
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No my bad, I meant to reply to your other post on the homeschool couple
Oh 😆 phew. I was like wow I share that article from time to time. I hope that’s not what most people get from it.

Yeah totally, with the other couple. It felt a bit like the climate of this year took all their troubles and pushed them over the line. I imagine it is causing a lot of people to reassess in both directions.
These types of graphics always made sense to me and strengthened my resolve, but what about Orthodox Christianity?
Some cold blooded responses here. Obviously I think you’re making a huge mistake - the Catholic Church is the one, true Church that Christ instituted and historically that’s as plain as day. However this is your choice, so I pray God leads you to the complete truth in time. I will say a prayer for you today, if I remember. Jesus loves you.
I feel like my journey has ended several times in atheism.
Same here, the same here.
True atheism (i.e. you believe there is no God) or agnostic atheism (you believe that there could be a God but seriously doubt it)?

I’m not trying to correct you about the differences, I’m simply fascinated by the adamant atheists who vehemently deny that there is even a chance that God exists.
I’m not trying to correct you about the differences, I’m simply fascinated by the adamant atheists who vehemently deny that there is even a chance that God exists.
Those are very few.

Most just aren’t convinced.
I implore you to ask our Blessed Mother daily to guide you!

This whole world is in a spiritual warfare now.
For sure. I believe even Richard Dawkins calls himself an “agnostic” as opposed to an “atheist.”
For sure. I believe even Richard Dawkins calls himself an “agnostic” as opposed to an “atheist.”
Penn Jillette is one that asserts positively that there is no God.

I think he does it for attention, though.
What?! A celebrity said something outrageous just to get attention?!

Say it ain’t so! 😛
Sadly, I’ve come to a different conclusion, but this does not mean I do not want to be member of this family.
I don’t know why you would be sad about making a decision like this. Shouldn’t you be joyful?

Ultimately, there is only one reason to be a member of the Catholic Church and that is because it is true. If the Catholic Church isn’t true then why bother with any of it? Why bother with Christianity at all? Because if the Catholic Church isn’t true then none of it is true.

It’s not about how nice the people are.
It’s not about the rules or lack of rules.
It’s not about the music, the ceremonies, or even what liturgy you like.
It’s not about the quality of the church leaders.
It’s not even about what you ‘get’ out of being a member of a church.

If what the Catholic Church teaches is true then authority lies with the Catholic Church.
If what the Catholic Church teaches is true then you can’t in good conscience turn your back on it without condemning your immortal soul.
Even if the Catholic Church was the first or most original Church, are you sure it was the Roman Catholic Church? There were a lot of Christians in the East I assume who did not identify as Roman
Were you actually Catholic or discerning whether or not to be Catholic? There is a difference there.
Some Episcopalian churches are more liturgical than a lot of NO Catholic parishes and that’s appealing to a lot of people. If that was part of your reasoning, it makes a certain amount of sense.

Life is a journey anyway. It can take many turns. I don’t know that I’d agree with you that your journey has ended. Seventeen-year-old me proclaimed she’d NEVER become Orthodox after visiting a Divine Liturgy for the first time ever (even though she thought it was a cool experience). I could never have imagined that twenty-nine-year-old me would actually convert after experiencing the presence of God on my second visit.

Regardless, good luck to you.
There are still a lot of Catholic Churches in the East now that don’t identify as Roman. They are still part of the Catholic Church. Roman is the Rite, not the name of the Church.
I know that. I was wondering why the post said the original church was the Roman Catholic Church and not just the Catholic Church because I assume that the Eastern traditions were developed long before many of the Latin traditions and there were many more Eastern Catholics in the early church before the split between east and west
I was wondering why the post said the original church was the Roman Catholic Church
because it is common in the English Language to call the Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church because the original use of ‘Roman’ by the English was to distinguish the church under the Pope from the church of England.

I avoid using the term myself and only refer to the church as the Catholic Church.
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