He entrusted the child to the mother who is carrying it. By the marriage covenant that child becomes the husband’s of the wife. If Joseph had taken that approach we’d be in deep trouble right now.
but joseph almost
did take that approach, and only chose not to when an angel visited him in a dream…
but i’ll ask you again, anyway: what role is left for the biological father? why is it diver’s responsibility more than his?
He can be happy as a father to this new life, especially since he would be following the Church teachings on being a chaste spouse.
says you. again. not everyone is made happy by the same things. nor is it the case that everyone
ought to be made happy by the same things.
Are we speaking about physical abuse or verbal? If physical, then the woman is certainly free to leave the premises. She’d remain married, however, but she is not obliged to put her life or that of their children in harm’s way. It doesn’t release her from her vows.
Verbal is trickier, but again, if the husband is unwilling, the wife still carries responsibility to seek counseling through a priest and/or therapist to help her resolve the situation.
what difference does it make if we are speaking about verbal or physical abuse? in your view, what is the threshhold, in terms of quantity/quality of abuse, that needs to be exceeded before separation is allowable? and what is it about (that kind of) abuse that legitimizes separation?
and define “harm”. i am harmed by my wife’s infidelity. i am
gravely harmed, as is our marriage. why does
that kind of harm not matter?
And, excuse me…raising another person’s child is not morally impossible. It’s a challenge, yes, but only because of pride and ego. Resolve the ego/pride issues and it can be quite rewarding.
“morally impossible” doesn’t mean “impossible”, or “impossible to do morally” - it means “impossible to do in a manner consistent with loyalty to oneself as a (morally rectifiable) person”.
and you are deluding yourself if you believe that the only things that make these situations infeasible are pride and ego. in fact, it can just as easily be asserted that the only thing that makes you so unwilling to countenance legitimate alternatives to your view are pride and ego.
can you at least present me with a good reason to think that only sinful attitudes are compatible with mine and diver’s stance on this matter?
Disagree all you want. From the Church’s teachings, married couples are obliged to do everything they possibly can to repair the relationship. Separation is an option, but divorce never is. Annulment can come into play but it has to be after all other means to fix things have been exhausted.
define “everything they possibly can”. do you think everyone has the same limits? everything
they possibly can isn’t necessarily the same thing as everything
you possibly can.
and if you’ll note, i agree with you that divorce isn’t an option. that’s why i said “marriage is forever”.
YinYangMom said:
says me. can you demonstrate my error? where is it definitively taught by the church that trust is something that must ***necessarily ***be given to anyone other than god?
Because the child is also the responsibility of the mother and he is married to her for life.
so? let the husband pay spousal support if needs be; child support is something entirely different.
As for the moral duty…I’m talking about Catholic obligation. I don’t recognize your guidelines of morality as being consistent with Church teachings.
nor i yours.