Okay, I’ll level with you guys and be completely honest. I’m an alcoholic, a child of an alcoholic, the former wife of an alcoholic, and if my priest would have denied me my marriage in the church, I would not be where I am today in the Catholic church. Who on this post will admit to being an alcoholic (rfk)??? Now you know why I am so passionate about this subject. Now that my dirty laundry is aired, to an alcoholic and a co-dependent (wife and/or hubby) of an alcoholic, telling someone they are sick, imo, is not very nice. They may get angry, feeling alone, that no one understands and go the other way. I confidently feel well versed in the subject of anullment enough to give my opinions because this is only a forum, not canon law court, where people seek out for help. Darcee, I got upset because every comment I made, you were turning my words into something more than I was saying and it made me very upset and yes, the human emotion of anger, not hostility. All I said was for her to get a second opinion, in a round about way because she could be lost to the church. Haven’t you noticed that the church is dwindling in parishioners? Out of four children from my parent’s flock, two of us attend weekly and my parents are very involved parishioners. Alcoholics are not always mean, some are just as nice as they can be, some are sloppy, some are ugly, some are beautiful, but the bottom line is that alcoholics are people too just like you. Everybody deserves a chance and I agree that Supplex’s hubby should get help, but what about her faith in the meantime? I only wanted to show her kindness, love and compassion because I’ve been there.