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*In an email exchange I’ve been having with a Catholic apologist, I was given this challenge:
To which I responded:
Glad to take up your challenge. Jesus operated on exactly that method in his dealings with everyone he was faced with:
Thus, our Lord clearly operated on the assumption that each individual was responsible before God for not only knowing what the canon of Scripture was, but also its correct interpretation.
The fact that people come up with opposing interpretations says much more about human sin, pride, and blindness than it does for the need of an infallible interpreter.
*B)“Thus, our Lord clearly operated on the assumption that each individual was responsible before God for… its (Scripture’s) correct interpretation.”
Lets, for the time being, accept your conclusion: even so, where’s the beef? Catholics are individually responsible for knowing the correct interpretation of Scripture as revealed by the Church.
You again fail to support the Protestant claim that each individual is responsible for INDIVIDUALLY interpreting scripture correctly. And that’s the whole point of the discussion. Leaving “individually” out of the conclusion is not mere semantics: it’s the essence of the debate.:yup:
Now, do the verses you quote even support your claim? Im not fully convinced - here’s why: First we’ll deal with “each individual” being responsible:
In all of these Matthew verses you’ve cited Christ isn’t just talking to just anyone, he’s talking to the Pharisees, the “chief priests and teachers of the law” v15,23,45 -the teachers of the people. **To extrapolate that “each individual” is held accountable to the same standard of knowledge as those put into the authority to teach is simply erroneous.
**The other obvious reality is that Jesus was teaching them using the Scriptures - he wasn’t necessarily judging them. He was showing them what was not so obvious from Scripture. He even says in Matt 22:29-33 “Jesus replied, ‘You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of god.’ He then goes on to say…‘have you not read what God said to you’…(and quotes some more Scripture) When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at his teaching.” Here he is simply teaching, not saying anything about who should know canon, etc. He’s revealing the truth - and they are “astonished” by it. Kinda like they never even considered what he was telling them.
The fact that people come up with opposing interpretations says much more about human sin, pride, and blindness than it does for the need of an infallible interpreter. This, of course, isn’t even a conclusion - it’s an unsubstantiated opinion. It requires no further comment. BTW though, since we are all proud, blind sinners how are we gonna know the truth?