
Now you are saying something slightly different then what you were before. You may have intended one or the other all along but this is different than earlier. Yes, Jesus holds us all accountable and responsible for knowing and seeking the truth. We find that in union with the Church that is “the pillar and ground of truth”. We know that all scripture is usual for reproof and teaching but it is not the pillar and ground of truth.I believe Jesus held all men individually responsible for knowing the truth on all matters of faith and morals. Thus, I believe each individual has the authority from God to read and understand Scripture. All of those passages I cited prove that without question.
The bible is the Written Word of God. However, holding us responsible for knowing truth and each of us having the authority to interpret scripture is a huge logical jump you have not even begun to show or you have not shown us anything that says that scripture gives authority for private interpretation.
God calls us to know the truth and we are responsible for that.
Individual interpretation of scripture has guarantees that most do not know the truth. 1=1 and 1 not equal 1 cannot both be true.

Again, see above. Jesus holds us accountable for knowing and seeking the truth. However, responsibility to know truth and scriptural interpretation authority are miles apart. Here is your syllogismThe answer I seem to be hearing from all of you is that, no, Jesus did not hold men accountable for knowing his truth and that each individual does not have the authority, from God, to interpret the Bible for himself. This then leads to the next question: How then can anyone come to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is what it claims to be? Every conversion story I’ve ever heard or read has over and over and over again pointed to individual, private interpretation of Scripture as being foundational to the conversion itself. But if men do not have the authority to interpret Scripture for themselves, have you not just sawed off the branch of the tree you are sitting on?
Christ held people responsible for knowing truth on Faith and morals, therefore we have authority to interp scripture.
A therefore C is illogical and false.
We all have the individual ability to read and grow from scripture but it must be in the context of a well formed conscience that is held up to the bar that Christ gave us so that we may not go astray from truth. It is obvious with the various sets of beliefs that most protestants do not have the right set of beliefs. This is simply shown by the great number of contradictions. It must be so, without argument.
If we form our conscience and weigh our personal understanding of scripture against the pillar and ground of truth than our interpretation is not just private but is hopefully guarded against error that the protestants have fallen into.
Under the Mercy,