
Boule Theou,Ok, let’s try to sum up here:
My Catholic friend challenged me:
The answer I seem to be hearing from all of you is that, no, Jesus did not hold men accountable for knowing his truth and that each individual does not have the authority, from God, to interpret the Bible for himself. This then leads to the next question: How then can anyone come to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is what it claims to be? Every conversion story I’ve ever heard or read has over and over and over again pointed to individual, private interpretation of Scripture as being foundational to the conversion itself. But if men do not have the authority to interpret Scripture for themselves, have you not just sawed off the branch of the tree you are sitting on?
In the first sentence in the above quote, you are correct on one account and incorrect on the other. First, you are correct that men are accountable for knowing the truth. However, the means in which they gain knowledge of that truth is where we differ. It is a matter of authority. You claim scripture alone as authoritative (including the interpretation of scripture by anyone). Catholics claim that the church has authority with the pope as its head. This does not mean that scripture is taken out of the equation; rather, it is only part of the equation. This means that personal interpretation is important and it is part of the conversion of many Catholics, but the interpretations that lead to conversion do not go against what the church teaches. We are not saying that individuals have the authority to interpret scripture; rather, we are saying that God may reveal Himself to some individual at any time through the scriptures. I ran in Protestant circles five or six years ago. I learned many things during that time. I had a true desire to know the truth; so, I started to investigate the Catholic faith. I have read many books and learned that many of the things that I believed about the Catholic Church were false. Please know that I have stood in your shoes before and that I am wanting most of all to carry on a charitable dialogue about something I am passionate about. Even when this conversation lessens, please continue to search for the truth. I think you might be surprised by what you find.
God Bless,