
You assume that the person concludes the New Testament is inerrant prior to embracing the infallible interpreter. This is a false assumption. It is by proclamation of the infallible Church that the books contained in the New Testament are inerrant and thus worthy of attempting to interpret.kpartlet/kotton -
How does one come to make the decision to embrace the correct infallible interpreter, without using the very private interpretation you condemn?
In fact, without that proclamation of the infallible Church which you deny, you do not even have the New Testament to quote from in your first post on this thread…unless you can answer my questions in Post #33, as to how you arrived at which texts are to be considered the Word of God. You keep insisting you are capable of this feat, yet you have not even attempted to explain exactly how.
How do you know that Jesus said what you quote Him saying in your initial post? Do you expect us to believe that you have personally examined all the original manuscripts of the first couple centuries and it just so happens that you arrived at the same conclusion as the Catholic Church as to the cannon for the New Testament? I think not. Rather, by the mere fact that you quote the New Testament, you admit that the Catholic Church not only made the correct decisions as to the inspiration of certain texts, but also that they correctly translated those manuscripts from the original languages into more modern languages (since the originals no longer exist). If you deny this fact, then you have no right even to assert that Jesus in fact said what you quote Him saying, because all that you can possible know of what Jesus said and did is what the Catholic Church says He said and did. At best you could claim that the texts are historically authentic and therfore believable, but you cannot say they are the Word of God without explaining how you determined which texts are and which texts are not inspired.
Taking this one step further, if then you admit the Catholic Church correctly determined the cannon, and correctly translated the original texts (as you must if you trust the New Testament), then by this admission you are acknowledging that the Holy Spirit was guiding the Catholic Church at that time. This creates yet another problem for you: If the Holy Spirit guided the Catholic Church then, and if Truth is unchanging, then what was true then is true now. I can therefore conclude, since the Catholic Church teaches the same things now as it did then (when you must admit the Catholic Church was being guided by the Holy Spirit) then what was true then is true now, and therefore, what the Catholic Church teaches now is true.