Hi Mary,
I appreciate your prayers very much, thank you. I just want what’s best for him even if it hurts, which it does. BUT, I’ve spent way too much time these past days with this narrow focus so this morning I went to Mass and said the rosary with my husband and when it was time for the gifts to be brought up I asked my Holy Angel to please bring up my prayer intention and I, in my heart, placed my son before the altar and asked that God watch over him as I handed him to His care.
Also yesterday I was sifting through St. Therese book for some encouragement and came across these words…“God does not extend His had to take without offering something, He gives strength and courage to endure”. I have to believe that was a heavenly nudge.
I’m not saying this to you directly, I’m just talking (typing) out loud! I appreciate you and everyone else here, I appreciate all opinions that are well intended.
God bless you!