Every once in a while I cast all caution to the wind so here goes.
If I think the science of evolution changes anything in the Church it is this. Male sacredness is just crud when evolution gets done with it. female gender is the preferred body type and if anything interferes with that delicate trip to male formation, the developing embryo/fetus reverts back to female gender. female is the first morphogenetic type seen in multicellular organisms while male gender shows up much much much later. Females are guarded better than males during their entire life cycle biologically, better immune systems, better fat distribution. While fertilizations are 50/50, live births are already 1:0.75 in favor of females and by the time reproductive age is reached the ratio is almost 1:0.6 so males are definitely the weaker sex. Females have stronger parenting behaviors than males. Females make better nurturers.
If God took any body’s rib it would have been Eve’s in the biological book. Male has always been the throw away sex and paid the price.
Females have always scared males to death since when a male bleeds they die while it seems to have no affect on females (no moaning about cramps ladies).
If Sacred Scripture tells us anything about gender it is that women stayed while men ran so there is little wonder why early church leaders felt the need to tell women to sit down and shut up. No one wants to be reminded of weakness.
When Jesus was asked about divorce He told the pharisees that “Moses, because you were a stiff necked people gave you divorce but I tell you…” I would have to say the same thing about His being male because we were and still are a stiff necked people.
You may massacre me now.