My thoughts on evolution

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“Size of a school bus?” That would mean that the Andromeda galaxy would have billions of school buses, be immensely larger than the Earth and yet still make the trip around the Earth in 24 hours.

Amazing, just amazing.

Er, how do you get nuclear fusion to go in a mass the size of a school bus?
“Size of a school bus?” That would mean that the Andromeda galaxy would have billions of school buses, be immensely larger than the Earth and yet still make the trip around the Earth in 24 hours. Amazing, just amazing. Er, how do you get nuclear fusion to go in a mass the size of a school bus?
Don’t ask me – ask jrchrichton, mulligan, and the other Young Earthers on this forum. As I said, I’m astonished to have to be defending Galileo and heliocentrism in 2008, much less evolution!

Protestant creationists generally fall back on “I dunno. God just did it that way. Don’t you believe in God?”

You’re telling me that there are Catholics like that?
That is no license to make up doctrines. And He gave you abundant evidence as to the actual causes of supernovae radiation, so no one has any excuse.
You are assuming that whatever evidence you have for to support one of your theories of evolution or an old earth must be correct on its own merit and all other evidence is wrong, because that’s the way it is. And God wouldn’t give you wrong evidence to contradict your theory.
It is what the evidence says. You disagree with it, because you wish God had done it differently. But you have neither evidence nor Scripture, nor the teaching of the Church to support your wishes.
For one, dating methods are extremely inaccurate to a laughable degree. This includes carbon dating, C14 methods, and geological layer dating. There exists no evidence of how old something is which is absolutely necessary for you to make the claim that this one is derived from that one. All you have are fossilized bones subject to different interpretations (and there are lots of them) by different people. And your conclusion of what the evidence indicates will obviously be based on your predetermined self-proclaimed doctrine.
Barbarian observes:
Again, it comes down to the facts. God doesn’t say that He created the radiation from supernovae that never existed. So in the absence of anything like that, why not just accept that the evidence is what it is?
Mapleoak corrects Barbarian:
The only thing that has to be accepted is that there is evidence. Just like a crime scene where there are drops of blood on the floor. The blood is evidence. Just the same the fossils are evidence. In either case you have to make a determination as to what the evidence indicates. Now, tell me this, what does the bood indicate? Hopefully you can see how silly your claim is.
And your years of work in astrophysics lets you understand what all the other astrophysicists missed? C’mon, you don’t even understand the evidence, much less know what it means.
Sorry but no astrophysicist has ever observed a star that is millions of light years away. They have only observed light and make the conclusion that it is from a star millions of light years away.
Barbarian observes:
In some cases, we actually observed the star millions of light-years away, before it exploded and produced the radiation. In this case, if you’re right God even faked the star, as well as the radiation.
Barbarian has observed incorrectly.
Anyone can be wrong. But I have the evidence.
Yeah, and of far be it from God to contradict your assumptions.
Barbarian observes:
We are quite familiar with the way star form. We can watch the process even now.
You have watched a star form? You know a scientist who has watched a star form? Sure. okay.
God didn’t create stars ex nihilo.
Your personal opinion and not supportable by scripture or the magisterium.
Many of these school bus-sized stars were drowned in a parking lot in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.😃
Many of these school bus-sized stars were drowned in a parking lot in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.😃
Vern, on another thread I asked a YEC what drove him. Here is his illuminating reply.

“Here’s the deal for me. You don’t have to beleive that the sun revolves around the earth to be a Catholic. I don’t think there has ever been a magisterial pronouncement in support of GeoCentrism. But I was stunned, knock me over with a feather shocked to discover a few years ago that the Heliocentri modal cannot be proven. You can make a case that it is more “elegant”, more “likely” based on our understandings of what can be observed, but it is not proveable. I am not a scientist but I work with many very good ones. Even the ahtiest, liberal, tree huggers among them admit that it is not proven, it is just a “better model”. Yet without the Christian World’s caving on this point, it never could have been sold Darwin, and without Darwin there is no Marx, no Freud, no Margaret Sanger, no Hitler, and a host of other social pathologies. Because so many beleive so many lies (that are obviously lies) otherwise the Democrats could never win an election, I’m inclined to beleive that this, the first domino if you will, is also a lie. I want the truth. The truth is actually liberating.”
Barbarian observes:
That is no license to make up doctrines. And He gave you abundant evidence as to the actual causes of supernovae radiation, so no one has any excuse.
You are assuming that whatever evidence you have for to support one of your theories of evolution or an old earth must be correct on its own merit
That’s how science works. Might seem shakey to you, but keep in mind, it works. Better than anything else we can do.
and all other evidence is wrong,
Non-existant. Unless you know of some that no astronomer knows about.
And God wouldn’t give you wrong evidence

Barbarian observes:
It is what the evidence says. You disagree with it, because you wish God had done it differently. But you have neither evidence nor Scripture, nor the teaching of the Church to support your wishes.
For one, dating methods are extremely inaccurate to a laughable degree.
Recently, someone thought to do a blind test on that. They took some of the material that buried Pompeii (known date) And the method worked; they got an accurate date.

And I don’t agree that evidence is whatever you want it to be. The truth counts.

Barbarian observes:
Again, it comes down to the facts. God doesn’t say that He created the radiation from supernovae that never existed. So in the absence of anything like that, why not just accept that the evidence is what it is?

Mapleoak corrects Barbarian:
The only thing that has to be accepted is that there is evidence.
Right. I accept that God wouldn’t fake it. You seem to think He does.

Barbarian observes:
And your years of work in astrophysics lets you understand what all the other astrophysicists missed? C’mon, you don’t even understand the evidence, much less know what it means.
Sorry but no astrophysicist has ever observed a star that is millions of light years away. They have only observed light and make the conclusion that it is from a star millions of light years away.
So you’ve never observed a dog; you have only observed light and made the conclusion that it is from a dog. Sorry. Not buying it.

Barbarian observes:
In some cases, we actually observed the star millions of light-years away, before it exploded and produced the radiation. In this case, if you’re right God even faked the star, as well as the radiation.

(simple denial)

Barbarian observes:
Anyone can be wrong. But I have the evidence.
Yeah, and of far be it from God to contradict your assumptions.
As you learned the evidence contradicts nothing God has told us.

Barbarian observes:
We are quite familiar with the way star form. We can watch the process even now.
You have watched a star form?
The Hubble telescope has shown countless stars forming. Or are you arguing that giant redwoods don’t grow from seedlings because no one has seen the whole process with his own eyes?
You know a scientist who has watched a star form?
I don’t know any botanist who’s seen a giant redwood grow from a seedling, either. I’m pretty sure you know what’s wrong with the sort of excuse you’re offering here.

Barbarian observes:
God didn’t create stars ex nihilo.
Your personal opinion
No. The conclusion of many, many scientists who have examined the evidence.
and not supportable by scripture or the magisterium.
Giant redwoods aren’t supportable by scripture or the magesterium, either. But they still exist, regardless of your objections.

There are many things that are true, that are neither in scripture nor in the magesterium. For those things, God gave us intelligence and curiousity to find out for ourselves. It is a talent from God. People serve him poorly by not using them.
But I was stunned, knock me over with a feather shocked to discover a few years ago that the Heliocentri modal cannot be proven. You can make a case that it is more “elegant”, more “likely” based on our understandings of what can be observed, but it is not proveable.
Nothing in science is provable. It does not deal in logical certainty. It only makes inferences from evidence, and a hypothesis only becomes a theory when it has enough evidence to make doubt foolish.

And that is always provisional on new data that might change things.
But I was stunned, knock me over with a feather shocked to discover a few years ago that the Heliocentri modal cannot be proven.
First of all, the Heliocentric Model is not true. That is, the Sun is not the center of the universe.

It is, however, the center of the solar system. The Earth and planets do orbit around the Sun.

This poster’s comment is like those who use the “2nd Law of Thermodynamics” to oppose the idea of evolution – misusing old science to push their point.

The original objection to the heliocentric modal was from Aristotle (the idea is much older than Copernicus.) Aristotle asked “If we circle the Sun, then our orbit must be enormous. Why then, do we not see parallax among the stars, just as a man circling a stadium would see parallax?” (Parallax is the apparent displacement of objects due to the observer’s change in position. Aristotle’s point was that as we approached and passed a pair of close-together stars, we should see them apparently switch positions.)

Neither Copernicus nor Galilieo could answer that. There was a second objection in Galilieo’s time which he could not answer. Alphonso X of Portugal had convened the mathematicians and astronomers of his time at his court to construct astronomical tables. They managed to do so, working from the Geocentric Model. The Aphonsine Tables worked (Christopher Columnus had a copy.) But the adherents of the Heliocentric Model could not construct a working set of tables.

The answer to the two objections is simple:

We do see parallax amongst the stars – but the stars are so far away that the effect is detectable only with very sophisticated instruments, which Galilieo and company did not have.

Galilieo and other astronomers assumed the orbits of the Earth and planets were circular. When they discovered the orbits are eliptical, they were able to construct tables more accurate than the Alphonsine tables.
I have a confession to make: I actually used to think the theory of evolution had some merit. (I didn’t believe it. That’s not the same thing) I mean if you look at the world, most animals are adapted to their environments pretty well (excepting mutations since they’re not normal). But what made me change my mind was when I took a history of psychology class and learned about the eugenics movement. That movement takes evolution and applies it to humanity, saying that those who are deemed unfit for society should be eliminated or at least made sterile. I realized that kind of talk would’ve gotten rid of people like me. Then what really made me not like evolution was that I learned Hitler bought into this garbage. That settled it. If Hitler believed in evolution, then the theory had no merit.

However, I’m not a complete creationist. I don’t think it took 6 days to create the world, nor do I think the Earth is 6000 years old (or however old the creationists think it is). The reason I don’t take that part literally is that I know in the Bible it says that to God a thousand years is like a single day. And besides, we didn’t know days lasted 24 hours until the Middle Ages. So who knows if those were actual 24-hour days (or “God-days”, which are even longer)?
That’s one question I’m definitely asking God when I get there.
I hope you won’t consider me a heretic for thinking this stuff.
Read book titled “In the beginning…”, a collection of Ratzinger’s homily when he was still a Bishop in Bavaria, Germany.
The original objection to the heliocentric modal was from Aristotle (the idea is much older than Copernicus.) Aristotle asked “If we circle the Sun, then our orbit must be enormous. Why then, do we not see parallax among the stars, just as a man circling a stadium would see parallax?”

Galilieo and other astronomers assumed the orbits of the Earth and planets were circular. When they discovered the orbits are eliptical, they were able to construct tables more accurate than the Alphonsine tables.
Quite true, Vern – I simply couldn’t cover the whole of astronomy in one post.

Mapleoak, you are right on the money. I always find it amazing the mental contortions people have to go through in order to support their claims of Theistic evolution. It ranges from representing such odd gymnastics as saying 1 day in scripture refers to a thousand years or a million years or some such baloney.
What they do is find ‘evidence’ of similar animals that lived together (they were created at the same time and therefore lived together), find fossilized remains of them, and make a faulty ‘conclusion’ that there was a progression of development. Then they say that “because these fossils are evidence of what ‘happened’, if God did it any different from how we in our wisdom determined He must have done it from the so-called evidence, He has been deceiving us all this time.”
Typically these people also discount major historical events such as a universal and catastrophic flood which caused massive destruction, fossilized remains, and unique geological layering to occur (which obviously would mess with any attempt to date such layers).
They also claim that God didn’t create the world in seven days (literal) as He says, and if He did He would have to deceive us. Then they turn around and point to ‘let the earth bring forth creatures’ and say “See, literal proof of evolution!”. No where in scripture (nor does the magisterium of the Church say) does it say that any creatures ‘evolved’ from other creatures. Nor is there any evidence of such. Nor is it necessary to reduce God to needing to slowly evolve His creation until He gets it right. One can only look at the world and see how ludicruous it is since most every living thing in existence is dependent on all the other living things in existence in their proper forms for their maintenance and survival.
Further, to answer the rejection of light from distant supernovae that never existed, but would have to travel millions of light years to get here argument: This is a very common objection from close minded individuals. These same people usually come to the conclusion that the universe is eternal (after all, that is what the evidence shows, is it not?). Problem is that would be heresy, since the universe was definately created and had a starting point. In all cases, they are putting a limit on God and inflating their perception of their own wisdom.
I always find it amazing the mental contortions people have to go through in order to support their claims of Theistic evolution. It ranges from representing such odd gymnastics as saying 1 day in scripture refers to a thousand years or a million years or some such baloney.
The Church says it is permissible to think of Genesis as literal, or as an allegory. If you think the teaching of the Church is “baloney”, why stay in it?
What they do is find ‘evidence’ of similar animals that lived together (they were created at the same time and therefore lived together), find fossilized remains of them, and make a faulty ‘conclusion’ that there was a progression of development.
If you honestly believe that, it’s a good sign; then it’s just ignorance of what science is, and it’s very curable.
Then they say that “because these fossils are evidence of what ‘happened’, if God did it any different from how we in our wisdom determined He must have done it from the so-called evidence, He has been deceiving us all this time.”
It is my opinion that God would not plant fossils of animals that never existed. That would be deceptive, and He is not that kind of a God.
Typically these people also discount major historical events such as a universal and catastrophic flood which caused massive destruction,
The Bible does not say it was universal, and the evidence shows that it was not.
fossilized remains, and unique geological layering to occur (which obviously would mess with any attempt to date such layers).
They also claim that God didn’t create the world in seven days (literal) as He says,
As early as Saint Augustine, people were noticing that it made no sense to interpret them as literal days.
Then they turn around and point to ‘let the earth bring forth creatures’ and say “See, literal proof of evolution!”.
No, evolution is not about the way living things originated. The point is, because the earth brought forth living things, the YE doctrine of “life ex nihilo” is demonstrably contrary to God’s word.
No where in scripture (nor does the magisterium of the Church say) does it say that any creatures ‘evolved’ from other creatures.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say that atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. There are many things that are true, that are not in scripture. God gave us intelligence and curiosity to learn about some things.
Nor is there any evidence of such.
There is a great deal of evidence for abiogenesis, but God’s word ought to be sufficient for you.
Nor is it necessary to reduce God to needing to slowly evolve His creation until He gets it right.
I assume that He had His reasons for creating the world as He did. I accept His judgement in the matter.
One can only look at the world and see how ludicruous it is since most every living thing in existence is dependent on all the other living things in existence in their proper forms for their maintenance and survival.
And you think God couldn’t have created things to so develop? Of course He could. He’s a lot more powerful and capable than the fundamentalists are willing to let Him be.
Further, to answer the rejection of light from distant supernovae that never existed, but would have to travel millions of light years to get here argument: This is a very common objection from close minded individuals. These same people usually come to the conclusion that the universe is eternal (after all, that is what the evidence shows, is it not?).
There is considerable evidence to show it is not. What makes you think there is any evidence that it’s eternal? That is contrary to our faith.
Problem is that would be heresy,
So why are you falsely claiming there is evidence for it?
In all cases, they are putting a limit on God and inflating their perception of their own wisdom.
If you claim there is evidence for an eternal universe, that’s exactly what you have done. In this case, learning more about science would have been useful in disabusing you from a heresy.

Here’s an easy refutation:
  1. all the galaxies are moving away from each other.
  2. if the universe were eternal, we wouldn’t see any of them now.
  3. if you claim that new galaxies form between the old, then the radiation from an infinity of galaxies would make the night sky as bright as day.
Mapleoak, you are right on the money. I always find it amazing the mental contortions people have to go through in order to support their claims of Theistic evolution. It ranges from representing such odd gymnastics as saying 1 day in scripture refers to a thousand years or a million years or some such baloney.
It is not so much the mental gymnastics as it is the for whatever reason the account in genesis is the only place you will ever hear of 1 day referring to a million years. As if people were ignorant of what ‘day’ means.
What they do is find ‘evidence’ of similar animals that lived together (they were created at the same time and therefore lived together), find fossilized remains of them, and make a faulty ‘conclusion’ that there was a progression of development.
One cannot conclude by finding these fossils that they were fakes of animals that never existed that were planted (it is curious why that argument is even being made). It only shows that there were once living creatures to which the fossilized remains belonged to. If one finds a pile of sheep bones and a pile of goat bones next to them for example, there are number of conclusions one can come to. But that it is evidence of progressive development is not one of them. I had asked for evidence (I have never seen such) of an instance where an elbow joint developed where there previously was none. I was shown drawings of two different creatures. I remain unconvinced that the one developed into the other, but that they are two totally different creatures.
Typically these people also discount major historical events such as a universal and catastrophic flood which caused massive destruction, fossilized remains, and unique geological layering to occur (which obviously would mess with any attempt to date such layers).
Biblically, the flood destroyed the Earth, not the universe. That would be a logical assumption make however as to the source of fossilized remains and geological features.
They also claim that God didn’t create the world in seven days (literal) as He says, and if He did He would have to deceive us. Then they turn around and point to ‘let the earth bring forth creatures’ and say “See, literal proof of evolution!”.
The point is why take the same document and conveniently make the portions you want to be literal, literal, and the portions you want to be allegorical, allegorical?
Further, to answer the rejection of light from distant supernovae that never existed, but would have to travel millions of light years to get here argument
Not necessarily that they never existed, but that it they were created in a ‘state’ of existence set into motion. Anything at all that exists had to have created. Whether an atom were created and subsequently arranged or if a complete universe were created, it would exist in a certain ‘state’. Matter doesn’t exist without apparancy of ‘having existed’. Apparancy is a limitation of man, not of God. It does not indicate deception on God’s part, rather a lack of understanding on man’s part.
This is a very common objection from close minded individuals. These same people usually come to the conclusion that the universe is eternal
Interesting how you were made to look like that is what YOUR conclusion is.
Problem is that would be heresy, since the universe was definately created and had a starting point.
Yes, if it exists, unless it is eternal, it had to be created. And created things have a beginning.
The point is, because the earth brought forth living things, the YE doctrine of “life ex nihilo” is demonstrably contrary to God’s word.
Of course it isn’t. Life comes either directly from the hand of God, or from something else that is already living. Life does not and cannot spontaneously start of its own accord. For matter to be alive, it must be infused with life. If you state that life does start of its own accord, that is demonstably contrary to God’s word.
I assume that He had His reasons for creating the world as He did. I accept His judgement in the matter.
Of course, it only makes sense to assume that He had His reasons for creating the world as He did.
Here’s an easy refutation:
  1. all the galaxies are moving away from each other.
  1. if the universe were eternal, we wouldn’t see any of them now.
But since the universe is not eternal, this is not a concern.
Barbarian observes:
The point is, because the earth brought forth living things, the YE doctrine of “life ex nihilo” is demonstrably contrary to God’s word.
Of course it isn’t.
Demonstrably it is. Genesis says that life was brought forth by the Earth. God created life from pre-existing matter, not ex nihilo.
Life does not and cannot spontaneously start of its own accord.
If God so desires, life can begin by natural means. Did, in fact.
For matter to be alive, it must be infused with life.
There is no substance called “life.” It’s a chemical process that makes us alive. When something interrupts that process, it stop and we are dead. This is different than the spiritual life that is not dependant on our body functioning.
If you state that life does start of its own accord, that is demonstably contrary to God’s word.
Nothing in this universe on its own accord. All things depend on God; if He were to remove Himself from the universe, it would not even exist. However, we have God’s word that life was produced by the earth. Science is just catching up.
Mapleoak, you are right on the money. I always find it amazing the mental contortions people have to go through in order to support their claims of Theistic evolution. It ranges from representing such odd gymnastics as saying 1 day in scripture refers to a thousand years or a million years or some such baloney.
What they do is find ‘evidence’ of similar animals that lived together (they were created at the same time and therefore lived together), find fossilized remains of them, and make a faulty ‘conclusion’ that there was a progression of development. Then they say that “because these fossils are evidence of what ‘happened’, if God did it any different from how we in our wisdom determined He must have done it from the so-called evidence, He has been deceiving us all this time.”
Typically these people also discount major historical events such as a universal and catastrophic flood which caused massive destruction, fossilized remains, and unique geological layering to occur (which obviously would mess with any attempt to date such layers).
They also claim that God didn’t create the world in seven days (literal) as He says, and if He did He would have to deceive us. Then they turn around and point to ‘let the earth bring forth creatures’ and say “See, literal proof of evolution!”. No where in scripture (nor does the magisterium of the Church say) does it say that any creatures ‘evolved’ from other creatures. Nor is there any evidence of such. Nor is it necessary to reduce God to needing to slowly evolve His creation until He gets it right. One can only look at the world and see how ludicruous it is since most every living thing in existence is dependent on all the other living things in existence in their proper forms for their maintenance and survival.
Further, to answer the rejection of light from distant supernovae that never existed, but would have to travel millions of light years to get here argument: This is a very common objection from close minded individuals. These same people usually come to the conclusion that the universe is eternal (after all, that is what the evidence shows, is it not?). Problem is that would be heresy, since the universe was definately created and had a starting point. In all cases, they are putting a limit on God and inflating their perception of their own wisdom.
I’d like to respond, but would you mind running future posts through a spell checker before posting them? It will make your argument more cogent if it is not replete with misspelled words.

While it is true that this is not so easy to do with some warm blooded creatures. People like Luther Burbank and plant scientists today are doing this all the time with plants. I dare say that dog breeders, among others, have had some success at this as well. Had Hitler won and been able to keep working eugenics (Not something I would favor, but even in civilized society we can warn certain couple to expect certain probabilities of problems with their offspring.) who knows he may have succeeded in producing super humans with no consciences.
IN short, couldn’t have happened. There is a simple equation

p2+2pq+q2 (p2 and q2 should be taken as squared).

This formula has been used to show that if a population is heterozygous for an allele it will take more generations than can be counted to get rid of the q allele since most of the q alleles will be in the heterozygous population (2pq). Driving the allele to extinction requires extremely heavy selection pressure or even a bottleneck in the population. Such selection is rarely successful since every organism carries thousands of such alleles and there is a cascade effect that makes the whole organism unsuccessful. If q is advantageous (such as the sickle cell gene in equatorial africans) then it cascades upward in protecting the other alleles and becomes fixed much more rapidly.

Organismic evolution research killed eugenics by the early fifties. Even in those cases where practical genetics determines that couple having the mutated allele shouldn’t get married since their risk of having affected children (Tay Sachs in Azkanazi Jews) is higher does little or nothing to rid that distinct Jewish population of the allele since the heterozygous find others to marry and the gene stays dormant as a recessive allele.
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