I believe sequencing to be legit. I am not quite so sure it is comprehensive. Fossils as you well know are rare
Fossils are rare? Hardly. Perfect intermediate forms immaculately preserved? A little rarer, but the truth of the matter is that we have certain fossils that are pretty close.
We can observe microevolution, as it were, in lab work with fruit flies–the changing of traits from parent to offspring over several generations. The result is perfectly in line with Darwinism’s predictions.
We also have the fossilized remains of the now-extinct
C. excelsior (a snail) as it evolves into the modern-day
C. rubicundum–with perfect intermediate forms intact. A picture of true speciation.
Back in 1981, a biologist named David Reznik experimented with some guppies in a stream in Trinidad. The guppies were prey to a large fish predator. So Reznik and his colleagues transported them upstream, out of its reach. Within short periods of time, the guppies began to evolve
noticably: The males took longer now to reach sexual maturity and were much larger (since before they would need to reach maturity fast and be smaller in order to survive.) By measuring the rate of change in hereditary characteristics (in units called darwins), astonishingly, these guppies came in at rates of evolution 10,000 to 10,000,000 times faster than the most rapid changes recorded in the fossil record! (These transitions in the FR were so fast, in terms of evolution, that advocates of Intelligent Design had previously called them “impossible” to be accounted for by Darwinian evolution.)
Macroevolution, which logically follows microevolution anyway, is established, observable fact.
That evolution, both micro and micro, occurs is not up for debate. Its philosophical ramifications, however, are profound–and to me, beautiful. As a very wise Roman Catholic woman once said to me in regards to evolution: “I think God is the ultimate scientist!” The Church very strongly supports naturalistic evolution (the Holy Father is a firm believer in it, as was his predecessor) and is constantly challenging the faithful with the humility acceptance of this theory (its mechanism) brings.