No. Unless you are a fundamentalist biblical-literalist, you don’t need to leave your brains on the doormat and accept a literal Adam and Eve 6,000-10,000 years ago. I participate in and give papers at the professional meetings of three major theological societies, one of them Catholic. I have yet to meet a theologian who is an Adamic literalist. None of my colleagues in the seminary are Adamic literalists. Our pastor is not an Adamic literalist, nor is our bishop. None of the dozens of parishes where I’ve gone to Mass during my conferences since 1988 have been Adamic literalist parishes, including those in the South, the West, the Northeast, the Midwest, the West, Europe, Australia, and South America. In fact, before I started checking out Catholic Answers, I had never met an Adamic literalist. You may imagine what a surprise it’s been!