The dignity of a rational, intelligent being is dependent on the possession of free will. We can be assured that if there are other intelligent beings in the universe they have free will just as do humans and angels.If there are other intelligent species out there, do they have free will? Do they have original sin?
For other intelligent species to have original sin, they would need to have fallen, by choice, from a state of original justice.
I think it would be a huge mistake to imagine Christ going from planet to planet redeeming its inhabitants. This cosmic Christ idea has been advocated by New Agers, especially those following the heretical priest, Fr. Mathew Fox. Cardinal Ratzinger and other theologians have said it would be unacceptable to imagine a Christ who hops from planet to planet redeeming its inhabitants. I completely agree.Did the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity go to them and save them and open the gates of Heaven to them?
We are better off assuming that if there is intelligent life on other planets, and there is nothing theologically opposed to the possibility of the existence of intelligent alien beings, the present life for them is a test, also, as to whether the individual chooses to love God in return or not, just as we are undergoing the test, and the angels had their test. Yet we should not speculate much beyond this about aliens and salvation, but remain within safe and reasonable theological bounds. Otherwise, it is too easy to venture off into the darkness of New Age like fantasies about planet hoping, cosmic Christ.
I feel certain that Christ’s death and resurrection on Earth was a unique and unrepeatable event for us humans on Earth. I maintain that God must have a different plan for any aliens that may exist in the universe. (The word "aliens sounds a bit “de-humanizing”. I should use a different term.)
Evolution and life are mostly mystery. (In fact one of life’s unexplained mysteries is how a two-pound box of candy can make a person gain five pounds.)Lots of mysteries that just sharpen the debate about evolution.
The very specificity of the universe and what is called the “Anthropic Principle” attests to the fact the cosmos is what the Pope called an “Intelligent Project”. I think the phrase “Intelligent Project” is the perfect description of creation.
I feel sad for those cannot see the presence of God in creation. For me it is hard to understand how an atheist is unaware and cannot discern that which is has always been so obvious and undeniable for me.
It is tragic that many scientists in the present time can know so much about creation while knowing nothing at all about its Creator.