Name one thing that Will bring people to God?

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It’s not about what you want to do… it is about what God’s will is for you. Pray and ask him. The idea of bringing God souls is a good idea. Pray and discern if you are called to priesthood or not.
The though that priesthood or riches are your only choices is quite frankly ridiculous and either you are very young and naïve or being tempted (apologies if that sounds harsh) by the devil, because in real life being rich is extremely unlikely. Also remember that Jesus said it is harder for a rich person to get to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. In spiritual life it is better to consider your own spiritual life before trying to save others. I don’t mean to make you think you will fail only to say, let God lead and not the other way around. You need a great deal of patience to discern God’s will and prayer and patience is the only way. God bless you.
I have yet to meet or hear of one person who has fasted and cried out to God and did not hear from him so that seems to be the standard to get in touch with him !
Just to let you know, I am one person that spent years doing this and…nothing. It may work in many cases but please don’t assume it ALWAYS works.

You have time to work through these issues. Keep praying, reading and seeking guidance from your spiritual leaders. The answers will come.
Did you fast for 40 days and cry out to God every night asking him for the answer to your question by praying for hours every day to him

Crying to God
Fasting 40 days or more
Praying hours a day
Reading Bible
Giving to charity

All these for 40 days I have yet to find a person that was not answered or done this !
In that case, all you need to do is follow your own advice and in 40 days you’ll have your answer.
It’s in scripture that if you seek God with all your heart you will find him !
I’m not disagreeing with you. However, you said upthread
I have asked I just don’t know what he wants from me I can’t tell the difference between liking the idea of becoming a priest and God telling me his will.
then later in the discussion
Crying to God
Fasting 40 days or more
Praying hours a day
Reading Bible
Giving to charity

All these for 40 days I have yet to find a person that was not answered or done this !
It seems, therefore, that you already know what you need to do. God bless, and please let us know what He tells you! 🙂
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Not joking I spent the last year and a half thinking about God every day and thinking dreaming of fasting 40 days or more crying out to him praying to talk with him but I can’t seem to devote myself enough to doing this I tried reading about the saints and it seems to take years of discipline and in most cases you have to be in a religious setting which I’m not and trying to do myself!

What advice would you give someone who wants to fast and cry out to God for 40 days but can’t seem to muster up the discipline to do it?
Who has told you to do these things?

A 40 Day Fast would only be advisable to someone after consultation with a doctor and an official Spiritual Director.

Praying for hours a day is not possible for most people, they need to work and to sleep.

Please, do not take advice given to other people and assume it is given to you. Sit down and speak with your pastor.
When you look at the history of the saints and the Bible extreme lengths were always present in there lives to satisfy God.
We cannot tell you what your vocation might be. But based on what you are saying it seems like you should consider the priesthood. You want to affect peoples lives and bringing them to God and the priesthood is an excellent way of doing so. Through the priestly ministry you will be following people of all stages of life and giving them advise. All from babies being baptized to elders being buried. The Church indeed need good priests which are as dedicated as you seem to be.

I would also ask you to consider which way you would like to approach people, and how your personal qualities may fit with that.

I am not telling you that this is what you should do, since I do not know you personally. But make sure you consider it 🙂

I myself read a part of the book called “Called: What happens after saying yes to God” written by Casey Cole OFM (Franciscan friar) and candidate for ordination this upcoming summer. It helped me discover different sides of religious life and was support along the process of figuring out that religious life is a nice thing for those whom it fits, but it´s probably not for me. Either way, Casey Cole also has a YouTube channel that you might find motivational as well, it is called BreakingInTheHabit and consists of both catechesis and about religious life.

I wish you the greatest along the path of discovering your vocation!
God bless you!
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You can spend your entire life trying to figure out the most “efficient” way to bring people to God or to find out God’s will or [name spiritual goal here]. That’s just not how it works.

There are many, many different ways to be holy, and God calls each person to a different one depending on the individual gifts He has given each one of them. All the roles are important, and all of them are also frequently complicated and difficult in ways you might not expect. You have to find out which way you are called to, and you have to do that using means that are within your abilities and resources.

You can move toward that by building up your spiritual life. That might mean spending more time on it, or it might mean doing things differently. Do you spend time sitting and listening to God (especially in adoration)? Do you read the Bible and spiritual books? Do you spend time with people who are also trying to follow God? Do you look for ways to love and serve the people around you (whether through regular service or just everyday sacrifices at home, work, etc.) even if that’s not the “biggest” thing you could do? Right now, you’re not a billionaire. You’re not in Jerusalem. You’re not (it sounds like) in a position to do a 40-day fast.
Sometimes the things we most need to do seem stupidly small or totally pointless. But God knows where they could lead to. You don’t.
What is the next little thing that God is asking of you right now?
(These are all questions for you - you don’t need to answer them to us, except maybe if you have a specific question about one of them)

My priest likes to remind people that your vocation isn’t a game of hide-and-seek. God wants you to know what it is. If you just open yourself up to Him by continuing to say yes in the little things, He’ll make it clear to you at the right time.
The only way to be holy is to do God’s will for your life. If you ask, He will reveal although that revelation is often day to day.
I am unable to fast due to health issues but I did everything else, including charity both financial and physical for seven years. Loosing God was one of the most traumatic things I have ever gone through.

As I said, it may work for many but never assume it will work for all. Oh how wish it would have worked at the time. Now I am at peace.
I have no idea.

I didn’t want to.
I didn’t try to.
I wasn’t traumatized.
I was perfectly happy in my faith.
And then I just couldn’t believe in God anymore.

I’ve told the story here before. Maybe it was a maturing of my mind? I was 17. Maybe my brain is just wired differently than others? It didn’t happen overnight but it was a steady progress of tiny doubts that grew and grew and everything I tried to stop it, failed…and I tried A LOT!

As I said, it was probably the most traumatic thing I have ever gone through and I’m still searching for the reason today. But, I have accepted it and found peace.
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