Name one thing that Will bring people to God?

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I’m agnostic. I still think it is possible He exists but He presents no evidence to me. For all the people that have had a personal experience of God consider yourself very blessed. All I got was silence.

If He’s there, He knows where I am!
I was originally. Explored multiple Christianities and a bit of Bhuddism and even Islam. Made no difference. Tried my heart out.
If you did not get baptized you could not receive God in you the Holy Spirit !
Yes, three different times! Some Christianities don’t recognize the baptism of others. Two were by immersion and one sprinkling.
What did Jesus do? Money is not the solution often it is the problem. If you have some desire to become a priest go for it. There will be lots of time for discerning God’s will for you. But if He wants you to be a priest you will be less happy doing anything else.
Ever considered the monastic life? I personally have my days where I long for its simplicity, but my vocation is that of a father so that’s what I’ve accepted. (I thank God I have the time to recite the Monastic Diurnal and pray, so I get a taste of lay-monasticism 😀)

As for the priesthood, the Church is always looking for more good priests. But you need to keep in mind that it’s not a leisurely life. You are responsible for your flock and their spiritual development, and this is something you not only have to bear in this life but answer for at judgment. So if you failed to save souls, or taught something which lead souls to damnation, you have to account for that.
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We need to be wary of a potential ‘messiah’ complex though.
If we think our efforts can bring many to God, we will often be disappointed, because the will of others, and their many life distractions may never permit our influence to reach them in the way our zeal dictates.
And whether parents of children where we try our absolute best spiritually, or as priests or religious, who strive with all their hearts, we may face many profound disappointments.

And sometimes what God asks of us is much humbling, more ordinary matters in serving God, in practical and prayerful love of others, than we might hope for in youthful or newly converted zeal. Life is extraordinarily humbling.

May God guide you
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That is a pretty scary fact of priest lives that one devetion from the truth on scripture could send someone to Hell.
It’s hard to change from a average life to a devote life to God I’m in the middle of it.
The Bible is pretty much accessible in places with internet.
Yes the Bible is available to read online but I seriously don’t think a person the great majority would read the Bible on a computer.

Durant sums it up this way: “…we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence , then is not an act but a habit .”

I feel like something dramatic needs to happen to a human to change its life course
The only thing you’re going to get by asking this here is opinions. This really isn’t a question we can answer for you. You need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this matter.
If I can get Gods trust I can get God to change the world for the better and save millions I won’t do it under my own work but only through him.

I need a legal agreement with God for him to help me help others and for him to give me great knowledge on how to do this!
Do you notice how many times you say “I”, @John121? Your posts are all about what you want. What about what God wants for you?

You do not need God’s trust. God doesn’t need to do what you say. You need to do what He says. You do not need a “legal contract” with Him. You need to listen to what He is saying.

So stop all the I’s and me’s and let Him speak to your heart.
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I represents me as a person soul and body so of course I’m going to relate what I need to do to get help from God.

I can’t change the world I can only get Gods trust and help to help people.
I understand what you are saying but I lost my faith almost 50 years ago. I’ve not only asked Him to come back into my life,I’ve also begged, cried and pleaded for it.

I’m not demanding He do anything on my time…I’m just asking for some sign, sometime to let me know He’s there. If God truly exists (and I don’t rule it out) then He knows my heart.

I’m at peace with agnosticism. I’m happy, married to my best friend for 46 years, l like reality, I’m fulfilled and satisfied and looking forward to whatever life has in store for me. If God wants me back, I’m more than willing but I’m done with the horrible emotional trauma I went through. My door is open and the balls in His court.
The way you are representing tho sounds very egotistical and not well thought out. You’re not asking but more trying to convince yourself and people on a forum that God has to do what you want in your time not His.

You say you need God’s trust. So okay, what are you going to do to get it?

You say you’re going to get God to change the world for the better and save millions. How are you going to accomplish this? He already gave us His best, His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. If that isn’t good enough for you, what are you going to do better than that?

You say you need a legal contract with God. Ok, how are you going to go about getting it? Are you going to have an attorney draw one up and then God’s going to sign on the dotted line? Because in the world we live in, no one’s going to believe you have a legal contract with God without His signature and yours being notarized by a Notary Public. (God doesn’t do things like writing in stone the way He did in the early days of this Earth.)

These issues of yours, @John121, really need to be prayed over (to the Holy Spirit) and discussed with your priest or spiritual advisor. They can help you more than we can.
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