Name the last thing you ate and drank

  • Thread starter Thread starter Autumn-Smoke
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Sigh…I just ate the head off a chocolate rabbit I wasn’t going to…

Mochi Ice Cream is my new favorite dessert in the universe:

I had Cookies N’ Cream.
Nothing yet. My tummy’s rumbling. Have to fix Mama’s brekkie first which will be an egg.
Well, they snuck a final (I hope) test on me before my surgery. Found out 2 hrs before the test that I had to have a CT scan. Since I’d eaten and drunk liquids, I was nervous (and angry at the ultra short notice).

After the test was over, I was told to drink more water today and not do anything other than rest and enjoy the sunshine. It’s too windy and cold for me to go out and enjoy the sunshine. I think I’ll have a nap instead.

I’ve had more water, a ham and cheese wrap and some Bolthouse Farms Vanilla Bean Protein Plus.
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Hope you are having a restful day .
It’s funny how some days it’s easy to drink water and other days not.Ill drink more on a rainy day for some reason.On the days I don’t feel like it I will add some Cordial…something I didn’t see a lot of in the USA.Its pretty standard here in Oz,and has a higher percentage of fruit juice compared to years ago.
I usually drink a lot of water. I didn’t today. I must’ve been more tired than I thought. I slept all afternoon. So I’ll have to really guzzle.

Today also marks the 50th year since the death of Dr Martin Luther King. My late priest walked with him many times during the Civil Rights Movement. And he was there in Memphis when MLK was shot and died. Whenever MLK is mentioned, I always think of our beloved priest as well.

Well, I managed to get some Gatorade in me. I’m really not hungry or thirsty. I’m just tired.
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Barb outdid herself again…
Pan-fried beef bologna and onions, potato pancakes, and over-easy eggs, washed down with a good IPA…homemade ginger snaps for dessert…
Boost. That’s it for the rest of the night. Hopefully, it helps fulfill the liquid requirement.
I had potato soup with green onions, then slept all evening, Like Lily, I’m tired, but I don’t know why.
Right.Tell Barb there’s a crowd of us coming over for a good hearty feed.
Water so far. I’ll give Mama her egg but will wait til after 9am to eat anything - just in case.
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