Name the last thing you ate and drank

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I stopped at Hanna Banana’s.

I had a rolled crepe with whipped cream, fudge syrup, Manchurian cherries, blueberries, and strawberry gummy balls.
Please everyone, keep praying. We’ve hit a bump in the road and my surgery has been cancelled.

My CT scan was because he wanted a closer look at my lung, the right node. Well, the results showed I have at least, 4 polyps that are quite swollen. We need to find the cause of this before surgery can proceed. He wants to be sure it’s not cancer. If it isn’t, the surgery will be rescheduled. If it is cancer, I’ll fight it.
Oh, my! I’m so sorry to read that, Lily! Sorry your surgery has been cancelled and sorry you have an issue with your lungs. I will be sending prayers and positive energy your way. What’s next? Do you know? Just know we care about you here. :hugs: Hang onto the thought that most polyps are not cancerous. Have you had infections, like pneumonia or bronchitis? They can cause benign nodules. I know how you feel. I need a biopsy for oral cancer tomorrow, but I really feel I’m okay. I have a salivary gland cyst.
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The next step is an appt at the hospital my surgery was to take place at. More tests will be run. Then when we find out those results, we’ll take it from there.

As long as the polyps aren’t cancerous, I can have the surgery. But we need to find out and take care of this before anything else is done. Better to play it safe than sorry.

I’m scared, of course but also relieved that we found out today rather than getting to the hospital and then finding out my surgery was cancelled.
Yes, much better to play it safe! And would have been awful if you and your mother would have gone to the hospital so early only to get the news there. Is your mama okay? I hope so!

I had some cheese and crackers and I might indulge in some chocolate ice cream. Don’t know yet.
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Mama’s shaky after what the dr said. But she thinks it’s an infection or inflammation. Since he said they were all swollen, she’s holding on to that.

It sure was a surprise to see on my paper work yesterday that the CT scan was because of a nodule on my right lung. That’s when I got a little worried. And then, the results of that scan today. They tried to reach me yesterday. But I was already down for my rest of the afternoon nap.

I come down with things easily. And yes, I’ve had bronchitis several times and double pneumonia. (That was the first time I had liquids for a whole month and why I know I can do it again when I have my surgery.)

I’ll definitely keep everyone up to date. I really want my surgery done and to swallow normally again and not have that GERD. I’m surprised it didn’t show up on my endoscopy. Wait a minute. I’m going to look at that again. I think it did show I had some benign polyps.

Anyway, I’m eating chicken rice soup from Dragon Garden. That soup cures anything.
Well, your endoscopy wouldn’t go into your lungs. It usually goes down the esophagus to the stomach to image the stomach for ulcers, etc. A bronchoscopy would go down the trachea and into the bronchial tubes and lungs.

If you’ve had respiratory tract infections that involved the lungs, and you have, it’s easy to get benign polyps. (Don’t want to give you false hope, but do want to help allay worry.) Most lung polyps are not cancer, especially if the person has had lung infections like you. And if they arise from infection, usually no treatment is required. So hang on to that, too.

I hope your mama feels better. You are a survivor, Lily. Whatever it is, you’ll make it through.

I’m saving my ice cream until after dinner. Maybe till tomorrow. I can’t have dairy within one hour of my antibiotic or the antibiotic just binds to the calcium in the food.

(In no way is the above to be considered medical advice! It’s just concern for a fellow poster and very nice human being.)

I’m out of likes, Lily! Strange, they give us badges for liking posts, but then limit the number of posts we can genuinely like!
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Lily there is not much I can add after CL’s posts, except lots of prayers especially to Saint Peregrine.
God Bless you!
In my prayers too Lily,try and go about as normally as possible sweety,spend time with those pets of yours.Prayers your mamma feels more calm too X
I’m so sorry that you’re going through this, Lily.

Prayers said that everything turns out well. ❤️

For dinner tonight we finished off the rest of the Black Forest ham from Easter.

I made green beans to go with it, and some seasoned rice pilaf. We also finished off the last of the lemon pound cake from Easter, too.
I’ve never heard of a bronchoscopy. Thank you. That may be the test that will be performed. Still waiting on my test date and time. I hope I don’t have to put off my shopping trip again. The day I found out I had to have the CT scan, I was given 2 hrs notice. And the only reason I was able to make that appointment is because I’d changed my mind about going grocery shopping.

I was scheduled for an appt with my PCP next Thursday. I was going to cancel that because of my surgery. Unless the date of this new test conflicts with my dr appt, I’ve decided to keep it.

The things I bought from Dragon Garden are in the freezer. I’m going to keep them until after my surgery. (I did eat the Crab Rangoon, egg rolls and chicken rice soup tho.)
I’ll be eating on the ham I bought from Publix either until it runs out or I get the results of my new tests and a new surgery date. If the results are as quick as the CT results, maybe my surgery will be sooner than later.

I honestly don’t feel any different than I usually do. I think if it was something serious, I’d feel a lot worse than I do. Having gotten over the flu, I feel like my normal energy drained self (need a new prescription for my thyroid meds).
My husband wanted to know where this was being served! He wants to come over too!!
A bronchoscopy would be similar to your endoscopy, Lily, but it would let the doctor look around your lungs rather than your stomach, and even take a piece of tissue for biopsy. But, he may just want a CT scan with contrast. Or an MRI with contrast. I had an MRI once because multiple sclerosis was suspected. It turned out to be stress-induced symptoms, not MS, but they found a “small mass” in my left cerebellum! 😱 So, I had to go back the next morning and have another MRI with contrast. That showed it was a small, benign cyst and not a cancerous tumor. And, they didn’t want to do anything about it unless it began growing! So, I’m still walking around with it about ten years later. (Some are congenital and cause no problems.)

The odds are in your favor! 🙂 So try to focus on that, and know God is looking out for you and we’re praying. Keep us updated!

I splurged today! After my appointment, I treated myself to a green tea frappuccino with caramel drizzle. I consoled myself by telling myself green tea is good for me!
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