Name the last thing you ate and drank

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Oh, yes, crisps over here…(what Americans call potato chips)…I’m addicted.

yours sound good!
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Fish and Gatorade. Sweet Pea loves fish!

Mama had fish too. Her eggs were recalled. Salmonella. Not taking any chances on her getting it. Store trip today.
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Luckily, she heard about the recall this morning. When I heard one of the brand names, I got an uneasy feeling and went to check. She’d given me the wrong number. But TV got it right and we had 2 30 ct cartons of the affected eggs. So emergency trip to the grocery store so that she and Chicky Roo will have their eggies and I can have some solid food. (I was so focused on my liquids because everyone swore I was going to be having my surgery that I don’t have any solid foods in the house.)

Next month, I’m buying food for myself and if I have my surgery, I just have to stay away from it. I’ll know Friday what the next step is - surgery or biopsy.

Remember to pray for ConstantLearner who is hopefully going to have surgery today.
Remember to pray for ConstantLearner who is hopefully going to have surgery today.
Awww, thank you, Lily! ❤️

I had my surgery this morning, with a local, and the numbing was the worst part! My whole mouth felt numb, was hard to swallow. It’s wearing off now, so there is PAIN! 😱 I don’t mind, just glad to have that thing out of my mouth. I learned there is a 10% chance of recurrence, if it recurs, they’ll remove the entire gland, but hoping I’m in the lucky 90%!

The surgery center staff was terrific!

Thank you for caring and for the prayers. I’m keeping you in mine and praying you get your surgery soon, and we can both return to good health! Love you, girl! ❤️

Water, I’ve had water! 😉
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Praying for your recovery 🙏

The last time I had surgery, they had to put me under even though they were only pulling two screws out of my knee. My first post-operation response on the last “Name the last thing you ate and drank” thread on old CAF:

Rice cracker + oral rehydration solution

Glad this didn’t happen to you (though it’s much less likely with a local).

My last ingestion: sheet of nori (it was supposed to be wrapped around an onigiri [Japanese rice ball] but I don’t have any cooked rice on hand 😊) + sugar-free Irn-Bru
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So glad you were able to have your surgery, ConstantLearner. My PET scan is on Thursday. Hoping the polyps have a logical solution and that a biopsy won’t be necessary. But it probably will be. I’ll endure it in the hopes that I can have my throat surgery soon.
The last time I had surgery, they had to put me under even though they were only pulling two screws out of my knee. My first post-operation response on the last “Name the last thing you ate and drank” thread on old CAF:
Thank you! I liked being awake, but I really hated having so much of my mouth numb that I had a hard time swallowing. Not a big thing, though. Could have been so much worse! I have to get some screws put in my foot this summer. Mine will stay. Thank you again!
So glad you were able to have your surgery, ConstantLearner. My PET scan is on Thursday. Hoping the polyps have a logical solution and that a biopsy won’t be necessary. But it probably will be. I’ll endure it in the hopes that I can have my throat surgery soon.
I hope so, too, Lily. I’m keeping you in my prayers. I know how important it is to put these things behind us.

I had potato soup for dinner.
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I might be crazy (actually scratch that, I am definitely crazy) but thousand island dressing is delicious on scrambled eggs 🙂
Quiche Lorraine + cactus-lime flavored water

@TK421, I’m open to the flavor possibility, but the mental image I get from a Thousand Island/scrambled egg combination is one of chunky vomit. 🤢
In my prayers:) glad to hear the op went well CL !Sorry about the pain (hugs)
Remember to pray for ConstantLearner who is hopefully going to have surgery today.
Awww, thank you, Lily! ❤️

I had my surgery this morning, with a local, and the numbing was the worst part! My whole mouth felt numb, was hard to swallow. It’s wearing off now, so there is PAIN! 😱 I don’t mind, just glad to have that thing out of my mouth. I learned there is a 10% chance of recurrence, if it recurs, they’ll remove the entire gland, but hoping I’m in the lucky 90%!

The surgery center staff was terrific!

Thank you for caring and for the prayers. I’m keeping you in mine and praying you get your surgery soon, and we can both return to good health! Love you, girl! ❤️

Water, I’ve had water! 😉
God bless you! ❤️

I hope that you start to feel better soon, and that the pain eases as each day progresses.

You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

I had a bowl of Special K cereal with the dark chocolate bits in it, with some cold ice water to drink.
The fur kids have had their food. Chicky Roo had his eggs, corn and peaches. Mama had her egg. And I’ve just had toothpaste and mouth wash. Having my blood drawn today. So can’t eat or drink anything til afterwards.

Would like to have Captain D’s but going out too early for it to be open when I’m finished running my errands. So not sure what I’ll be having to eat. I’ll probably be falling over by the time I get home.
treet canned meat and tea

i saw it on the shelf and remembered it from a long time ago. i just had to try it again. it was just okay
Sonic has burgers and cheeseburgers half price all day. So I had a burger, cheeseburger, fries and some Gatorade. I’ll be drinking my Coca-Colas later. Need to let the food settle first so that my fever will go down.🤒
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