Name the last thing you ate and drank

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I’m drinking a Nestle Splash sugar-free lemon-flavored water drink.

I like these, as they’re lightly flavored to me. 🙂

Sometimes when I’m not feeling too great, they help me to keep up with my fluid/liquids intake when I don’t feel quite up to drinking a lot of water.

They’ll encourage me to just want to keep drinking something, especially now that we’re going into the warmer weather months.

I hope and pray that you both can get through with your surgeries, @ConstantLearner, and @lilypadrees.

You’re both in my thoughts and prayers, and may God continue to bless you both! ❤️

I enjoy the Moodys too, Lily.

I grew up listening to them from a young age, as they were one of my Dad’s favorite bands from the very beginning, when they were just first starting out.

My Dad started buying their albums in the late 60’s and then on for awhile.

My husband likes them too.

I ❤️ Justin Hayward. I love his voice. So smooth! 😄
I’m drinking a Nestle Splash sugar-free lemon-flavored water drink.
I like these too.
I asked my husband to pick up a case of the different flavored ones yesterday for me.

If you get them by the case as you probably know, then you can get the whole variety.

My favorite flavor is the AciaiGrape. I love grape-flavored beverages/soft drinks anyway, but that one just tastes really refreshing to me, too.

We also like to drink the Hawaiian Punch Sugar-Free drink mixes. You can get those in a variety box, too. I think that the Original Fruit Punch is a little too sweet for me, but I love the Grape–it has another name to it called Wild Purple Smash–and the other flavor I like that comes in the box is a fruity blend called Berry Bonkers. It tastes like it has Grape in it, too.

These also taste refreshing to me. You can read about them on the Hawaiian Punch website, if you’re interested in trying them out. 🙂
My late cat, Mamsie, was a big time Moody Blues fan. Like you, she loved Justin best. She would hear his voice and stand on her back paws reaching out her front paw to him on the TV every time she heard “Tuesday Afternoon,” “Forever Autumn” and our mutual fav, “Nights In White Satin.” We had a running story on a now defunct Moody Blues board I was a moderator on and we incorporated her love for Justin into the story. 😆

Me, I’m a Lodge Lady. John was the only MB whose voice terrified Mamsie. I’d look at her and say, “You’re supposed to be a Lodge Lady like me. I failed you.”

All of them said they didn’t want us to try to get them in the RRHOF. Now they’re in. And I couldn’t be happier. (Well, it would’ve been nicer if Ray had been there.)

I’ve been a fan from the beginning (“Go Now.”). I remember where I was the first time I heard that song. The DJ said, “The Moody Blues. Remember that name. They’re going to be big.”

Now they’re in the RRHOF where they should’ve been all along. (And John inducted in those sharp threads. 🤤 😍 He really knows how to make my heart pound.)

As I finish my tea, I still hear sweet Ray saying, “More tea, Vicar?” And I have to giggle because I know the story behind that line.

Yesterday, prior to my PET scan and during it, I started to go into panic attacks. And I thought of my beloved Moodies and it helped me calm down. Now I have to wait til Monday for the results. Dr was out of town today.😣
My favorite flavor is the AciaiGrape. I love grape-flavored beverages/soft drinks anyway, but that one just tastes really refreshing to me, too.
The grape actually tastes like grapes. I like the lemon, and the orange one too.
Paleo-pancakes: mix of almond flour, coconut flour, cassava, eggs, and monk fruit. Syrup and honey on top.

They were decent. Not the same thing as fluffy buttermilk pancakes but a lot more nutritious.
A croissant, and since it’s a nice very warm day, I’ve traded my hot tea for iced tea.
Mama will have her egg. I’m making Beef Pot Pie for my brekky. Then I’ll go out and play in the dirt.😆
Corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes and carrots, and a homemade rye roll, washed down with a decent stout…no room for dessert…
I had a Chicken Pot Pie instead of the beef. I figured I needed the heavier meal since I have to work in the garden today if I’m going to beat the rains. I’ll take my Gatorade outside with me since I have to cut down the honeysuckle too. (Mail carrier gets on my case about it growing over the mailbox.)
Awww! Such a sweet beagle! I love beagles. I can’t have any dog now because my Maine Coon cat wants to be an only child, and I love him so much!

Aack! I’ve been feeling fine, but this morning I noticed my salivary gland cyst is coming back. I think. It’s not unusual. I have a doctor’s appointment Tuesday. If it is back, they will want to remove the whole sublingual gland and maybe the submandibular gland as well. It’s a pain in the behind! 😱

To console myself, I had a green tea frappuccino with some caramel drizzle. (Actually, I know I’m so much better off than others with serious medical problems, but I’m disappointed.)
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I hope and pray that you both can get through with your surgeries, @ConstantLearner, and @lilypadrees.
Thank you, @oldgraymare2. I greatly appreciate your prayers. I’m pretty sure I’ll be going for a second surgery. I just hope it’s soon and it resolves the problem once and for all. And I pray that @lilypadrees will soon be able to put her surgery behind her as well.
I love dogs, but beagles are my favorite breed. My late Buddy was a lemon and white colored Beagle and he made me laugh every day for 12 lovely years.
Hang in there CL it will all work out in the end.
Thanks, @Milt! We’ve always had beagles, and I just adore them! We’ve had tricolor. I’ve never had a lemon, though I think they are gorgeous! Right now, I have to focus on my Maine Coon. He’s such a great guy and takes such good care of his mommy. What would we do without our dogs and cats! I love them so! Even the ones that aren’t mine! ❤️ Your Buddy sounds fantastic!

I’m just disappointed about my salivary cyst, but I do know it’s going to be okay. I just get tired of dealing with it. I really shouldn’t complain, though. I’ve had extremely good health.
a lean hot dog with sriracha mustard
coffee with about 15 ml of heavy cream (trying to make the coffee taste the same every time}
I’m expecting there will be a biopsy before I’m given the all clear for my surgery.

In the meantime, I’ve lost another 5 lbs. Gardening is wonderful exercise. I have the basil and parsley planted. Was going to do the thyme and mint too but had to get last year’s weeds out of the containers. The sorrel is doing well. Have to move that into the herb garden tomorrow. Still need to get rosemary.

Trying to get all of this done in anticipation of having my throat surgery. If I don’t remain optimistic that this will happen sooner than later, I’ll go into self pity. And I don’t want to do that.

So I’m getting my garden planted and have bought food I didn’t think I’d be needing, getting my prescriptions filled (didn’t think I’d be swallowing them for another month) , doing laundry (really need to stock up on laundry detergent and fabric softener) and just trying to count my blessings.

Had chicken and dumplings and Ensure for lunch.
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