Name the last thing you ate and drank

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Trying to get all of this done in anticipation of having my throat surgery. If I don’t remain optimistic that this will happen sooner than later, I’ll go into self pity. And I don’t want to do that.
I know the feeling, Lily. I’m kind of upset this cyst is back already. I keep reminding myself it could be much, much worse. I’m not a fan of self-pity, either, so I’m going about my normal routine and trying to stay upbeat. Hang in there, girl! We both should be put back together for a glorious summer!
Just a suggestion, Lily and CL…prior to surgery, ask your priest for his blessing, to be done during Mass…that way, the entire community is praying for you…I had never seen this done before, and when I asked for a blessing, our [then] new priest suggested it…I had no fear whatsoever when the surgery [reverse total shoulder replacement] was done two days later, and I was home the next day…

Stopped at Subway on the way home from church…steak and pepper-jack on herbs & cheese bread, with mushrooms, onions, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, and chipotle sauce, a nice kosher dill, and a good IPA…
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Thank you, @boldlygo, I will do that. And, your sandwich sounds good!

I had three slices of thin crust pizza supreme.
Excellent suggestion, @boldlygo. I’ll also have our hospital priest praying. I doubt I’ll get lucky with an early morning time again. So it’ll probably be during Mass.
I think next week I’ll be scheduled for a 6:15 am surgery again! I just want to get in and get it over with!
I think next week I’ll be scheduled for a 6:15 am surgery again! I just want to get in and get it over with!
I hear ya, ConstantLearner. We need to get these surgeries out of the way so we can feel better.

I had a beef pot pie and Gatorade for breakfast. Needed to get something in my stomach so I can take my meds.

Mama will have her egg in a few minutes.

The kitties, dog and Chicky Roo have had their respective meals. Chicky threw a fit. He felt he should be first.
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I had a chunk of creamy cheese and a cup of hot chocolate just before while watching The Patriot…I had to keep covering my eyes because it was so gruesome 😮 bed time now.Just hope my dreams aren’t violent!
I had a fig bar, and a diet Mt. Dew.
I didn’t like that movie. The acting was poor, the story line fiction packaged as history, and way to much violence for my taste.
I just had a Hershey bar. Going to have Mountain Splash to drink. Need the quick energy. Waiting on my burritos to finish cooking.
What movie, @Milt?

I had a green tea. I think I need to shop for some food for next week. Running low on things that don’t need cooked.
What movie, @Milt?

I had a green tea. I think I need to shop for some food for next week. Running low on things that don’t need cooked.
Get popsicles. Or make smoothies and freeze those. When you eat them, your brain will feel like it’s getting a fattening treat. Only you will know how low the calories really are.
Get popsicles. Or make smoothies and freeze those. When you eat them, your brain will feel like it’s getting a fattening treat. Only you will know how low the calories really are.
Thank you, @lilypadrees and @Milt!
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Popcorn and a 7up. I just realized how often I eat popcorn. It’s probably not very healthy. 😆
Just made and ate spaghetti with a meat sauce and cheese 🙂 Time for a little yogurt and then a cup of tea.
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