Nope,still wrong. Every minute of every day, a child under the age of five dies somewhere from diarrhea due to bad sanitation. If it’s better to endure suffering then it would be better for them that we let them suffer and die. Theology needs to include them, not ignore them or try to explain them away.
It is licit to do what we can to find a cure, but if it is not possible, then it is better to accept it as the will God and to endure the suffering. Suffering for sufferings sake is not natural. Suffering for a supernatural motive is meritorious. Saints are living proofs of this truth. Even terrorists blow them selves up because of their misguided beliefs, although they do not think their acts are misguided. Theology does include infants and children in their beliefs. Every child that comes into the world come with the stain of original sin, like we all do. We all have to reborn again into a life of grace. Because disease is a fact of life the child is a victim So we baptize them, If they die before they are baptized , in justice, they did not wrong, so it is thought they enter a state of happiness, called Limbo. God’s judgement prevail into the life of every child, and He sees where the life of this child will lead, so He chooses the best for the child, this is one possibility. All things happen because He causes them to happen in His Omniscience, and Omnipotence, in perfect justice, wisdom and love of every child.
Well, let’s continue with the example of the fictional Tamint, a name meaning Delight, the two-year Sub-Saharan girl who dies from a waterborne disease as you are reading this sentence, as does some real child in the world every minute of every day.
You say “In Christ’s school the faithful learn not only to endure but to love suffering as a means of purification”. Does Tamint learn to love suffering? Does dying of diarrhea purify her? Does a transformation take place in her by the work of the Holy Spirit?
No, Tamint does not necessarily learn to love suffering, but to endure. But I know it is possible for some young children suffer patiently, even young visionaries have done this. And yes diarrhea can be an instrument of purification, as Jesus said “Nothing imperfect shall enter Heaven” We tend to overlook God’s loving, divine providence concerning all humans, young and old. If indeed this suffering was designed to perfect the child from the effects of original sin, and it’s effects, there is a transformation of grace taking place, especially if the child was baptized. If God has called the child, it is because He loves it eternally, and disease was the instrument of that calling. there is something else to consider, suppose God saw this as the best time to take the soul of the child seeing where it’s future life might lead? Transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Nope, nope and nope. Christ didn’t suffer to improve himself, and the problem with the kind of asceticism which exults in suffering for its own sake is that it can’t be anything other than about the self. Instead of the sufferings of Christ, consider instead taking on the sufferings of Tamint. Her little body covered in flies as she slowly dehydrates and gasps her last. There’s nothing heroic in her suffering, no self-improvement, no benefit, no purpose under Heaven. Theology needs to include her, not ignore her or try to explain her away.
In the true life of a Christian, asceticism , suffering is never for it’s own sake, but to lead to spiritual perfection. Perhaps Tamit, in the Mystical Body of Christ is taking on the suffering of other because of sin, although she may not be aware of it, who truly understands the Complete operation of the Mystical Body of Christ, God’s wisdom, love, Omnipotence, and Omniscience, His Divine Providence, and how it plays into all lives, including an innocent child. We trust Him in His eternal love for all of us.