NBC sitcom mocks the Eucharist

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During the February 22 episode of the NBC-TV sitcom, “Committed,” two non-Catholics are mistakenly given Holy Communion at a Catholic funeral Mass. Nate, who is Jewish, and Bowie, a Protestant, don’t know what to do with the Eucharist, so they make several failed attempts to get rid of it. For example, they try slipping it into the pocket of a priest, dropping it on a tray of cheese and crackers, etc.

At one point, the priest, who is portrayed as not knowing the difference between the Host and a cracker, goes to grab the “cracker” from a tray of appetizers; he initially balks when he discovers that it is the last one. Then he changes his mind, saying, “Oh, what the hell.” By far the most offensive scene occurs when Nate and Bowie accidentally flush what they think is the Host down the toilet.

Catholic League president William Donohue commented on this today:

“It’s been quite a while since we’ve been deluged with as many complaints as this episode of ‘Committed’ fielded. To say that Catholics are angry about this show would be an understatement—the outrage is visceral and intense. The complaints have come from bishops, college chaplains, pastors and the laity, and they have come from all over the country. With good reason: NBC has made a direct frontal assault on Roman Catholicism, choosing to mock, trivialize and ridicule the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

“What happened was deliberate. According to a January 2 story in the Cincinnati Enquirer, the writers for the series, Eileen Heisler and DeAnn Heline, have been encouraged by NBC executives ‘to push the limits of comedy.’ For obvious reasons, the writers of ‘Roseanne,’ ‘Murphy Brown’ and ‘Ellen’ chose not to push the buttons of homosexuals (or some other protected group), so they decided to play it safe and stay in good standing with their bosses by bashing Catholics.

“More than an apology is needed. This episode should be retired for good, and that is what we will demand.”
Because of shows like this, I watch only the nightly news on network TV. The only reason I even watch that is because the local NBC affiliate has the national news sandwiched between two segments of local news. After that, its Fox or some carefully selected educational or religious programs.
Catholic29 said:


During the February 22 episode of the NBC-TV sitcom, “Committed,” two non-Catholics … by bashing Catholics.

“More than an apology is needed. This episode should be retired for good, and that is what we will demand.”

So should I boycott Conan O’brian for airing the the “bungee jumping baby Jesus” or portraying “guntoting nascar drinving Jesus” ?? 😉 :hmmm:
Portraying God in a less than respectful way should never be tolerated. Note that whenever God was mentioned in olden times, He was always spoken of in reverence because we are speaking about Almight God. Our modern day society seems to have lost sight of that. When we do not voice our objection, then we are condoning such actions and we might be indirecting encourage such actions to continue.

A letter writing effort to the sponsors of these shows telling them that we find the material offense to our religious faith and that we will avoid the products and services of any company that sponsors them is in order.
I’ll be honest, I watched the first couple of show, and couldn’t stand the characters, plots, etc… So I stopped watching. It sounds to me that most of Amercia did too. So, the writers decided to stir up a little controversy (always good to boost ratings, sales, etc…) and hope for a public outcry. I think the best way to get even is to ignor the show, and let it die in obscurity, the way it should.
I find it amazing that it is ok and tolerated to say something about and mock a group that is 30% of the country and over 15% of the world. Meanwhile if you say something negative about a group, like the homosexuals, that is probably about 1 or 2% of the population, there is a big outrage.
So should I boycott Conan O’brian for airing the the “bungee jumping baby Jesus” or portraying “guntoting nascar drinving Jesus” ?? 😉 :hmmm:
You should boycott Conan just because he is an untalented buffoon. His mockery of Christianity is just icing on the cake.
I find it amazing that it is ok and tolerated to say something about and mock a group that is 30% of the country and over 15% of the world. Meanwhile if you say something negative about a group, like the homosexuals, that is probably about 1 or 2% of the population, there is a big outrage.
If I’m not mistaken, homosexuals are suppose to make up about 10% of the US population. But I agree with you, if you’re going to pick on Catholics, then do it to all other groups … Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. If Catholics are suppose to be able to laugh at ourselves, then so should other groups as well.
Sir Knight:
If I’m not mistaken, homosexuals are suppose to make up about 10% of the US population. But I agree with you, if you’re going to pick on Catholics, then do it to all other groups … Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. If Catholics are suppose to be able to laugh at ourselves, then so should other groups as well.
The 10% figure is a fabrication of the flawed work of Alfred Kinsey, the father of the sexual revolution. More accurate statistics say that about 2-3% of the total population consider themselves “habitually homosexual”.
Sir Knight:
If I’m not mistaken, homosexuals are suppose to make up about 10% of the US population. But I agree with you, if you’re going to pick on Catholics, then do it to all other groups … Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. If Catholics are suppose to be able to laugh at ourselves, then so should other groups as well.
I think that is a false statistic. I think it is much lower.

The last acceptable discrimination is anti-Catholicism. If you say something that does not agree with another group, you are a bigot.
What shall be do about the Catholics who make a circus out of the Mass?

Polka Masses

Rainbow Sashers

Eucharistic bread from the local grocery store baker

Eucharistic wine - flavor peach

Musical Concerts in the sanctuary

Labrinyth in the sanctuary

Female pastoral assistants giving homilies while the priest sits.

Self communication


Open discussion during homily

Announcements at the end of mass that are so lengthy they almost seem to require a station break

These I have seen in a one year period.

Catholics need a healing first. Why look at the splinter in someone elses eye?..
I’ll be honest, I watched the first couple of show, and couldn’t stand the characters, plots, etc… So I stopped watching. It sounds to me that most of Amercia did too. So, the writers decided to stir up a little controversy (always good to boost ratings, sales, etc…) and hope for a public outcry. I think the best way to get even is to ignor the show, and let it die in obscurity, the way it should.
I tend to agree with you…attention will always be sought after whether it be positive or negative…like the naughty child… Don’t pay attention and sooner or later it goes away… feed it and it will continue to grow…😉
Sir Knight:
If I’m not mistaken, homosexuals are suppose to make up about 10% of the US population. But I agree with you, if you’re going to pick on Catholics, then do it to all other groups … Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. If Catholics are suppose to be able to laugh at ourselves, then so should other groups as well.
You are mistaken.
10% is a propaganda piece. Disproved many times. But eat whatever “food” you wish to.
Anyone who continues to this show has lost the Faith. That includes protestants, because they’ll be next.
What shall be do about the Catholics who make a circus out of the Mass?

Polka Masses

Rainbow Sashers

Eucharistic bread from the local grocery store baker

Eucharistic wine - flavor peach

Musical Concerts in the sanctuary

Labrinyth in the sanctuary

Female pastoral assistants giving homilies while the priest sits.

Self communication


Open discussion during homily

Announcements at the end of mass that are so lengthy they almost seem to require a station break

These I have seen in a one year period.

Catholics need a healing first. Why look at the splinter in someone else’s eye?..
AMEN! Nevertheless, the show is an abomination, and 50 wrongs don’t make this OK.
Catholics should be just as vigorous and outraged at the above abuses, but since VATII, Obedience has become a theological virtue, and Faith has dropped to 5th palce.
It’s now Obedience, Hope and Social Justice… The VATII Theological virtues.
What shall be do about the Catholics who make a circus out of the Mass?

Polka Masses

Rainbow Sashers

Eucharistic bread from the local grocery store baker

Eucharistic wine - flavor peach

Musical Concerts in the sanctuary

Labrinyth in the sanctuary

Female pastoral assistants giving homilies while the priest sits.

Self communication


Open discussion during homily

Announcements at the end of mass that are so lengthy they almost seem to require a station break

These I have seen in a one year period.

Catholics need a healing first. Why look at the splinter in someone elses eye?..
  • The Pope has approved of Polka Masses.
  • “Labrinyth in the sanctuary” – I have no clue to what this means. Sorry.
  • RE: Announcements at the end of mass that are so lengthy they almost seem to require a station break – announcements are important for parish functions. For example, if you have a penance service and nobody shows up because they didn’t know about it, it doesn’t do anybody any good. If you are going to have a fund raiser because the parish is short of funds to meet their insurance payments and you don’t tell anybody about the fund raiser and very few people show up and you don’t raise enough money to pay for insurance and something then happens to the uninsured church, that is also not very good. Etc. While one announcement might not be of interest to you, it may be of interest to the person behind you or in front of you or it may be of need that the parish has.
“What a difference a year makes for NBC, meanwhile, as big declines for its Thursday comedies and Monday reality staple “Fear Factor” have the net plummeting 27% year-to-year – from the penthouse to the outhouse.”

Are we going to do something about this, lets write letter or e-mails or call people or something, this can’t be allowed to continue…
Of course we can laugh at ourselves – and often do. There have been comedies featuring Catholics, includng one where Tom Bosley (a Jew) did a fine job playing a priest.

But this isn’t about Catholicism – it’s anti-God. It isn’t Catholics who are being mocked, it’s God, present in the communion wafer.
It is always good instinct to want to ignore a show that mocks our religion, so that the show will not get the public impact it wanted. But we have a responsibility to defend the Body of Christ and have faith that the Holy Spirit will see that things come out better for our willingness to act.

One reason television writers and producers are attacking Catholic beliefs is that the sacred still scares most people; that is, they fear the consequences of what will “happen to them” by an angry God (or whatever they call it). Television grasps at things that will shock, and there just isn’t that much left. We are going backwards very fast through sitcoms and reality and new drama. They are eating animal rectums now; soon it will be feces with a chaser of urine.

One thing I hate about contacting sponsors is that one has to watch the show to find out who the sponsors are. If anyone knows who they are for this show, please post them. Then it looks like a good letter-writing campaign and boycott is in order.

It really was not Catholics who were being attacked in this show. It was Jesus. And during a most holy time of the Catholic year. This is supreme egotism on behalf of that show and there should be supreme outrage that does not cease until it is pulled from the schedule.
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