NBC sitcom mocks the Eucharist

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The 10% figure is a fabrication of the flawed work of Alfred Kinsey, the father of the sexual revolution. More accurate statistics say that about 2-3% of the total population consider themselves “habitually homosexual”.
You are absolutely correct. Further, the NIH stats of 2.8% male homosexuals was cited by the plaintiffs in Lawrence v. Texas. The official stats from the 2000 census and the NIH are 2.8% males and 1.4% females.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog.

(In addition, Kinsey was a known pedophile and based much of his work on the observations of another known pedophile. His work was also statistically moot as he used volunteers rather than a scientific random sampling.)
Lisa N:
As to the announcements, be happy they are at the END of mass. You know a lot of people just get up and leave if they don’t want to sit through them. I think it’s a bit rude but isn’t mass over?
No… Mass is over after the dismissal and announcements come before that. It is the hight of bad manners to leave a house at which you are a guest before all the dinner formalities are over, the last conversation finished and the washing up is done. Those that leave the Mass before the dismissal (Go in the peace of the Lord) are; possibly unitentionally, displaying a mode of behaviour that would not be accepted in normal society.
Lisa N:
Many churches, including I believe Chartre have labrynths. They are an intricate curved pattern on the floor where someone walks while praying and meditating. I frankly find them boring as heck but a lot of people like them and find walking a labrynth very healing. I don’t think there would be any doctrinal problem with having a labrynth on the floor but I would be interested to know.
The labyrinth is bad news, no matter how many there are and no matter how good the priest appears to be that allows or welcomes them. The only true healer is Christ, not any mysterious labyrinth. They are a an element of the New Age movement.

The New Age movement is deeply ingrained throughout our culture. It is in some medical therapy, schools, television programs, and churches. No matter how prevalent it is, it is an enemy of the Gospel.

In “New Age Traps” by Anne Feaster (from New Oxford Review, Feb, 2005), it says this:

*"A parishoner may encounter the New Age in several ways. His parish might be teaching centering-prayer techniques that would help him to reach the center of his being, to find the True Self, or “God within” by using the sacred word (or mantra) to empty the mind of all thoughts. These techniques may resemble transcendental meditation, where the person tries to reach the hidden depths of self. The major beliefs of the Centering Prayer Movement have been identified by the Vatican document (Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian Reflection on the New Age
) as linked to New Age. **The parishoner might be directed toward a Labyrinth to pray at the center of his being to reach the “goddess within.” ** He might be taught at a retreat center about the Cosmic Christ, the “God”-power in each of us. The document states that many New Agers believe that “Jesus of Nazareth is not God, but one of the historical manifestations of the cosmic and universal Christ”. It also explains that they believe that “The cosmic Christ might be living next door or even inside one’s deepest and truest self”. *

I recommend reading the entire article and the Vatican document when anyone gets some spare minutes. I suspect the reason you find the labyrinth boring and not attractive is because you are attracted to the one true Jesus Christ. However, many find them extraordinarily (unusually) attractive. This is a sign that they are not quite right.

The article sums it up well:

*“It is not necessary for Catholics to look to revamped pagan religions for spiritual enrichment, especially since these religions contain grave error which is contrary to our beliefs. Our Catholic faith is the greatest treasure on earth, and contains all that we need for salvation and advance spirtual growth: the Holy Mass, the Eucharist, the other Sacraments, the Rosary, the Holy Scriptures, and the wisdom and example of the saints. In fact, given the richness and variety of the spiritual banquet laid before us by two millennia of Catholic history, why would we need or want to go anywhere else?” *
Please americans, protest because this is very anger, our faith have been aboved, greetings
So should I boycott Conan O’brian for airing the the “bungee jumping baby Jesus” or portraying “guntoting nascar drinving Jesus” ?? 😉 :hmmm:
This is nowhere near the same thing. People mocking Christ, the person of Jesus Christ, beloved by not only Catholics but Protestants & Muslims as well, is not the same as a televised desecration of a Catholic Sacrament where the desecrators are given the Sacrament at a Catholic funeral. It is a blatant act of prejudice aginst the Catholic Church.

Conan is basically a fool, & if you did boycott his show then maybe you’d have more time to better your life.

Isn’t the show in question the one that stars that Arquette girl from “Stigmata”??? Yeah, anything with her in it would be worth watching.:rolleyes:
Sir Knight:
If I’m not mistaken, homosexuals are suppose to make up about 10% of the US population. But I agree with you, if you’re going to pick on Catholics, then do it to all other groups … Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. If Catholics are suppose to be able to laugh at ourselves, then so should other groups as well.
Reliable sources put homosexuals (including bisexuals) at only 1-2% of the population (see *My genes made me do it, *by Neil and Briar Whitehead for a good source among others). The secular media apparently sees no problem with anti-Catholicism, seemingly the last acceptable prejudice in this country. Solution: don’t watch this pig-slop!
You are mistaken.
10% is a propaganda piece. Disproved many times. But eat whatever “food” you wish to.
Anyone who continues to this show has lost the Faith. That includes protestants, because they’ll be next.
While I do agree with you, I can’t help but think…what do the Protestants hold as sacred as Catholic do the Host?
Dj Roy Albert:
This is nowhere near the same thing. People mocking Christ, the person of Jesus Christ, beloved by not only Catholics but Protestants & Muslims as well, is not the same as a televised desecration of a Catholic Sacrament where the desecrators are given the Sacrament at a Catholic funeral. It is a blatant act of prejudice aginst the Catholic Church.

Conan is basically a fool, & if you did boycott his show then maybe you’d have more time to better your life.

Isn’t the show in question the one that stars that Arquette girl from “Stigmata”??? Yeah, anything with her in it would be worth watching.:rolleyes:
That show is “Medium” which is about what the title suggests. I have not seen it, just previews. The show in question is suppose to a comedy. I saw the first episode and wasn’t impressed.
Catholic29 said:


During the February 22 episode of the NBC-TV sitcom, “Committed,” two non-Catholics are mistakenly given Holy Communion at a Catholic funeral Mass. Nate, who is Jewish, and Bowie, a Protestant, don’t know what to do with the Eucharist, so they make several failed attempts to get rid of it. For example, they try slipping it into the pocket of a priest, dropping it on a tray of cheese and crackers, etc.

At one point, the priest, who is portrayed as not knowing the difference between the Host and a cracker, goes to grab the “cracker” from a tray of appetizers; he initially balks when he discovers that it is the last one. Then he changes his mind, saying, “Oh, what the hell.” By far the most offensive scene occurs when Nate and Bowie accidentally flush what they think is the Host down the toilet.

Catholic League president William Donohue commented on this today:

“It’s been quite a while since we’ve been deluged with as many complaints as this episode of ‘Committed’ fielded. To say that Catholics are angry about this show would be an understatement—the outrage is visceral and intense. The complaints have come from bishops, college chaplains, pastors and the laity, and they have come from all over the country. With good reason: NBC has made a direct frontal assault on Roman Catholicism, choosing to mock, trivialize and ridicule the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

“What happened was deliberate. According to a January 2 story in the Cincinnati Enquirer, the writers for the series, Eileen Heisler and DeAnn Heline, have been encouraged by NBC executives ‘to push the limits of comedy.’ For obvious reasons, the writers of ‘Roseanne,’ ‘Murphy Brown’ and ‘Ellen’ chose not to push the buttons of homosexuals (or some other protected group), so they decided to play it safe and stay in good standing with their bosses by bashing Catholics.

“More than an apology is needed. This episode should be retired for good, and that is what we will demand.”

This is absolutely reprehensible. I am appalled at the lack of respect the so-called “Entertainment” industry has for our religious convictions. Of couse, the leaders of our Church will ignore it or “pooh-pooh” it as usual. I believe it is about time we used the tactics of the liberal “cause” activists and got right in their faces. I am sick and tired of pussy footing around the societal moral and ethical garbage that is being foisted upon us regularly and shoved down our throats.

Catholics…TAKE A STAND!!!

March 1, 2005


Catholic League president William Donohue offered the following remarks today on NBC-TV’s response to the objections the league had with a recent episode of “Committed”:

“On February 24, I wrote a news release protesting the way the Eucharist was mocked in the February 22 episode of ‘Committed.’ I asked that NBC retire this episode for good. Alan Wurtzel, Chief Executive for NBC’s Department of Broadcast Standards and Practices, contacted me immediately and pledged to review the episode in question. He called today to inform me that this episode will not air again.

“On the two occasions that I spoke to Wurtzel, he proved to be fair and decisive. His professionalism has certainly won my admiration. Accordingly, the Catholic League considers this matter closed.”

SHEEW! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_20_3.gif
You should boycott Conan just because he is an untalented buffoon. His mockery of Christianity is just icing on the cake.
hmmm…well, I guess that makes me a buffoon for watching him. Pardon my buffooness…it get out of hand sometimes…If my buffooness has offended you in any way, then I am now a sorry buffoon.

“I’m gonna go to hell, to hell when I die” —song created and sung by Conan O’ Brien.

I agree, that there is a level of disrespect that shouldn’t be tolerated, but I have an unfortunately morbid sense of humor that is attracted to silliness and buffoonism.
hmmm…well, I guess that makes me a buffoon for watching him. Pardon my buffooness…it get out of hand sometimes…If my buffooness has offended you in any way, then I am now a sorry buffoon.

“I’m gonna go to hell, to hell when I die” —song created and sung by Conan O’ Brien.

I agree, that there is a level of disrespect that shouldn’t be tolerated, but I have an unfortunately morbid sense of humor that is attracted to silliness and buffoonism.
NP, I am more partical to Dennis Miller and Robin Williams (a self-proclaim Episcopalian, which he calls “Catholic-lite”, tastes just like Catholic, with only half the guilt.) I just don’t appreciate any of the late nighters. Johnny was king who had a natural ability to make people laugh. It just seems that Conan, Dave and Jay have to work too hard at it.
That show is “Medium” which is about what the title suggests. I have not seen it, just previews. The show in question is suppose to a comedy. I saw the first episode and wasn’t impressed.
My mistake.
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