THE quinessential verse that Protestants push and believe is John 3:16.
However, the Catholic church teaches it is only through the church OR through BOB and BOD that one can be saved from Hell.
Does Baptism of Desire include believing in Jesus Christ? Or am I understanding John 3:16 incorrectly (I always believed it meant what it says; if you believe in Christ you are saved). We are also told to test the Spirit and any prophet who cannot say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is not OF God… which would mean many Protestant churches ARE of God… misled or not.
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”
You’re actually asking several questions, but I have just a couple of minutes so will address part of your inquiry.
Salvation is not automatic – mere faith doesn’t “get us” to heaven. Many Christians fail to understand the scriptural meaning of faith. From the beginning (Abraham etc.) faith is not a mental understanding, it is something that we respond to. “Faith” means “obedient faith” – many of our Christian brethren understood that well nearly 2000 years ago but have become confused about this since the 16th century.
Even Satan and cohorts believe in God, but we know that because of their choice to separate themselves from God, they will not be saved.
We are saved by the grace of God – God plants the desire to know Him in every heart, and gives each person the power to act on that knowledge (faith and works). He also gives us free will to act on His graces.
Re: being saved through the Catholic Church:
There is but one family of God. There isn’t a “Catholic” heaven and another “Jewish” heaven and another “Hindu” heaven. All in heaven are united in faith, and are enjoying the beatific vision of the Triune God. We believe: “No one, therefore, can enter into communion with God except through Christ, by the working of the Holy Spirit”. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom – all who enter heaven do so through the Catholic Church. We believe that the Catholic Church, founded by Jesus, who is God, has received the fullest deposit of faith from God. She (the Church, the bride of Christ) is guided by the Holy Spirit, and has been charged to protect, preserve and proclaim the teachings.
We are told (in Scripture) that all knees will bend at the name of Jesus (I have read that even those who aren’t going to spend eternity with our Lord will acknowledge that He exists before their eternal teeth-gnashing). Someone who sincerely follows the moral code of his/her faith, whether or not they believe in the triune nature of God, will most likely “make it” to heaven. They may not acknowledge they are following “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” to some degree; Jesus is the judge, not us. We pray for those who have an incomplete understanding of our Lord’s truths, knowing that God wants every soul to be with Him and that the Lord’s Church gives us the greatest means to be saved.
A church document which addresses this is
Dominus Iesus:
A few tips on reading the Bible: