Need some help

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Went to my first Mass without ‘Protestant’ eyes today and while it was wonderful I found myself inwardly amused when I initially arrived…

Everything I’ve read on these boards that has been complained about (the way people dress, holding of hands during Our Father, foot-stomping praise music, hugs amongst the parishioners, people talking during prayer, clapping when the last prayer was spoken - what WAS with that??? - etc…) happened during this Mass. But you know what? I’m just going to have to continue going because it is the only parish anywhere close enough AND it was still beautiful. 🙂

I did not go away in an emotional high as I did at times with the Protestant church… but I don’t need that emotional high. Emotion lies.

But a lot of stuff that was going on I couldn’t participate in (gestures, memorized responses, etc) because I hadn’t seen these things before and didn’t know my cues… but some things I could participate in (Our Father prayer, sign of the cross) so I didn’t feel too lost.

Afterwards I spoke to the Sisters about RCIA (they want to meet with me to talk a bit more but I work 12 hour days 6 days a week so that’s going to be difficult). And I realized I know SO many people in the Church and they know me as ‘that girl who plays piano for the United Church’.

This isn’t going to be an easy transition. Being involved in the ministry at the United and then moving to the Catholic is going to leave a lot of hurt feelings behind … ):

Anyway, when you’re not busy being offended by every little strange new thing… Mass is quite beautiful and so much more reverent then any Protestant service I’ve seen. It was refreshing.

And now I’m off to nurse my headache. Haha. Have a great week guys!
God bless you, nicky. Every convert here, I’m sure, was uncomfortable or somewhat doddering along behind everyone else at their first Mass; I know I was!

The fact that you could at least follow along fairly well during the Mass and that you know a lot of faces already in your church is nice to hear; it really is great when someone can feel right at home when they go to a Catholic Church… As for the memorized responses, you’ll start to get them down after a few Masses, so no worries! 👍

Conversion can be a tricky process with how you reveal it to your neighbors, but I’ll pray that you find the right way to tell everyone and that they accept your desire to follow where Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit are leading you. :gopray2:
=nickybr38;6718814]Went to my first Mass without ‘Protestant’ eyes today and while it was wonderful I found myself inwardly amused when I initially arrived…
Everything I’ve read on these boards that has been complained about (the way people dress, holding of hands during Our Father, foot-stomping praise music, hugs amongst the parishioners, people talking during prayer, clapping when the last prayer was spoken - what WAS with that??? - etc…) happened during this Mass. But you know what? I’m just going to have to continue going because it is the only parish anywhere close enough AND it was still beautiful. 🙂
I did not go away in an emotional high as I did at times with the Protestant church… but I don’t need that emotional high. Emotion lies.
But a lot of stuff that was going on I couldn’t participate in (gestures, memorized responses, etc) because I hadn’t seen these things before and didn’t know my cues… but some things I could participate in (Our Father prayer, sign of the cross) so I didn’t feel too lost.
Afterwards I spoke to the Sisters about RCIA (they want to meet with me to talk a bit more but I work 12 hour days 6 days a week so that’s going to be difficult). And I realized I know SO many people in the Church and they know me as ‘that girl who plays piano for the United Church’.
This isn’t going to be an easy transition. Being involved in the ministry at the United and then moving to the Catholic is going to leave a lot of hurt feelings behind … ):
Anyway, when you’re not busy being offended by every little strange new thing… Mass is quite beautiful and so much more reverent then any Protestant service I’ve seen. It was refreshing.
And now I’m off to nurse my headache. Haha. Have a great week guys!
The more you learn, the more you’ll come to appreciate the sutilities of the Mass. Nearly every action and every phrase has a specific meaning, and dates back over 1, 000 years.

Love and prayers,
Hey I am the sister and I thought I should clarify. Sorry Nicky I am not stalking you LOL.
What I meant by fast tracking was this. If you talk to the priest and he concludes that you know all that you need to to be fully aware of what you are going to be agreeing to you can enter the church right away. Case in point my inlaws. The priest from a neighboring community came and talked to them and deemed them ready to enter the church any time our priest wants to do it which will be in the next 3 weeks. All this was done with the full knowledge of our bishop. Also in the RCIA course this was also explained to us. Keep in mind that the CCBC differs slightly from the American counterpart. There now better 🙂
PS this is only the case with those who are validly baptised NOT catecumen.
I just thought I’d share a little story.

God works in mysterious ways - something I’ve been experiencing all of my life and am now recognizing.

I hear people say that God isn’t answering their prayers… and I think the problem is that He IS answering (and He’s not always saying NO even though that’s what we imagine), we just haven’t recognized His answer.

I remember around 10 years ago having a very unique answer to prayer. At the time I was praying quite fervantly for my not yet born nephew. My sister had miscarried her first born and, well, the second child was approached with much concern and much prayer.

One day I woke up with the certain knowledge that my brother would be okay. I hadn’t been praying for him. I hadn’t thought of him for some time even… my prayers had all been focused on my nephew (who, btw, was born perfectly healthy 🙂 ). But I knew, without a doubt, that this knowledge of my brother’s safety was an answer to my prayers. I wouldn’t see the fruition of this knowledge until some time later, and there were times I doubted… I thought; it must have been my imagination… but God moves in His own time and we just have to hold on.

10 years later my brother is sober and married and happier then I’ve ever seen him. Life isn’t ideal, by any means, but he’s okay. He’s in such a better place then he was 10 years ago. God most definitely answered my prayer - even if that wasn’t what I was asking for, and He is still answering that prayer.

On the subject of prayer - and recognizing the answer to it. One day my friend was in fervant prayer during holy hour. She prayed desperately that God would show her a sign that He loved her, because she was having a very difficult time in life and was feeling very lost and depressed. She stepped out of the Church and across the street she saw an old man. He smiled at her, and in that moment she knew God had given her His sign that He loved her because of that old man’s smile.

Some people might scoff at her story but I remember wishing I had that much faith when I heard the story. 🙂

The first two weeks after I showed up here on this website I was having a very difficult time coming to terms with the sins I had committed during my ‘dry’ period, and one evening while at work a gentlemen I didn’t know suddenly took my hand after I’d served him and said: God bless you, before walking out. In that moment I knew that God was speaking to me through that man. I finally understood the story of the old man and his smile… and I finally understood that God is all around us, working in His mysterious ways… we just don’t always see.

This is probably the wrong thread to be posting these stories but I just wanted to get them out.

Have a blessed day! Thank you all for your help and prayers!!
Nicky, what you received is known as the “word of knowledge”. It is a grace from God that cannot be easily explained. You will not receive it every time, maybe not even occasionally, but when you do, it is very powerful!

I laid prayers for you at the feet of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament this afternoon. Christ’s peace be with you.
“Word of knowledge”. I’d never heard of that before and have only experienced it once in my life. 🙂 It’s enough for me.

In sad news I discovered there will be no adoration at the local parish until September. ): I was quite disappointed but ah well.
Nicky, your situation sounds somewhat similar to mine when I decided to become a Catholic. As you are finding out, some of the teachings of the Church can be difficult for some protestants to deal with (ie. Marian devotion, dogmas, etc). Our Lady is our mother and she is a very powerful intercessor. I go to her often but you can definitely go to Our Lord as well. There is nothing in Catholic teaching that says one must go only to Our Lady. She did do more than just give birth to Our Lord. The reason why she is considered so important to our salvation is because of her Fiat to God. She meekly obeyed Our Lord in everything, including having to witness the horrific death of her Son. In the passage when Our Lord is presented in the Temple (the 4th decade of the Joyful Mysteries), Simeon states that a sword shall pierce Our Lady’s heart also. She co operated with our redemption.

I am sorry to hear that your mother isn’t taking this so well. My mom is the same way :(.

Hang in there. There is a lot to learn but the Church is open enough for everyone to be in it: from the most erudite scholar to the simplest gas station clerk (I could say farmer but we all know that farming is hardly simple), from the richest CEO to the poorest homeless man on the street, from city dwellers and country dwellers, sailors, airline pilots, etc, etc. We comprise of everyone from all cultures and races and languages of people. You are embarking on an awesome and sometimes terrifying journey but know that we are all with you. Also, know that the Church comprises not only of the people here on earth but also everyone in Heaven and purgatory. Yep, we are huge. We’re everywhere and there is room for everyone :). May God bless you and Our Lady protect you :). I’ll pray for you :gopray2:
“Word of knowledge”. I’d never heard of that before and have only experienced it once in my life. 🙂 It’s enough for me.

In sad news I discovered there will be no adoration at the local parish until September. ): I was quite disappointed but ah well.
“Word of knowledge” is a charismatic term to describe the particular grace. As to adoration, not to worry. As long as our Lord is in the Tabernacle (the candle next to it is lit), you are in His presence and all of His graces are available to you. Many Priests and Bishops spend a holy hour per day before the Tabernacle. If Christ is inside, He is also outside and remains with you.

If the building is locked, have a staff member let you in during the day. Before or after mass are extra opportunities. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Christ’s peace!
=rapunzel77;6738873]Nicky, your situation sounds somewhat similar to mine when I decided to become a Catholic. As you are finding out, some of the teachings of the Church can be difficult for some protestants to deal with (ie. Marian devotion, dogmas, etc). Our Lady is our mother and she is a very powerful intercessor. I go to her often but you can definitely go to Our Lord as well. There is nothing in Catholic teaching that says one must go only to Our Lady. She did do more than just give birth to Our Lord. The reason why she is considered so important to our salvation is because of her Fiat to God. She meekly obeyed Our Lord in everything, including having to witness the horrific death of her Son. In the passage when Our Lord is presented in the Temple (the 4th decade of the Joyful Mysteries), Simeon states that a sword shall pierce Our Lady’s heart also. She co operated with our redemption.
I am sorry to hear that your mother isn’t taking this so well. My mom is the same way :(.
Hang in there. There is a lot to learn but the Church is open enough for everyone to be in it: from the most erudite scholar to the simplest gas station clerk (I could say farmer but we all know that farming is hardly simple), from the richest CEO to the poorest homeless man on the street, from city dwellers and country dwellers, sailors, airline pilots, etc, etc. We comprise of everyone from all cultures and races and languages of people. You are embarking on an awesome and sometimes terrifying journey but know that we are all with you. Also, know that the Church comprises not only of the people here on earth but also everyone in Heaven and purgatory. Yep, we are huge. We’re everywhere and there is room for everyone :). May God bless you and Our Lady protect you :). I’ll pray for you :gopray2:
I too am sorry to hear mon is not taking this too well. But Nicki, this is about you and your salvation. Matt.5 Verses 11 to 13: “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Take Up your Cross and Follow Me

Phil.2: 8 “And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross Luke.9 :23 And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Mark.8: 34 And he called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Luke.9: 23 And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke.14: 7 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” Matt.5: 19 “Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. “ Matt.19: 17 “And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? One there is who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.”

Pray for mom, and I will too…
Love and prayers,

My sister passed on some books to my mother to give to me… but I guess my mother has decided to read them before handing them over. So far she’s been quite surprised to discover the Catholic Church teaches many of the things she already believes.

Meanwhile, my cousin (who has been staying with us the last few days and is VERY anti-religious - I had another thread asking for prayers for him) is due to leave at the end of the week. I haven’t spoken to him about religion yet. He knows I go to church and that we (roommate and I) read the bible every night before bed. But this morning before church we (roommate and I) were able to witness to him a bit. Not in the: YOU MUST REPENT OR YOU WILL DIE, kind of way… just in the; this is what the Bible teaches us and what we believe is true, kind of way (he doesn’t believe in God at all so we were just telling him why we DO believe in God). He didn’t become overtly hostile as he normally does when religion is mentioned so I considered this alone an answer to prayer. 🙂

God is good.

People say common ground is the best way to start a discourse about faith and I am seeing more and more that this is absolutely true.

Something very strange happened the day before last though. I haven’t realy shared it with anyone but I’ll share it here to get it out of my system. 🙂 I came into the house and looked up to see my cousin at the end of the hall, behind him I saw a little brown man (came up to just above his waist)… but when my cousin moved the man was gone (and there was nothing behind him that looked remotely like what I’d seen). I didn’t ask him about it and kind of shrugged it off as a trick of the eyes but my roommate has mentioned several times that she feels a ‘presence’ with Ray so I’m starting to wonder if maybe I was glimpsed that presence for a brief moment?

Crazy stuff! I won’t overthink, just shrug it off and keep doing what I’m doing but thank you all for your prayers! I have no doubt they are helping.
May God’s Peace, Love & Mercy be with you and to all!

You are truly so blessed by Our Good God! He has given you the grace to have a change of heart and now has made you an instrument to draw people closer to Him. You are doing so well in opening yourself to the Holy Spirit.

It is truly a grace & a blessing to recognize the presence of Our Good God in our daily life. I know for me there are moments in my life wherein I just feel so bogged down that I would ask God to give me the strength just to get through the day then moments later He would manifest Himself through others like recently I was going through those tough times at work and as I got there & started walking through the hallway this patient was standing by her door smiling at me with arms wide open & just gave me a big hug for no reason at all. She has never done that before even though I have seen her everyday for weeks. I suddenly felt peace & comfort in my soul that I knew only came from God. I saw & experienced in her God’s steadfast love for me. I knew then that I was going to be okay. As always, I am very grateful to Our Good God.

Regarding doing adoration, you can go also go online & visit this website anytime & see Our Good Lord & keep Him company while praying for your family, friends & relatives especially your cousin.

Take care & God bless you always!

Praying for you and for all…
So… I am going through this conversion with my roommate/cousin and it just occurred to me what that is going to mean and now I have a small, itsy bitsy problem. She kind of dominates everything. We had a meeting with the Sister yesterday and she dominated the conversation (even to the point where she’d speak over the Sister or myself - without being rude to her in return I was put in a position where I couldn’t say anything). When we go to Mass or RCIA she’ll do the same. This is going to be a struggle for me, and a learning experience. I don’t want to say; what about me? I don’t want to feel left out. I know she needs this far more then I do (is it wrong for me to think that way even? I just mean she had no religious training in her youth and has been part of the Mormon church the last few years). I guess in a way it’s good I have no questions because even if I did it’d be difficult exploring them with her around. :\

Now that I’ve realized what sharing this journey with her will mean (sacrificing myself so she can learn) a very small part of me resents having to share this journey with her and I want to overcome that part.

Anyway, I need some prayers guys because I won’t be able to do this on my own.
It has been over a month. I thought I’d share an update.
  1. The members of my old church have accepted my decision to leave, although some of them are a little hurt and have been unable to hide this hurt. I still feel much like I’m leaving my family but I know it’s a necessary seperation AND this is a small town so I know I’ll see them around even if it won’t be the same.
  2. My employer has cleared giving me the time off to attend RCIA. Through some bizarre twist he himself is going to cover my shift. 🙂 SO I am receiving the time off with no hard feelings! God is good.
  3. My mother has decided to join the Luthern church (properly). I kind of feel like this is a … stepping stone for her. Part of me feels like in a few years she’ll be joining the Catholic Church. Haha. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking but the deeper she gets into the Luthern faith the less complaints she has about the Catholic faith, although this may be because we had a bit of an overly heated argument and agreed to be a bit more gentle with each other.
She still likes to get her passive aggressive little digs in but it seems like every day she’s getting a little less aggressive. I’ve decided to live my faith in regards to her instead of share it vocally.
  1. My roommate started this journey saying she would go to RCIA but she wasn’t sure she wanted to join the Church and now she is saying she is definitely joining the Church. 🙂 At times I feel a little selfish and regret that I am sharing this journey with someone who … completely overshadows me (for lack of a better word. She’s a bigger personality then me - the sister was so busy listening to her she didn’t even hear that I have been baptised already and was SHOCKED to find out weeks later that I’d been baptised. ): which just made it pretty clear to me that when my roomie is around I am not heard at all)… but I recognize this is a completely selfish desire and I need to let it go.
I’d rather be overshadowed on earth then in heaven.

Besides which it’s fun to watch my roomie learn and grow in the Faith.
  1. This is going to sound really silly… but I asked the Lord to tell me my Guardian’s name and I feel He gave me an answer. It was a really … surprising experience for me. I was NOT expecting to actually receive an answer, although I hoped He would answer. I asked for confirmation and He even gave me confirmation. It was just… wow. Truly humbling. And ironically I don’t even USE the name… it just feels… sacred. Not mine to use? You know what I mean? The more I pray the more I realize my prayers are being answered every day… I just wasn’t seeing the answers before. 🙂 I feel like I was wearing dark sunglasses that obscured the details and now God tugged the glasses off. I don’t know WHY, because I haven’t been a good child at all… ): I’m kind of a disappointment in pretty much every way… so anytime He clearly moves in my life I can’t help but fall to my knees in humble gratitude. Why me? You know what I mean?
  2. In another praise story my roommate had an experience in Mass last week where the Lord told her to forgive her parents. It was a really neat thing to hear about and I’m tremendously happy for her. 🙂
So, that’s all my news guys! Not sure if you all are still interested but I did promise I’d update as my journey continued so that’s what I’m doing. I wonder if I should start a blog? ?? Haha.
I decided to create a blog.

It will contain my testimony in full as well as my continuing journey. So those of you who are interested can check in without having keep this thread going on forever. 😉
=nickybr38;6969861]It has been over a month. I thought I’d share an update.
  1. The members of my old church have accepted my decision to leave, although some of them are a little hurt and have been unable to hide this hurt. I still feel much like I’m leaving my family but I know it’s a necessary seperation AND this is a small town so I know I’ll see them around even if it won’t be the same.
Learn and know OUR Faith, live it AND IF God gives the opportunity to share it, do so carefully, prayerfully and humbly.
  1. My employer has cleared giving me the time off to attend RCIA. Through some bizarre twist he himself is going to cover my shift. 🙂 SO I am receiving the time off with no hard feelings! God is good.
God answers all prayer request that benefit our spiritual advancement positively. Indeed; GOD ID GOOD!
  1. My mother has decided to join the Luthern church (properly). I kind of feel like this is a … stepping stone for her. Part of me feels like in a few years she’ll be joining the Catholic Church. Haha. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking but the deeper she gets into the Luthern faith the less complaints she has about the Catholic faith, although this may be because we had a bit of an overly heated argument and agreed to be a bit more gentle with each other.
Live your faith fully and publically. Keep in mind that FAITH is a gift from God, as are Wisdom an understaning. Keep praying for your mom!
  1. My roommate started this journey saying she would go to RCIA but she wasn’t sure she wanted to join the Church and now she is saying she is definitely joining the Church. 🙂 At times I feel a little selfish and regret that I am sharing this journey with someone who … completely overshadows me (for lack of a better word. She’s a bigger personality then me - the sister was so busy listening to her she didn’t even hear that I have been baptised already and was SHOCKED to find out weeks later that I’d been baptised. ): which just made it pretty clear to me that when my roomie is around I am not heard at all)… but I recognize this is a completely selfish desire and I need to let it go.
Nicki, be careful here both the Saints nd Satan know pride is the base of MOST SERIOUS SINS.** You’re doing really great!** 😃 Leave it in God’s capable and loving hands. Humility is a irreplaceable necessary attribute if we are to get to heaven.
I’d rather be overshadowed on earth then in heaven.
Always do what you understand to be true, good, right and chairitable and all will fall into place.👍
  1. This is going to sound really silly… but I asked the Lord to tell me my Guardian’s name and I feel He gave me an answer. It was a really … surprising experience for me. I was NOT expecting to actually receive an answer, although I hoped He would answer. I asked for confirmation and He even gave me confirmation. It was just… wow. Truly humbling. And ironically I don’t even USE the name… it just feels… sacred. Not mine to use? You know what I mean? The more I pray the more I realize my prayers are being answered every day… I just wasn’t seeing the answers before. 🙂 I feel like I was wearing dark sunglasses that obscured the details and now God tugged the glasses off. I don’t know WHY, because I haven’t been a good child at all… ): I’m kind of a disappointment in pretty much every way… so anytime He clearly moves in my life I can’t help but fall to my knees in humble gratitude. Why me? You know what I mean?
Why you? Because He called you by name and you said: “Here I am Lord, I’m listening”
  1. In another praise story my roommate had an experience in Mass last week where the Lord told her to forgive her parents. It was a really neat thing to hear about and I’m tremendously happy for her. 🙂
So, that’s all my news guys! Not sure if you all are still interested but I did promise I’d update as my journey continued so that’s what I’m doing. I wonder if I should start a blog? ?? Haha.
Thanks fo the update!

Welcome home!

Love and prayers,
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