Negative Aspects of American Culture

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lilyofthevalley
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Because WhiteDove started a positive thread and wanted it kept that way. It would be best to air grievances with American culture
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
Because WhiteDove started a positive thread and wanted it kept that way. It would be best to air grievances with American culture
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
Don’t have an SUV but love Rush 😃
Because WhiteDove started a positive thread and wanted it kept that way. It would be best to air grievances with American culture
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
:rotfl:I guess we should all apply to the SUV permit department of the Lilyofthevalley administration so that she can determine who needs an SUV.
A family with 7 kids needs a large and safe vehicle. What is better, to purchase all wheel drive extended van (12-14 mpg) or a four-wheel drive suv (12-14 mpg)?

In today’s environment, large vehicles are considered evil–yet that means large families fall under that category as well.
Try this:

How’s about Americans stop going to all professional sporting events until the salaries come down, the players learn to repsect what they have and the cost for a large family to see the events becomes reasonable?

How’s about American Coporate CEO’s taking a million dollars a year, instead of ten million, thereby being able to retain many more employees (or can’t they live on a million per year?).

How’s about Americans standing up for the unborn, thereby halting the slaughter of 4,000 babies every day?

How’s about Americans take a stand on any number of moral issues…and turn back to God!
Negative aspects of American Culture:

1)Epidemic of Obesity

2)Overconsumption of earth’s resources
  1. Sense of entitlement to earth’s resources
  2. Brittinay Spears and Madonna
5)Jerry Springer and Judge Judy
  1. Loud mouthed people
  2. Uncontrolled and tasteless development and ugly urban sprawl
  3. McDonalds and Burger King
  4. Texas
  5. Unrestrained and mindless commercialism
Because WhiteDove started a positive thread and wanted it kept that way. It would be best to air grievances with American culture
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
Wow. Of all the negativity to point out, you choose SUV’s and Limbaugh, as numbers one and two.

:rotfl: Silliness.

Me: Really, one might argue that the Middle East wouldn’t be so scared of The United States and the idea of democracy if we didn’t export the morally degraded values of Hollywood out to the world!!
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
Those are your two examples of poor American culture? :whacky: Heaven forbid these soccer moms might want to go camping, or skiing, or pull a boat in something that’s safe and fits alot of kids and gear.

Want some examples of negative American culture? Off the top of my head: abortion, pornography, contraception, secularism.

Rush Limbaugh is not perfect obviously, nor Catholic, but he sure as heck is not a negative.
Brian Crane:
Rush Limbaugh is not perfect obviously, nor Catholic, but he sure as heck is not a negative.
Rush epitomises the fat, loudmouthed American, in my ever so humble opinion. He’s an embarrassement. :cool: (Time to brush up on my Canadian accent, eh?)
What is a more impactful embarassment:

Rush Limbaugh and his loudmouth ways?


Abortion, pornography, etc…
Abortion and Pornograghy aren’t particularly American Phenominon. They are unfortunately quite widespead, not hallmarks of American Culture in particular. I daresay both are just as widespead in Europe and Asia.

It makes no difference if abortion and pornography are rampany in other nations–they are bedrock industries in the Unted States. They place stains on our culture.
I dig Wapner!

And yes, listening to a speech by Hillary Clinton is like fingernails on a chalkboard. She could be a conservative, and that voice would still give me a headache!
See, I’m an equal opportunity disliker of obnoxious public figures… 😃

Wapner is one in a million! 🙂
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Why does a doctor or nurse NEED an SUV?
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