Negative Aspects of American Culture

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  1. Culture of death (Abortion, contraceptives, euthanasia, death penalty)
  2. Arrogance (We RULE, etc.)
  3. Unrestrained Corporations (immoral exploitation of thirld world people, lax enviro laws)
  4. Sexual Degradation (fashions, movies, TV, magazines
  5. Wastefulness (Disposable everthing, gluttonous energy use)
What did I miss? IMO, basically the worst country in the world (except for all the other ones).

On the Plus side:
Human Rights (for those born, anyways)
Rule of Law (Constitutional protections)
Freedom of Religion
Economic Opportunity (The American Dream CAN work)
Educational Opportunity (Anybody can go to college)
No formal class system
Remarkably low ethnic strife (compared to other parts of the world)
Unusually low corruption (can’t believe I said that, but true compared to most countries)
One word: arrogance. We’re arrogant in thinking everything we do is better than the rest of the world, whether it’s government, business, health care, or personal lifestyles.
its not arrogance…its the truth.
manualman said:
1. Culture of death (Abortion, contraceptives, euthanasia, death penalty)
2. Arrogance (We RULE, etc.)
3. Unrestrained Corporations (immoral exploitation of thirld world people, lax enviro laws)
4. Sexual Degradation (fashions, movies, TV, magazines
5. Wastefulness (Disposable everthing, gluttonous energy use)

What did I miss? IMO, basically the worst country in the world (except for all the other ones).

On the Plus side:
Human Rights (for those born, anyways)
Rule of Law (Constitutional protections)
Freedom of Religion
Economic Opportunity (The American Dream CAN work)
Educational Opportunity (Anybody can go to college)
No formal class system
Remarkably low ethnic strife (compared to other parts of the world)
Unusually low corruption (can’t believe I said that, but true compared to most countries)

Hey, good post!!! 👍

Lot’s of times I say a rosary while driving. I guess people must think I am a nut talking on a cell phone. 🙂
I do the same thing on my way to and from work along with a Divine Mercy Chaplet and a group of prayers that I always say first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to start the day in God’s presence and makes me a bit more charitable towards those who think turn signals and stop signs are optional.
How about the fact that we are becoming way too PC… So, PC that:

We can’t protect our borders from illegals anymore without someone jumping down our throats.

We can’t dress up as Muslims for Halloween, but, get applauded and awarded if we dress up as pregnant nuns…

We show sexual relationships that aren’t moral on tv and act like it is the norm, or should be…

We put more money into diseases and cures for them with no regard for human dignity. We would also put more money into finding a cure for diseases (AIDS) other than advocate for change lifestyles…

We aren’t to display anything remotely connected to Christianity… Crosses, ect. in public form…
manualman said:
1. Culture of death (Abortion, contraceptives, euthanasia, death penalty)
2. Arrogance (We RULE, etc.)
3. Unrestrained Corporations (immoral exploitation of thirld world people, lax enviro laws)
4. Sexual Degradation (fashions, movies, TV, magazines
5. Wastefulness (Disposable everthing, gluttonous energy use)

What did I miss? IMO, basically the worst country in the world (except for all the other ones).

On the Plus side:
Human Rights (for those born, anyways)
Rule of Law (Constitutional protections)
Freedom of Religion
Economic Opportunity (The American Dream CAN work)
Educational Opportunity (Anybody can go to college)
No formal class system
Remarkably low ethnic strife (compared to other parts of the world)
Unusually low corruption (can’t believe I said that, but true compared to most countries)

I also like this post. Can I also say that I agree with Lily about the SUVs. Most of the people I see driving these are all alone–they don’t have seven children. If you have seven children, you have a pass. These are so wasteful and ridiculous and an example of our spoiled culture.

I also hate seeing when I go to big cities that all of the workers in fast-food or janitorial positions are either black or hispanic. Where I come from, the white folks do these jobs too. We aren’t too good for it. It seems like a caste system.
How about the fact that we are becoming way too PC… So, PC that:

We can’t protect our borders from illegals anymore without someone jumping down our throats.

We can’t dress up as Muslims for Halloween, but, get applauded and awarded if we dress up as pregnant nuns…

We show sexual relationships that aren’t moral on tv and act like it is the norm, or should be…

We put more money into diseases and cures for them with no regard for human dignity. We would also put more money into finding a cure for diseases (AIDS) other than advocate for change lifestyles…

We aren’t to display anything remotely connected to Christianity… Crosses, ect. in public form…
Wow, right on the mark Amy!!! 👍
Everything negative in our culture I can attribute to one thing, Liberals.

Think about it, it’s true.
Everything negative in our culture I can attribute to one thing, Liberals.

Think about it, it’s true.
you couldn’t be more wrong if your tried… think about it! :twocents:
Everything negative in our culture I can attribute to one thing, Liberals.

Think about it, it’s true.
Godless liberals and godless conservatives. The lesser of two evils are godless conservatives, though. 😃
space ghost:
you couldn’t be more wrong if your tried… think about it! :twocents:
Who pushes:
premarital sex
racial segregation
political correctness

All to be “progressive”

Oh and Rush had a birth day on the 12th, Happy belated!
Why does a doctor or nurse NEED an SUV?

Why? If one lives where there are numerous snow storms and icey roads and a doctor or nurse ABSOLUTELY(they do) needs to be at the hospital…
its not arrogance…its the truth.
Sure, this may just be aimee’s opinion. Maybe it’s not really true, and therefore aimee is just biased and arrogant (Me too?) Ok.

But, let’s look at this with some analysis:

Who does it better than the US, in the categories offered, and why???
space ghost:
you couldn’t be more wrong if your tried… think about it! :twocents:
For the record, I’m a Republican. But anyone who blames this countries ills on one political party as absolutely no clue about politics and what goes on in our government. Both sides are to blame on many different issues. It’s not one sided or even lopsided.
Sure, this may just be aimee’s opinion. Maybe it’s not really true, and therefore aimee is just biased and arrogant (Me too?) Ok.

But, let’s look at this with some analysis:

Who does it better than the US, in the categories offered, and why???
I am the center of the universe, but I also recognize that everyone else believes that as well. I am sure that if you asked people from England the same question most of them would agree that their system is the best.

For the record though, I am in the health care buisness, and I believe that we could learn much from Canada and Europe. I am not saying that they have perfect systems, only that I fell many of them are better then ours.
I am the center of the universe, but I also recognize that everyone else believes that as well. I am sure that if you asked people from England the same question most of them would agree that their system is the best.

For the record though, I am in the health care buisness, and I believe that we could learn much from Canada and Europe. I am not saying that they have perfect systems, only that I fell many of them are better then ours.
I had a friend in NY who was a citizen of Canada and was very sick. He needed a Cat-scan. He could get one the same day in NY for $2500 or get one for free in Cananda but had to wait 6 months. Neither option works for me personally.
I am the center of the universe, but I also recognize that everyone else believes that as well. I am sure that if you asked people from England the same question most of them would agree that their system is the best.

For the record though, I am in the health care buisness, and I believe that we could learn much from Canada and Europe. I am not saying that they have perfect systems, only that I fell many of them are better then ours.
Sure, but perfection wasn’t the criteria. It was weighing the pros and cons and coming up with a “winner”, and being able to tell us why.
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