Negative Aspects of American Culture

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Rush epitomises the fat, loudmouthed American, in my ever so humble opinion. He’s an embarrassement. :cool: (Time to brush up on my Canadian accent, eh?)

I know, I know, he’s Canadian
I resemble that remark, Texas is not a culture it is a planet.
I love Texas!! Great people and Good football…what more could you want 👍

this is for you pnewton 'gig em aggies 🙂

hook em horns 👍
Cellphones going off during Mass.

Cellphones going off in a theater.

People talking on cellphones in cars, endangering their fellow man.

People talking on the handless cellphones in cars or in other public places, because it always takes you a sec. to realize, “Oh, he’s not a nut job, he’s just talking on the phone!”

Cellphones…a sure sign of the coming Apocalypse.
The list going on here (except for the characters) is the same in any country. Abortion being the no. #1. I like the US…the only thing I find so difficult to swallow is hearing the braggarts that seem to assume that their country is the only christian one (whatever christian means in their minds I suppose). All governments are corrupt…whether american or not. And it would be nice to hear that once in a while instead of pointing fingers at other countries. Let us clean our own back yards…

In other words, some display a lot of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNOUS…they forget why and by whom they have been blessed by.

Because WhiteDove started a positive thread and wanted it kept that way. It would be best to air grievances with American culture
I will list one: SUVS in the suburbs? Not driven by people who NEED one like a nurse or doctor but driven by soccer moms.
Number two:Rush Limbaugh.
I fail to see why nurses and doctors require SUV’s - they’ve gotten along quite nicely in cars for umpteen years.
Rush epitomises the fat, loudmouthed American, in my ever so humble opinion. He’s an embarrassement. :cool: (Time to brush up on my Canadian accent, eh?)
They said the same thing about Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and the other pamphleteers, editorialists, and satirists of that day. He’s in good company.

Lot’s of times I say a rosary while driving. I guess people must think I am a nut talking on a cell phone. 🙂
One word: arrogance. We’re arrogant in thinking everything we do is better than the rest of the world, whether it’s government, business, health care, or personal lifestyles.
One word: arrogance. We’re arrogant in thinking everything we do is better than the rest of the world, whether it’s government, business, health care, or personal lifestyles.
What’s this ‘we’ business. Speak for yourself, bucko! 😉
yes, i would like to talk about christian charity and loving your fellow man too… opps, wrong thread… sorry… :confused:

sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can break your heart… :cool:

this doesn’t look like the healthiest place to hang around in… seeya!
Try this:

How’s about Americans stop going to all professional sporting events until the salaries come down, the players learn to repsect what they have and the cost for a large family to see the events becomes reasonable?

How’s about American Coporate CEO’s taking a million dollars a year, instead of ten million, thereby being able to retain many more employees (or can’t they live on a million per year?).

How’s about Americans standing up for the unborn, thereby halting the slaughter of 4,000 babies every day?

How’s about Americans take a stand on any number of moral issues…and turn back to God!
I agree with everything in this post.
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