Negative Aspects of American Culture

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For the record though, I am in the health care buisness, and I believe that we could learn much from Canada and Europe. I am not saying that they have perfect systems, only that I fell many of them are better then ours.
Can you explain something to me then? Why is it that I know of several Europeans who keep bank accounts here with large quantities of cash (American dollars) so that should they need medical care and can’t get it in Europe they can afford to get it here? Why do so many Canadians who work with my wife actually come to the states for medical care whenever they possibly can? What can we learn from socialized medicine?
For the record, I’m a Republican. But anyone who blames this countries ills on one political party as absolutely no clue about politics and what goes on in our government. Both sides are to blame on many different issues. It’s not one sided or even lopsided.
I am also a registered Republican. I agree with your statement 150%!!!

Also a quote from my late step grandfather “You find me an honest politician and I will find you a liar”
Negative aspects of American Culture:
  1. Brittinay Spears and Madonna
and most of HOllywood
5)Jerry Springer and Judge Judy
and all of those “court” tv shows
  1. Loud mouthed people
NOt sure about this one…we need loud mouthed people now and then…
Now you listen here…you might one to reconsider this one or by gum I’m fixin’ to open a can of …
Now you listen here…you might one to reconsider this one or by gum I’m fixin’ to open a **can of …/**QUOTE]

Hey, I know what that means 😃
For the record though, I am in the health care buisness, and I believe that we could learn much from Canada and Europe. I am not saying that they have perfect systems, only that I fell many of them are better then ours.
Thank you Mac,

It is comforting to hear the first compliment I have ever heard on this forum towards Canada on any issue. Yes, our medical system is not perfect but we can be assured of being treated in a hospital whether you are a millionaire or a scruff off the street. The young and the old, the rich and the poor receive, on the whole, excellent care without having to show a credit card or a cheque book. This is soothing to know…no one gets turned away for lack of money…

Yes, we need more MRI’s and CATscans, but that will come as people continue to donate both their time and money to raise the money for these medical machines. It is quicker to go to the States because they charge money and we do not do that here…otherwise the poor person who sleeps on the street would not get one. There is no caste system when a person who owns two SUV’s, an expensive boat and a two-storey house rushes ahead of an elderly man who has struggled all of his life to keep up with bills and food. Each is taken care of, on the whole, with dignity and empathy. First come, first serve unless there is a crisis…

Yes, I thank God that we have our system as I suffered with Crohn’s disease for 20+ years with multi surgeries. Two years ago I was in intensive care for renal colic/septicimia for one week where nurses were jumping every two minutes into my room. I spent another week right after that for a lung clot…talk about all of the medication. In all of these years, I would be a walking pharmacy. My son also has Crohn’s and almost died of a ruptured bowel (pin-hole) and stayed in the hospital for a month as the doctors tried to save his bowel but, in the end, needed surgery. I can’t even describe the many doctor visits, the VON at the house, etc. We would be in so much debt, we would be living on the street…

There is some good here as far as medical attention…socialist or not…My furture brother-in-law was impressed with the care my nephew received at one of our teaching hospitals in London where he and my sister had to stay for three days. They stayed at a very posh hotel room for $10.00/night as people donate money for these parents to stay near they children during any treatment at the London hospitals…

Anyway, thank you…you have warmed my heart…

Shoshana…I think Canada has some special people …I think you are special and one of the nicest people I know.

God Bless 🙂
The near worship of money is not a good part of our culture
but I think worse is the injustice in our civil and even criminal law system, where the facts really do not matter but the best lawyer does. And isn’t it funny that usually those with the most money have the best lawyers.
Yes, our medical system is not perfect but we can be assured of being treated in a hospital whether you are a millionaire or a scruff off the street. The young and the old, the rich and the poor receive, on the whole, excellent care without having to show a credit card or a cheque book. This is soothing to know…no one gets turned away for lack of money…
Same here.

In an emergency you are entiltled to health care regardless of your ability to pay.

If we had some tort reform, then health care costs wouldn’t be so dang high.

Due to our societly of handouts everyone thinks they are entitled to a free ride. So what do they do? Sue every time a thought crosses thier mind. And since our Judical system is set up to protect the week, almost always they get a settlement at least.

So thanks to that doctors have thier hands tied, they have to pay so much for insurance and have to be so cautious about who they treat.
Trelow: Is that true in all states and in all conditions? No hospital will ever turn away someone in need?
Wouldn’t they have a hefty bill to pay, through some means, at the end though? In Canada, if something terrible suddenly happens to you, you’ll never pay an extra cent…no massive debt after treatment.

Despite problems in recent years, socialized health care works, as demonstrated in the past. Canada’s health care system was the envy of the world. The problem is not with the concept of a socialized system, but with current execution. Reforms have to be made…but Canadians certainly do not want privatization. (Though in the province of Alberta, the government is talking about the idea of introducing a dual system…private health care for those who can afford it, providing quick and efficient treatment…and publich health care for those without the financial resources).
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