Netflix’s “Cuties” Is So Much Worse Than We Thought and the Leftist Media Still Defends It

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OraLabora . . .
She says the film is semi-autobiographical . . .
Why would you believe THAT?

There is nowhere in the world where 11 year-old little schoolgirls are going to school dressed like prostitutes, grabbing themselves in the crotch areas in dance line manners etc.

It is a lie.
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Why would you believe THAT?
Why would I not? As Tis says, she clearly has an axe to grind over her own upbringing. I have no reason to believe she’s been insincere about her own upbringing as a reason for making these films. Was her film successful in conveying that message? It’s arguable… but as I said I haven’t seen it so I will reserve judgement. Were the scenes appropriate? No, they could have been shot in a way that was much less exploitative. That does not mean, however, that Mme Doucouré was insincere in her reasons for shooting the film. It probably means that the result was mitigated by poor judgement in shooting the dance scenes.

. . . .
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Amy, apparently decides that she doesn’t like elements of the culture and pathways for women being offered to her from her family and seeks membership in another group. As part of her escape from the turmoil at home she decides to try to impress a group of girls at school that collectively referred to themselves as the “Cuties.”
Turmoil at home causes bad decisions. Fine but certainly the producer would have known that if dad had found out, there are severe ramifications.
Why would I not? As Tis says, she clearly has an axe to grind over her own upbringing. I have no reason to believe she’s been insincere about her own upbringing as a reason for making these films. Was her film successful in conveying that message? It’s arguable… but as I said I haven’t seen it so I will reserve judgement. Were the scenes appropriate? No, they could have been shot in a way that was much less exploitative. That does not mean, however, that Mme Doucouré was insincere in her reasons for shooting the film
I agree with Catholic that there are no such dance groups as Cuties. There may be girls who do jazz or hip-hop but these are actual dance styles so why choose this exploitation of youth style of dance for the movie? It does raise questions?

In trying to make a movie with an actual plot, does she not lose that message with this kind of dance style? After much bad press, Netflix executive called her and reassured her that it was not as bad as she thought and she seems to buy into that. However I really think her message got lost and that is the really tragedy to this story. Either that or this woman is totally dishonest.
“We had several discussions back and forth after this happened. Netflix apologized publicly, and also personally to me,” she says. That apology, it turns out, took the form of a direct call from Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos. Doucouré won’t reveal what the pair said, but she suggests she was comforted by their chat and isn’t bearing any grudges. “ Streamers are a great way to get my stories out and share my messages with more people,” she adds positively.
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However I really think her message got lost and that is the really tradegy to this story. Either that or this woman is totally dishonest.
In charity I go with the first, the story got lost through the lewd dance scenes. I think the message was fundamentally decent: denounce polygamy and denounce our hyper-sexualized Western culture. The execution left something to be desired.
Fine but certainly the producer would have known that if dad had found out, there are severe ramifications.
That can be said of anytime a child of a rather wide age range does something known to be prohibited to parents. “If mom knows I took a cookie, I’ll get in trouble. So I’ll take measures to hide it.” Not that kids are always forward-thinking. Sometimes it can be a matter of “Let me do this now and worry about the consequences later.”

It could be argued that the behaviour (indulging now, not worrying about consequences) might not completely go away in adult. This is sometimes evident in lack of retirement or other financial planning. But “delayed gratification” is a topic for another day.

Going against a parent’s wishes on the Internet (as what happens in the movie) can be a difficult thing to control. I had a friend that prohibited her daughter from having a social media account. In response, the girl used public computers to open and maintain her social media account. She got away with it for a year or so before it was discovered.
I agree with Catholic that there are no such dance groups as Cuties. There may be girls who do jazz or hip-hop but these are actual dance styles so why choose this exploitation of youth style of dance for the movie? It does raise questions?
That may be too strong of an assertion. Kids appear to self-organize into cliques on their own. I’m no spring chicken, and I recall girls twerking when I was in middle school.
Fine but certainly the producer would have known that if dad had found out, there are severe ramifications.
That can be said of anytime a child of a rather wide age range does something known to be prohibited to parents. “If mom knows I took a cookie, I’ll get in trouble. So I’ll take measures to hide it.” Not that kids are always forward-thinking. Sometimes it can be a matter of “Let me do this now and worry about the consequences later.”
I was thinking more in line with being a girl child acting out in a Muslim family. When the dad hears of his daughter is such a group, what would be his response, can’t be good.
agree with Catholic that there are no such dance groups as Cuties. There may be girls who do jazz or hip-hop but these are actual dance styles so why choose this exploitation of youth style of dance for the movie? It does raise questions?
That may be too strong of an assertion. Kids appear to self-organize into cliques on their own. I’m no spring chicken, and I recall girls twerking when I was in middle school.
They do but this appears to be a formal dance group and can’t imagine the parents putting up with this. Again girls do jazz and hip-hop so it would seem more realistic to use this type of dance routine in connection with one scene in which girls who get together and act out within a group.

I think this film could have been saved but now it will get a great deal of hype and probably not much else.
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OraLabora . . .
the story got lost through the lewd dance scenes.
It is not OK for them to abuse children (“lewd dance sences” that are pornographic)
as a pretext for them to speak out against abusing children.
ROMANS 3:8 8 And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.
The ends do not justify the means.

Just a bit of Catholic catechesis for any interested readers here.

With intrinsic evils (like child abuse), motives of the one committing that intrinsic evil do not matter as far as the “goodness” of an action. Their motives are irrelevant in that regard.

It is not OK to hit your mom upside the head with a rolling pin,
and claim: “Well I just wanted her to be able to see she was wrong in a given opinion.”

Such claims are invalid.
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They do but this appears to be a formal dance group and can’t imagine the parents putting up with this.
I wouldn’t call the girls in the movie a “formal group.” It was a group of passive agressive frenemies trying to be the popular ones.
Again girls do jazz and hip-hop so it would seem more realistic to use this type of dance routine in connection with one scene in which girls who get together and act out within a group.
That sounds more descriptive of what one might do in a dance class. I was just speaking with a friend that has a daughter. Her daughter recently turned 16. Being not that far removed from younger children I thought she might be a good person to ask through her parent.

I asked the friend to ask her daughter if she has observed her friends “dancing inappropriately” when she was in middle school. The girl confirmed yes. I asked for a description of the dance. The description I got back was that “girls were shakinging their butts violently.” To the question of “was it twerking” i got a “yes.” The mother told me that her daughter came home and twerked in front of her once to get a reaction from her mother.

Another friend has a daughter that is now 21. But this is the same girl I mentioned earlier that, while still in grade school, had a classmate that took a picture of something and sent it to a boy.

Kids imitate what they see adults do. That was part of the narrative of the movie. In the movie the girls got the dance moves by seeing older girls performing them in videos online.

Unfortunately, if someone has a child that directly or indirectly has internet access, the child is likely going to be exposed to adult material. The same thing can happen with TV too, and also books.
They do but this appears to be a formal dance group and can’t imagine the parents putting up with this.
I wouldn’t call the girls in the movie a “formal group.” It was a group of passive agressive frenemies trying to be the popular ones.
Was not the movIs it a formal dance group? They have costumes so they appear to be such… I also asked around and did not get the same response.
That sounds more descriptive of what one might do in a dance class. I was just speaking with a friend that has a daughter. Her daughter recently turned 16. Being not that far removed from younger children I thought she might be a good person to ask through her parent.

I asked the friend to ask her daughter if she has observed her friends “dancing inappropriately” when she was in middle school. The girl confirmed yes. I asked for a description of the dance. The description I got back was that “girls were shakinging their butts violently.” To the question of “was it twerking” i got a “yes.” The mother told me that her daughter came home and twerked in front of her once to get a reaction from her mother.
Girls are busy with sports, clubs, and schools so they have little time for many things. The girls I asked were 14 and under and they had heard of the movie but could not relate. I am concerned about putting this “normalization” on girls when they themselves are not calling for it. Sure they can watch things on social media but still many do not as they are too busy. Even the female cast of the View which is usually very liberal did not like this movie.

Whoopi did not like it. and she even questioned girl dance routines in general. Sunny Hostin tried to watch and shut it off. McCain watched only the trailer and spoke of human trafficking which her family is actively involved in stopping.
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Was not the movIs it a formal dance group? They have costumes so they appear to be such… I also asked around and did not get the same response.
They entered what looked to be a talent contest and decided on matching uniforms.
Girls are busy with sports, clubs, and schools so they have little time for many things.
That would depend on the girl.
Sure they can watch things on social media but still many do not as they are too busy.
Therr may be more concerned with the ones that upload certain types of content to social media.
Even the female cast of the View which is usually very liberal did not like this movie.
Off topic, but in a discussion about something else entirely, someone told me that “like” and “enjoy” is not necessarily descriptive of why they might watch a film. “Schindler’s List” and the movie “Saw” were two films that were brought up in the discussion. “Like” doesn’t appear to capture the motivations well.
Was not the movIs it a formal dance group? They have costumes so they appear to be such… I also asked around and did not get the same response.
They entered what looked to be a talent contest and decided on matching uniforms.
So it is a talent show and that is what makes it unrealistic. What parents are going to attend a talent show and see 11 years doing this kind of behavior, parents both mom and dads would be upset so to me it is an unrealistic depiction of the real world.
That would depend on the girl.
Therr may be more concerned with the ones that upload certain types of content to social media.
The girls are into instagram and tiktok because they like makeup videos, style and funny things.
Even the female cast of the View which is usually very liberal did not like this movie.
Off topic, but in a discussion about something else entirely, someone told me that “like” and “enjoy” is not necessarily descriptive of why they might watch a film. “Schindler’s List” and the movie “Saw” were two films that were brought up in the discussion. “Like” doesn’t appear to capture the motivations well
It may be off-topic but the View is a cast of predominately liberal women with a predominantly women audience yet they are saying the director missed the mark on this.

Whoopi Goldberg take on this. . “We have to change how our dolls look, the kind of costumes we buy for kids, we have to change what a bathing suit looks like and start the conversation from there so that she doesn’t have to make movies like this.”
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hat parents are going to attend a talent show
There parents were not there. But I think that happened in the movie “Little Ms Sunshine.”
If it is to be a talent show, there will be parents there. Parents have to arrange for their children to attend rehearsals and they often stick around and watch. Just too unrealistic.
and see 11 years doing this kind of behavior,
The dance moves were not expected, at least according to the sections that they got.
Are you saying they did the dance moves somehow without parents being aware? Who would have bought their costumes? Parents are pretty intuned to what their children do and can’t believe no one is going to notice this and not make phone calls.
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If it is to be a talent show, there will be parents there.
Wrong word usage on my part, it was a contest. Not that it changes much.

“Grand Concours de Danse Mov’Up
Concours ouvert’d a tous!”

Amy had to sneak out of the house to join the competition. We don’t see how the other girls got there.
Are you saying they did the dance moves somehow without parents being aware?
Amy’s mother was aware of something, as she accused Aminata of acting like a woman of the streets. There was a bizarre scene in which she starts using some of the dance moves after they are trying to pray over her while splashing water on her. At least I think that is what was happening. I don’t know of the practices of her religion. I assumed they were trying to cleanse her of what ever evil was making her act up.
Who would have bought their costumes?
They did. With the €200+ Aminata stole from her mother.
Parents are pretty intuned to what their children do and can’t believe no one is going to notice this and not make phone calls.
Someone may have. Since Amy dropped her mom’s phone from the apartment window to the street several stories below it may have taken some time for that phone call to make it her way. But the “Grand Concours de Dans” was the next to last scene of the movie. So we don’t know much of what happened afterwards. It is suggested that Aminata goes back to acting like a normal girl of her age.

Amy’s father was out of the country, getting his second wife. Amy’s mother was stressed out and passed out in one scene from the stress she was dealing with. The stress coming from both the new marriage and from other things she was dealing with concerning Amy.
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Parents are pretty intuned to what their children do and can’t believe no one is going to notice this and not make phone calls.
Someone may have. Since Amy dropped her mom’s phone from the apartment window to the street several stories below it may have taken some time for that phone call to make it her way. But the “Grand Concours de Dans” was the next to last scene of the movie. So we don’t know much of what happened afterwards. It is suggested that Aminata goes back to acting like a normal girl of her age.

Amy’s father was out of the country, getting his second wife. Amy’s mother was stressed out and passed out in one scene from the stress she was dealing with. The stress coming from both the new marriage and from other things she was dealing with concerning Amy.
I did not expect her own mother to be intuned as it seemed she had major problems of her own to deal with. There are three other girls so where are their mothers and not one has noticed or even cares. I suppose it is possible but usually, this kind of thing comes out into the open and is dealt with.
Who would have bought their costumes?
They did. With the €200+ Aminata stole from her mother.
So the daughter stole money, this is even more troubling. I can understand why this poor mother is very upset and having a prayer over her daughter.
Some good news regarding this story . . . .

Texas Grand Jury Indicts Netflix For Alleged ‘Lewd Visual Material’ After ‘Cuties’ Controversy​

By Jon Brown

Oct 6, 2020

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images

A Texas grand jury recently indicted streaming service Netflix for allegedly disseminating “lewd visual material” with its film “Cuties,” which drew furor last month for its depiction of pre-pubescent girls in sexually provocative situations.

Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-TX) tweeted out an image of the indictment, which claimed the streaming giant did “knowingly promote visual material which depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child who was younger than 18 years of age at the time the visual material was created, which appeals to the prurient interest in sex, and has no serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value[.]”

The indictment comes weeks after several members of Congress called on Netflix to be investigated for the controversial movie.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who was one of the members of Congress leading the charge to hold Netflix accountable for “Cuties” by penning a letter that was also signed by 33 of his colleagues, praised the indictment, telling The Daily Wire, “This is great news and I’d guess the 33 Republicans who joined my letter agree. ‘Cuties’ is child porn and unlike certain media apologists, I and the vast majority of Americans are disgusted by that, which is why a grand jury indicted Netflix. I’d still like to see the DOJ get involved. Netflix broke federal law.” . . . .


The bad news is despite the fact that “Cuties” . . . .
. . . . “knowingly promote(s) visual material which depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area
of a clothed or partially clothed child" . . . .
. . . . there will be some in the media that support this.

Parenthetical in quote mine.
In charity I go with the first, the story got lost through the lewd dance scenes. I think the message was fundamentally decent: denounce polygamy and denounce our hyper-sexualized Western culture. The execution left something to be desired.
That is how they slip their poison in. We did not go from the Hays Code to Game of Thrones overnight. Repeat exposure desensitizes you.
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