Netherlands set to approve euthanasia for children 1-12

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This horrific. Has anyone else read “A canticle for Leibowitz”? We deserve the punishment they wrought on themselves in that book.

“ On Tuesday, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said the rule change would prevent some children from “suffering hopelessly and unbearably”.

Euthanasia is currently legal in the Netherlands for children older than 12, with mandatory consent from the patient and their parents.

It is also legal for babies up to a year old with parental consent.”
Whenever I read it it always makes me think God doesn’t punish us anymore because we’re much too capable of doing it ourselves.
Has anyone else read “A canticle for Leibowitz”?
Loved it. I don’t agree we all deserve to be nuked, though. I should add, though, that if I see Mrs. Grales on her way to confession, I’ll take it we do.
We deserve to be punished. Being blown back to the Stone Age is the only thing I think could set things right.
I just read a brief summary of him. Sad story, gifted writer.
Yep. That’s what this is really about. When the state is paying they’re going to cut costs on the “hopeless” under the guise of being humanitarian.
We deserve to be punished. Being blown back to the Stone Age is the only thing I think could set things right.
There is a scifi book/movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” in which something like that happens. The story ends with technology that requires electricity no longer working.

When I saw it, I thought about the people stuck in elevators, people that may have been undergoing medical procedures, or people that live far away from their food and water supplies. I’m sure there was a great decline in the human population from those supply chains being disrupted.
In practice I think that the mass of immoral acts that followed nuclear armageddon would greatly outweigh a lot of what came before. Even if we all became hunter-gatherers again, such societies definitely don’t live according to Catholic ethics.
Nuclear armageddon is not the same as more common natural disasters. You’re talking about the end of order globally basically as we have known it for thousands of years.

Besides, I was commenting more specifically on the idea of going to back to a “Stone Age”, not just looting or rioting. Hunter-gatherers do not generally practice Catholic sexual ethics, or Catholic ethics in regards to life. When Daniel Everett was living with the Piraha they killed a baby that was suffering from a curable disease by feeding it rum because they believed it was doomed to die and that he was continuing its suffering by trying to save its life. Most hunter-gatherers are pretty loose sexually too, at least from our perspective.
Seems counter intuitive but comfort and plenty is harder on people than austerity and hardship.
I think it is hard to argue this as a general historic rule, even looking at the “developing world” today. When life ends easily it also becomes cheap.
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You’re taking the Stone Age comment a little too literally. It was intended more as a hyperbole.
Hunter-gatherers do not generally practice Catholic sexual ethics, or Catholic ethics in regards to life.
They’re not mutually exclusive, however. Amerinds in North America were stone age hunter-gatherers by and large, and yet a number of tribes became Catholic or otherwise Christian while remaining stone age people.
Given today’s methods of imparting health and comfort, why is it not murder?
Sorry to answer your question with another one - I know that it is not preferred, but I need to find out if you even accept the concept of mercy killing, under some circumstances, or do you consider it a “murder” under any and all circumstances? This is not an evasion; I need to know this to give a meaningful answer to your question.
You’re taking the Stone Age comment a little too literally. It was intended more as a hyperbole.
Yeah, I guess so. I suppose you were just trying to place emphasis on the fact that modern society deserves some kind of cataclysmic punishment.
Essentially. Although I suppose modern society could be the punishment :man_shrugging:t2:
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