And it can limit the culpability to the point it is no longer a sin.That just limits culpability it doesn’t make it not a sin.
And it can limit the culpability to the point it is no longer a sin.That just limits culpability it doesn’t make it not a sin.
Even if numbers were to increase, the cost saving benefit is still negligible. By the time people come to the point of being at the stage of ‘unbearable pain’ or ‘terminal’, most the costly attempts at cure or intensive management have been spent. Pain management at end of life care is cheaper than intensive therapies during life care.You are correct, for now.
I have a hunch that euthanasia will be more widespread in the future and the option to die morphs into the duty to die.
Your mentality is common, and it should not be confused with being “moral” or “Catholic.”The concept of mercy killing is age old, and it should not be confused with “murder”.
According to your ethical system.Mercy killing is never morally acceptable.
I am aware of that. I was simply curious if you have a personal opinion.It doesn’t matter what I “think”. “Mercy killing” is against the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Obviously it is not Catholic… but whether it is “moral” or not - it depends of your ethical system. Don’t be confused, there are many ethical systems, and the catholic one is just one of them.Your mentality is common, and it should not be confused with being “moral” or “Catholic.”
Why not?And don’t give me Jesus suffering on the cross excuse.
Preeminent is a political excuse tool word created by the USCCB.Maybe you don’t know what preeminent issue means, and maybe you don’t understand you can value and increase life for those under any politician.
Is that what the Pope concluded?Life, however, begins at birth, and you are justifying abortion for a more profitable life for others.
Nevertheless, the act of suicide remains immoral.And it can limit the culpability to the point it is no longer a sin.
In the eye of the Beholder.Nevertheless, the act of suicide remains immoral.
First, the Church has never said that any particular person is in Hell, so why would these priests say that someone was?Our own parish has had 2 priests commit suicide in the last 10 years and I’ve yet to get an affirmative from a Priest in our Diocese that the Priest is doomed to hell because of what the CCC says about it being a sin.
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.
This surprise me…[2283](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/2283.htm’) We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.
And they could not be wrong?The Jews believed under certain conditions Suicide was Noble.
One has to seriously consider the degree to which acceptance of things like abortion and defiance of Catholic or other church teaching has led to this. Mainline protestant churches now accept child killing (abortion) sexual perversion (homosexual marriage) and moral relativism (primacy of conscience). Many Catholics do as well, including many Catholic clerics. It’s a wonder as many faithful Catholics remain as do. It’s a wonder as many protestants remain faithful to the bible as do.Like it or not Religion in the US is falling by the wayside. US is becoming all about ME.