Netherlands set to approve euthanasia for children 1-12

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Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.
Diminish means lessen; it does not mean mitigate nor does it mean justify.
You have that but you also have no healthcare at all for the powerless, the unemployed and the unwanted here in the States.

I should know as I am one of them.
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No we don’t.

I don’t.

I am unemployed, have no healthcare and am deemed ineligible for Medicare.
I did the responsible thing and saved money for a rainy day. Now my savings render me ineligible for Medicare.

Turns out you have to be destitute to be eligible for Medicare if you are under a certain age.
That case had nothing to do with cost.

Are you familiar with NHS financing, service delivery or governance structure? Because your statement that the ‘state refused it’ betrays a significant ignorance of how the NHS operates and is managed.
Healthcare is denied to me right here, right now.

Turns out you don’t need socialized healthcare to deny people medical care.

The US does it all the time. For every poor person you know that gets medical care there are five of us going without.

Maybe I get lucky and I die before becoming destitute. 😞
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This is a sad commentary by you to the world! Life is valuable because without it we could never be granted “eternal life”! You miss the whole point of the message Jesus came to show us by his life, death and resurrection! This life is not all the re is! Don’t drag the suffering down but give them the HOPE that Jesus promised!
Life is valuable because without it we could never be granted “eternal life”!
Do you really believe that God is powerless to create us directly into heaven, bypassing this vale of tears? Not much of an omnipotence, is it?
I can see you feel you are “ smarter than” the potter! News flash! God is bigger than us and he has the plan that considers all, the BIG picture! I know it may not seem like much but I’m saying prayers for people who think they are better…
Ah, so this vale of tears is just a punishment? And we are here to suffer for the acts of our ancestors? Do you consider this “just”?
I can see you feel you are “ smarter than” the potter! News flash! God is bigger than us and he has the plan that considers all, the BIG picture! I know it may not seem like much but I’m saying prayers for people who think they are better…
I am open to any discussion with God, so he could enlighten me of that “grandiose plan”, which involves so much pain and misery. Sorry to say, but your words are simply not sufficient.
which involves so much pain and misery
The problem is you see pain and misery as nothing but bad. Material discomfort is the ultimate evil in your opinion (or so it appears from your comments).
If you are destitute you can avail of free health care.

But if you have savings you have to pay. With exorbitant medical costs, and without insurance, it is bound to leave you destitute.

I do have savings to pay for my living expenses but one health crisis can catapult me into destitution.

It all comes down to being destitute in the end.
They’ll send you a bill after care has been rendered yes. But you won’t be denied care that you need.

For what it’s worth I do think there should be a public option, but it should be handled on a more local level. The federal government in the US is the worst governing body to put in charge of health care.
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The conversation revolves around healthcare only. What is missing is compassion. Healthcare with out compassion is dead.

People who suffer a lot need compassion. How can we make the government provide compassion for all, instead of healthcare?

This is a retorical question.
The problem is you see pain and misery as nothing but bad. Material discomfort is the ultimate evil in your opinion (or so it appears from your comments).
Do you purposefully seek out pain and suffering? And to call a multiple rape and torture a simple “material discomfort” is preposterous.

But I will answer explicitly: “Unnecessary, gratuitous” pain and suffering, if you could prevent it, but don’t, is evil. And to answer your next objection, about “how do I know if any pain and suffering is gratuitous, or not, the answer is simple: I employ the duck principle”. However, I am open to be corrected, and I am willing to “eat crow”, if someone could give me an explanation about the pain of teething. Where is the greater good coming from it, or where is the redemptive value in that suffering?
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