New Carl's Jr. Commercial with Paris Hilton

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Oh my gosh–this commercial borders on porn doesn’t it? I noticed my husband and 2 teen sons were thrilled with it, which only goes to show–man this culture is messed up in a big way. Lord help us!

I turned it off the 3rd time it aired, luckily-----don’t know what to do? One of my sons said, bless his heart—“EW she’s sickining Mom isn’t she? thinks she’s so hot”…bless his heart. He knows she’s just a cheap gal-----with cheap morals. Lord, help us parents, teach our children right!

All parents–we need to form prayer groups wherever we are---------in schools, protecting not only our children from this but our spouses too. There’s a contest with the devil in our culture today, and man, it’s a tough one. I say, parents, let’s all stand together, get involved in our parishes, and fight this battle!!!
Given that the point of advertising (and Paris Hilton herself) is attention-getting and self-promotion, I guess we have to say “mission accomplished.” I can’t remember the last time a hamburger ad received this much attention and publicity. The old adage that “sex sells” seems to apply as well to burgers as it does to clothes, fragrance, cars, etc.
If you go to their website, the main page has a picture of a guy sitting in his living room watching TV. Over the arm of his armchair is a MAXIM magazine with a half naked woman on the front. On his coffee table is a picture frame with the girl from the mechanical bull commercial’s face in it… very suggestively taking a bit out of her hamburger.

Obviously Carl’s Jr. is not selling hamburgers… they are selling women. And men must be buying them because they just keep doing it.

It is just a reflection of how morally depraved our society is. Women are seen more as objects of sexual pleasure now than 100 years ago, and as a society, we are allowing our selves to be used, bought, and sold in the name of “sexual freedom”. It is sick.

You won’t see many liberal feminists fighting this battle, either. Most of them probably would defend Paris Hilton’s right to display her body, explore her sexuality, express herself…

Makes me want to puke.
space ghost:
…let me watch it just a few more times (so i won’t jump to conclusions) and i will get back to you:o

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…i’m on my 17th viewing … just a few more times and i will post my opinion…😃
I’m pretty tolerant, but that ad is over the top. It shouldn’t be used to sell anything, not even whatever clothing line she’s wearing, let alone food.
Do something about it here -
Thank you, Buffalo… I singed-up yesterday and fired off a few letters, too. Of course, no one responded, but that’s only to be expected. Anyone know whether Carl’s Jr. has actually hurt their business, or has the publicity resulted in an increase in sales? It would be interesting to know. If their business continues to increase and public criticism isn’t too major for them, we can probably look forward to something worse next year, or sooner. After all, every time the ol’ envelope is pushed, the next one has to go a little further to make the same impression with the “audience”. Ever wonder what we have to look forward to in twenty-years?
Dr. Colossus:
Haven’t seen this one, but I remember 2 commercials from Carls Jr. that cause a ruckus about a year ago. The first was a woman riding a mechanical bull while eating a burger, very sexual if not exactly revealing.
I don’t get what the relationship between sex and a mechanical bull is.
The second was an ad for their breakfast menu which advertised variety “For guys who don’t want to wake up to the same thing every morning”, which a lot of us took as an obvious slam against monogomous marriage.
I remember it saying something about not wanting the same thing every night but your recollection may be right (amounts to the same thing)
This add with Ms. Hilton make me sick to my stomach, when they come on the t.v. goes off, I certainly don’t want my daughter or my sons seeing such filth and I don’t want my kids to think women are simply a sex object, Ms.Hilton is doing herself and women everywhere a great injustice, making us look like all we are good for is our bodies and our minds mean nothing, I want these adds pulled :mad:
For those of you who are making light of the ad, for shame! Honestly, there are men who suffer with porn addiction, and having such an ad thrown in their face is temptation. Don’t give me the typical, “Well, change the channel” line. It’s not like TV stations announce when certain ads will run…
We don’t excuse people throwing their trash out the car door window by just saying “Don’t look at it.” We fine the SOB’s because they are polluting the environment that all of us live in. This type of ad is also a form of pollution…cultural pollution. But here again, the judges tell us we can’t do anything about it, because the 1st Amendment says we can’t. Baloney.
This Paris person is sleazy at its best. :twocents: That silly show she does was banned from a New Jersey Public School. where she was to do something for the show(don’t know what she was supposed to so, I just heard it on local news a few months ago) Thank God, some parents had some brains and demanded she not show up with her TV crew because of the way she and her friend behave. There is no Carl jr’s in my area (never even heard of it) but they amd Paris should be fine by the FCC or something. For example what Janet Jackson did at the superbowl was vulgar but this is just as bad if not worse. ( Janet was a few seconds-this disgusting ad of hers goes on and on):mad:

I’ve never seen this ad. How am I to complain about it if I’ve never seen it?

Dan L
I haven’t seen that one yet, but the ones with Clairol Herbal Essence shampoo? Whoa!

I’m no prude either, but I didn’t want my children seeing such an obviously… ummm… “ecstatic” experience in the shower.

Over a shampoo? :rolleyes:

Uhhhh… shampoo won’t do that for ya, kids.

We quit buying that shampoo years ago and wrote to the company to complain about its soft porn, “Yes, YES, YES!” shower commercials, but it didn’t do any good - ten years later, they’re still around. Just another round in the daily bombardment.

Hi Elizabeth,
Our family boycotts this shampoo also due to their raunchy ads. I’m glad we’re not the only ones. Why would a shampoo company who wants to sell “clean” make such a filthy commercial?
carol marie:
Hi Elizabeth,
Our family boycotts this shampoo also due to their raunchy ads. I’m glad we’re not the only ones. Why would a shampoo company who wants to sell “clean” make such a filthy commercial?
Yes, as if their “totally organic experience” has anything to do with making your hair better? Gimme a break! :rolleyes:

I don’t know about yours, but with a family as big as ours, they’ve lost some real business over the years - my DH got me started with that shampoo and that’s all we used for years. Our favorite.

GregoryPalamas, you can see the Paris Hilton ad on the Carl’s Junior’s web site. It’s actually trashier than the Clairol commercials, and like I said, I am NO prude. I have seen everything and virtually nothing shocks me - but I don’t want my beautiful 14 year old seeing this stuff and thinking that this is “cool.” This is how a real woman acts.

And I guess that considering how this woman behaves over a dang hamburger, we should actually be glad it wasn’t a company peddling filet mignon and lobster or something. 😃

They do not provide email addresses, but I wrote to them from their contact page to let them know that their soft porn was not impressive or welcome in my house and that this fast-food family would not be frequenting Carl’s Jr’s again. Shame, because they really do have the best hamburgers of the easily-available fast-food places in town. Oh well.

If you go to their website, the main page has a picture of a guy sitting in his living room watching TV. Over the arm of his armchair is a MAXIM magazine with a half naked woman on the front. On his coffee table is a picture frame with the girl from the mechanical bull commercial’s face in it… very suggestively taking a bit out of her hamburger.

Obviously Carl’s Jr. is not selling hamburgers… they are selling women. And men must be buying them because they just keep doing it.

It is just a reflection of how morally depraved our society is. Women are seen more as objects of sexual pleasure now than 100 years ago, and as a society, we are allowing our selves to be used, bought, and sold in the name of “sexual freedom”. It is sick.

You won’t see many liberal feminists fighting this battle, either. Most of them probably would defend Paris Hilton’s right to display her body, explore her sexuality, express herself…

Makes me want to puke.
What makes me absolutely perplexed is that people today (even women) will say “We are free to dress as we like! It’s not about men it’s about us feeling liberated!”. I wonder when these women will realize they are pretty much just doing what men WANT. It’s not about their freedom or their right to “express” themselves, it basically all comes down to how much attention and money they get. Way to sell out your soul for a chance in the limelight.

Belittling themselves for a burger that will just get pooped out anyways.
Sadly, there are people who don’t need to undress to make an ad look like soft porn. Wonder if it took a bad childhood or if she really thinks it funny… She could be quite a nice pretty lady if only she tried.
Chevalier: As for Paris, it is probably her upbrining. She is a child of a rich family and so she was probably spoiled and lacks respect, humility and dignity and maybe morality (not sure of her families religious background).
Chevalier: As for Paris, it is probably her upbrining. She is a child of a rich family and so she was probably spoiled and lacks respect, humility and dignity and maybe morality (not sure of her families religious background).
Financial status has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to pass on moral virtues. The failure to impart good judgment, decision making and values to this young woman is unfortunate and the fact she attracts media attention merely because of her wealth and beauty speaks to the vacuum that exists in this culture when it comes to admirable role models.
We don’t excuse people throwing their trash out the car door window by just saying “Don’t look at it.” We fine the SOB’s because they are polluting the environment that all of us live in. This type of ad is also a form of pollution…cultural pollution. But here again, the judges tell us we can’t do anything about it, because the 1st Amendment says we can’t. Baloney.
You know, that’d be an interesting way to protest against the commercial. Go to their restaurants and just start dumping trash on their countertops. I know that there ARE laws against that, but it’d be sending a stronger message than letters of outrage ever could. Frankly, I don’t even watch TV anymore, not because of any “holier-than-thou” attitude, but rather because I’ve found reading to be a lot more entertaining.
I e-mailed FOX. I do not want this stuff brought into our home.:mad:
"You just did that ad by Paris Hilton (search). That would never have been shown in the '50s or '60s in the United States. If you take a look at the pornography and the filth that pours into American homes and you see the consequences in divorces and broken families and delinquency and all of the rest of them.

There was a communist known as Antonio Gramsci in Italy who argued that this is the only way that Marxism is going to win. And I have to say they are sure making progress and I think they’re on the offensive

It goes back, frankly, to the French revolution, the ideas do, and even before. And it is fundamentally, deeply anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, because it rejects the values and beliefs and what those cultures basically created in the west. That’s why it’s cultural Marxism. The great enemy of Marxism is western civilization."

-Pat Buchanan, a true Catholic,2933,157952,00.html
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