OK, so now I’ve seen what Paris Hilton looks like.
The video is at this
Carl’s Jr. website.
It is tasteless, and stupid, but I don’t think it’s particularly any more pornographic than a lot of what goes on TV, and much less harmful than certain children’s TV shows such as Captain Planet.
Their first commercial with the waitress and no porn was actually kind of funny, even if a bit gross.
If they really want to show something, let’s see her actually eating that huge thing that’s about half the size of her abdomen. I figure she’d have to unhinge her jaw like a snake, then after she eats it she’d have this big lump. I’m thinking of a snake I once saw on TV that eats eggs. As the meal works it way through, she’d probably look pregnant.
I didn’t find her movements particularly sexy. I guess I’ve finally gotten to the point where the sight of women trying to act like whores for the camera doesn’t impress me much anymore. Big deal. Big star. Gosh, after going to a strip club a few years ago as part of a bachelor party I really found that I’ve pretty much lost interest in watching ho’s dance.
Plus, something about that huge burger just makes her look like a pig. It just doesn’t look congruous. My “bullsh*t” detector just couldn’t let me watch the video without thinking, “yeah, right!” Maybe I was supposed to see it and thing “yeah, all RIGHT!” Sorry, Carl, your efforts are wasted on me. I might just have to fast all day after seeing that pig.