New Carl's Jr. Commercial with Paris Hilton

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Chevalier: As for Paris, it is probably her upbrining. She is a child of a rich family and so she was probably spoiled and lacks respect, humility and dignity and maybe morality (not sure of her families religious background).
Haven’t seen Nicky Hilton pull these stunts. Paris loves the camera and this gives her another chance to be in front of it.
space ghost:
…i’m on my 17th viewing … just a few more times and i will post my opinion…😃
I only saw it 25 times, few more viewings as well and I will make my final judgement. ALL:rotfl: Just kidding here.

I’ve never seen this ad. How am I to complain about it if I’ve never seen it?

Dan L
Same with me. I watch practically no TV these days. I wouldn’t know Paris Hilton if I saw a photo shoot of her. I guess I need to see what I’m missing so I can complain too. :whistle:

OK, so now I’ve seen what Paris Hilton looks like.

The video is at this Carl’s Jr. website.

It is tasteless, and stupid, but I don’t think it’s particularly any more pornographic than a lot of what goes on TV, and much less harmful than certain children’s TV shows such as Captain Planet.

Their first commercial with the waitress and no porn was actually kind of funny, even if a bit gross.

If they really want to show something, let’s see her actually eating that huge thing that’s about half the size of her abdomen. I figure she’d have to unhinge her jaw like a snake, then after she eats it she’d have this big lump. I’m thinking of a snake I once saw on TV that eats eggs. As the meal works it way through, she’d probably look pregnant.

I didn’t find her movements particularly sexy. I guess I’ve finally gotten to the point where the sight of women trying to act like whores for the camera doesn’t impress me much anymore. Big deal. Big star. Gosh, after going to a strip club a few years ago as part of a bachelor party I really found that I’ve pretty much lost interest in watching ho’s dance.

Plus, something about that huge burger just makes her look like a pig. It just doesn’t look congruous. My “bullsh*t” detector just couldn’t let me watch the video without thinking, “yeah, right!” Maybe I was supposed to see it and thing “yeah, all RIGHT!” Sorry, Carl, your efforts are wasted on me. I might just have to fast all day after seeing that pig.

OK, so now I’ve seen what Paris Hilton looks like.

The video is at this Carl’s Jr. website.

It is tasteless, and stupid, but I don’t think it’s particularly any more pornographic than a lot of what goes on TV, and much less harmful than certain children’s TV shows such as Captain Planet.

Their first commercial with the waitress and no porn was actually kind of funny, even if a bit gross.

If they really want to show something, let’s see her actually eating that huge thing that’s about half the size of her abdomen. I figure she’d have to unhinge her jaw like a snake, then after she eats it she’d have this big lump. I’m thinking of a snake I once saw on TV that eats eggs. As the meal works it way through, she’d probably look pregnant.

I didn’t find her movements particularly sexy. I guess I’ve finally gotten to the point where the sight of women trying to act like whores for the camera doesn’t impress me much anymore. Big deal. Big star. Gosh, after going to a strip club a few years ago as part of a bachelor party I really found that I’ve pretty much lost interest in watching ho’s dance.

Plus, something about that huge burger just makes her look like a pig. It just doesn’t look congruous. My “bullsh*t” detector just couldn’t let me watch the video without thinking, “yeah, right!” Maybe I was supposed to see it and thing “yeah, all RIGHT!” Sorry, Carl, your efforts are wasted on me. I might just have to fast all day after seeing that pig.

I understand what you mean about the potential harm of certain shows, but advertisements are a little harder to guard against if watching a show with your kids, for example. You can tell them that they can’t watch such and such cartoon, but there is no warning given for commercials which stretch (or break) the envelope of cultural standards. I am glad to say that I haven’t seen the adds in the Portland market for about a week now, but they are probably still on when I am not watching…
I almost laughed myself sick.

South Park watchers: have you seen the Paris Hilton episode?


Using Scantily clad blondes squeezing out wep soapy sponges to sell hamburgers… is that REALLY necessary? :nope:

…But did I enjoy every single minute of it? :bowdown2:

That kind of senseless marketing will always have a warm spot in my heart. ❤️

Remember the 80s hoopla? Brooke Shields: “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins”… you sell it girl!.. :dancing:
Using Scantily clad blondes squeezing out wep soapy sponges to sell hamburgers… is that REALLY necessary? :nope:

…But did I enjoy every single minute of it? :bowdown2:

That kind of senseless marketing will always have a warm spot in my heart. ❤️

Remember the 80s hoopla? Brooke Shields: “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins”… you sell it girl!.. :dancing:
Pssst… Make sure your shroud stays closed! 😛

I’m glad that they don’t show the ad in my area [Hardee’s is in our area] So Paris=hamburger so by getting a hamburger I get the girl … hmmm I don’t think so.
That commercial has, if I counted correctly, a total of 41 cuts in a 30 second spot.

It’s no wonder the national attention span has shrunk.
That commercial has, if I counted correctly, a total of 41 cuts in a 30 second spot.

It’s no wonder the national attention span has shrunk.
I really don’t get it. I haven’t like the idea of cameras moving around a lot and taking weird angles ever since Midnight Special, which I tolerated because how could I, a mere nerd, say that Wolfman Jack wasn’t cool?

This whole thing is more tragic than you know.

Carl’s Jr. was started by Carl Karcher and his family. They were all practicing Catholics. Don Karcher was on the Board at a Catholic school where I taught (Cornelia Connelly School of the Holy Child) in Anaheim, CA. My Dad helped build the second and third Carl’s Jrs. Carl was the kind of guy who cared enough about his business to personally visit his franchises and check on how they were doing (my husband met him at a Carl’s once).

Then the business was lost in a hostile takeover. I understand Carl Karcher passed away shortly afterward. Good thing he doesn’t have to witness commercials like this for a company he founded. He would be horrified.

I suggest boycotting. But let them know you will support their business when and if they put decent commercials on the air (that is, give them an incentive to produce good commercials). I boycotted during the Hugh Hefner commercials, and let them know precisely why I was boycotting and when the boycott would end. The Hefner commercials disappeared shortly afterward.
Using Scantily clad blondes squeezing out wep soapy sponges to sell hamburgers… is that REALLY necessary? :nope:

…But did I enjoy every single minute of it? :bowdown2:

That kind of senseless marketing will always have a warm spot in my heart. ❤️

Remember the 80s hoopla? Brooke Shields: “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins”… you sell it girl!.. :dancing:
:tsktsk: :tsktsk: :tsktsk:
Kay Cee:
This whole thing is more tragic than you know.

Carl’s Jr. was started by Carl Karcher and his family. They were all practicing Catholics. Don Karcher was on the Board at a Catholic school where I taught (Cornelia Connelly School of the Holy Child) in Anaheim, CA. My Dad helped build the second and third Carl’s Jrs. Carl was the kind of guy who cared enough about his business to personally visit his franchises and check on how they were doing (my husband met him at a Carl’s once).

Then the business was lost in a hostile takeover. I understand Carl Karcher passed away shortly afterward. Good thing he doesn’t have to witness commercials like this for a company he founded. He would be horrified.

I suggest boycotting. But let them know you will support their business when and if they put decent commercials on the air (that is, give them an incentive to produce good commercials). I boycotted during the Hugh Hefner commercials, and let them know precisely why I was boycotting and when the boycott would end. The Hefner commercials disappeared shortly afterward.
That is a great contribution. Thank you for the information!
A woman with a nice body in a swimsuit, washing a car while eating a hamburger does not bother me…

Commercials for erectile dysfunction do bother me…

In any event, the on/off button on my TV still works.
LOL, I agree. I found the commercial to be more hilarious than offensive. I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the commercial! I have no idea how such a commercial is supposed to make us want to eat a burger. :rotfl: I think Carl’s Jr. just wasted their money, commericals are supposed to attract business. 😃
I protest all the hardee ads of paris that pop up on Grrr… I’d like to keep a Pure Heart for my future wife who ever that maybe.even if the commerical can be dangerous or not. It can influence a person eat a hamburger or help down the wrong path.
I think all these companies are wasting their money on these ads that have nothing to do with the product (other than the background music of “the wheels go round and round…”, these people dirty dancing in the rain have nothing to do with buying tires). Unfortunately, only one letter or email here and there isn’t enough to get the corporate heads to change their ways. They need to be bombarded with snail mail, emails, phone calls, etc. before they will take notice.

This CA forum has over 25,000 members…that could make a siginificant difference if everyone is on board. What would make it impressive is to draft a letter, and everyone mail it and email it on the same day, so that they all arrive around the same time…something to think about.

This could expand into other areas other than commercials too…i know lots of people like these reality shows, but I do not. I have been tempted to write to the networks to let them know how happy I am that these shows are airing…because they have sent me back to the library! rather than spending my time in front of the tv.

What do you think of the idea?
Honestly, I barely watch tv as it is, and usually only for specific shows. (I.E Alias, Seinfeld re-runs, etc.) I find more entertainment in books, playing guitar, video-games, etc.

But, it seems to me that controversy is what fuels the industry. Human beings have a bad tendency to thrive on other peoples misery ( TV News broadcasts, for example). So the rule is, the less controversial it is, the less it sells. Carl’s JR is counting on the negative “free-advertising” they recieve from all the controversy it’s commercial sparks.

Remember when Marilyn Manson was a huge controversy because he was denouncing God, and burning bibles during rock concerts? Well, as long as people gave attention to him (negative attention is just as good, if not better for TV ratings), his rain of depravity continued. Once it ceased to be a hot topic, you saw less and less of him on TV to the point you rarely even hear about him anymore.

Having said that, I always thought Paris Hilton was a no talent, trashy, ignorant, boring, wannabe Hollywood actress. Her only claim to fame is the controversy she inspires with her sad attempts at “being somebody” in Hollywood circles. If not for “daddy’s money” she would be nothing. Just ignore her, and don’t support anything (financially or otherwise) that she is involved with. She will go away eventually. Ever notice how her sister is barely ever mentioned? She is not controversial, so anything regarding her will not sell ad-revenue.
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