I will be honest, and this is my sin for which I will likely have to account to Jesus when I die. When I was young, I had some issues with Catholic youth stuff because it did seem like a large percentage of the people in it were “dweebs”. The remaining percentage were social justice activists who were always doing anti war or anti nuke protests (not so much anti abortion then) and they bugged me too, but that’s an issue for a different thread.
I would note that I have a high tolerance for dweebiness or nerdiness or what you call it as I was very bookish, was an engineering student, and spent all day around other bookish engineering students who resembled every nerd cliche from Weird Science to Devo, and eventually married a guy from that profession as well. The Catholic “dweebs” were often too much even for me. I also met some Protestant evangelical young people who were similar. I did not want to be like those people. I found the older Catholic moms and grandmas of my youth much more appealing role models, as a lot of them had had some pretty exciting WWII era adventures and been very attractive before they became someone’s mom or grandma.
I now go to Mass regularly at a Newman Center and have noticed how much more normal the young Catholics seem there than when I was in college. I think it’s important for any Catholic young people’s initiative to feature a range of young people with different interests and personality types. There’s room for all under the tent. That includes people in rock bands, artists, activists, dweebs, preppies, hippies, punks, ordinary Joe and Jane average, etc.