CathCon has the new good friday prayer translated from the German edition of Vatican Radio.
In Latin
Oremus et pro Iudaeis
Ut et Dominus Deus noster illuminet corda eorum ut agnoscant Iesum Christ salvatorem omnium hominum.
Oremus. Flectamus Genoa. Levate.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ut omnes qui vis salvi fiant homines et ad agnitionem veritatis veniant, concede propitius ut plenitudine Gentium in Ecclesiam Tuam intrante omnis Israel salvus fiat. Per Christum Dominum Nostrum. Amen.
The translation of latinist Gero Weishaupt:
We pray for the Jews.
That our God and Lord enlighten their hearts so that they recognize Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind.
Let us pray. Kneel down. Arise.
Eternal God Almighty, you want all people to be saved and to arrive at the knowledge of the Truth, graciously grant that by the entry of the abundance of all peoples into your Church, Israel will be saved. (Or: that the whole of Israel will be saved if the abundance (fullness) of all peoples enters into Your Church). Through Christ our Lord.
This replaces the old 1962 prayer:
Let us pray also for the Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray. Let us kneel. Arise. Almighty and eternal God, who dost also not exclude from thy mercy the Jews: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The prayer currently said in the Novus Ordo is:
Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your Church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In Latin
Oremus et pro Iudaeis
Ut et Dominus Deus noster illuminet corda eorum ut agnoscant Iesum Christ salvatorem omnium hominum.
Oremus. Flectamus Genoa. Levate.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ut omnes qui vis salvi fiant homines et ad agnitionem veritatis veniant, concede propitius ut plenitudine Gentium in Ecclesiam Tuam intrante omnis Israel salvus fiat. Per Christum Dominum Nostrum. Amen.
The translation of latinist Gero Weishaupt:
We pray for the Jews.
That our God and Lord enlighten their hearts so that they recognize Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind.
Let us pray. Kneel down. Arise.
Eternal God Almighty, you want all people to be saved and to arrive at the knowledge of the Truth, graciously grant that by the entry of the abundance of all peoples into your Church, Israel will be saved. (Or: that the whole of Israel will be saved if the abundance (fullness) of all peoples enters into Your Church). Through Christ our Lord.
This replaces the old 1962 prayer:
Let us pray also for the Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray. Let us kneel. Arise. Almighty and eternal God, who dost also not exclude from thy mercy the Jews: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The prayer currently said in the Novus Ordo is:
Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your Church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.