Hi there.
I avoided the board for a day or so, and boy did this thread grow!
I so totally agree with everything you say, searching06.
My priest said much the same thing, except he didn’t mention the “decide what is best for us” thing…he just said, pray and talk.
I feel the same here too. I have been at this crossroads…is there a “Lesser Evil” to choose? If I force my wife into something sinful, to me that’s even worse…
Mine too! It really feels like the married man is at the short end of this stick and they do not care about his feelings. It may sound harsh, but I really do wonder why. I think not enough thought has been given to this, and when they do, they do not have all the information required to make descisions or judgements. And besides, men are tough, it will be good for their spiritual growth, they can take it…(sarcasm)
I tend to think that it is not so much that the Church does not care about men’s feelings so much as it is how can they say for us to do otherwise, because that is condoning sin? I most definitely believe, though, that it has to be one of the most unaddressed areas in these teachings. Like I said, it seems the Church throws her hands over her ears. Now I have not yet gotten anything from Christopher West or Liturgy of the Body; another person mentioned West’s “Naked Without Shame” and it helped her view sex differently for and with her husband.
Once again I agree that I feel the same. Inner peace and acceptance is dawning, but honestly, the only reason it is dawning is because together with it, it’s dawning on me that there is no other way. The right people do not listen to us men when we speak up, or they listen, but they just address the symptoms and not the underlying problem. They respond with standarized answers: pray, communicate, trust, be chaste, etc and men are being alienated on the process.
So, my inner-peace is more like inner-resignation because it will never change and nothing I seem to do help. We are destined to remain in this state of frustration. So, for he sake of my immortal soul, I sacrifice my mental health and am resigned to keep bottling up these feelings and frustrations.
I can only hope that with prayer (I still have difficulty talking to God about sex, even asking for a better relationship and marital chastity), that I will come to understand, and if not understand, then to accept this as a cross. That completely stinks (insert different word), but resignation sounds about right. Go read the thread “Another NFP Question”.
Honestly, I think a woman (on her infertile cycle) wrote the sexual rules in the Catechism! - Just kidding!!!