Please define or expand on this last line. I have been married for almost 23 years, have four kids from NFP, none are an “oops”, and while always a challenge, all are a blessing. This in no way lessens the struggle I have with Church teachings on sex in between infertile times. Please do not tell me the Church does not instruct we have to use NFP; it does so indirectly and by default. What is “God pushed us off the fence in a way not experienced by those who attempt to sever the link between unitive and procreative”?Believe me, I hear you guys. But I still don’t think you realize the extent to which you continue to view sexuality as 2007 Americans instead of timeless catholics. (Not to say I’ve conquered those beasties myself, mind you!)
You talk as if the Judeo Christian teaching on sexuality is arbitrary and unsupported. In reality, the modern American notion of sex separated from fertility is the bizarre, unnatural notion. As far back as the old testament (Onan’s sin), God has revealed to us the immorality of taking the pleasure of sex while rejecting the procreative. Good luck finding ANY support for masturbation or contraception in Christendom prior to about 1900. Teaching on Chastity is not speculation, it is revelation.
I am not sure I find the teaching arbitrary and do not believe that Onan’s sin is a basis for Church teachings or even really a founded one on this issue; I do see where not being open to life is within teachings, but find the use of the story of Onan as a way to scare people, which mind you, turns people off to Catholicism. I agree that a modern view of sexuality and the idea that these are our bodies to do with as we wish leads to a conflict with Catholic Church teachings. I also have a book on Christian sexuality which goes nowhere close to the restrictions of what the Catholic Church teaches, which causes me frustration as well at the “discrepancies” and differences.
Yes it’s tough. Yes I struggle with it still sometimes. But recognizing that my struggle is a symptom of my falleness rather than a side effect of some flaw in God’s revelation to man goes a LONG way towards helping me get through it! God HAS given us a choice. If we want to do it tonight, we CAN! But we have to be open to the consequences. When you allow the devil to suggest that your struggles are the fault of a flawed church instead of a flawed YOU, then you have already lost most of the battle.
Sorry, and I have to admit I am just not there yet as you are, and God bless you for being so, but viewing my frustrations and the negative impact on my relationship with my wife as a result of my falleness (from Adam and Eve’s days?) does not work. This is the same thing as the Church not addressing or other men not admitting that there are very real conflicts involved here as I’ve tried to lay out in my posts. No, we cannot always “do it tonight” if we are both following NFP and Church teachings. That is the problem - it seems no one else but PM wants to admit that. It does not change Church teachings, but please don’t tell me we are the only ones who feel this. Either everyone else has their heads in the sand or you are all on some higher plane, which I am struggling to get to through prayer. May I suggest you read the thread “Another NFP Question”. I have had a wonderful discussion with a lady where she commented that maybe our struggles now are consequences from our past behaviors. That makes more sense to me.
BTW, I’m 36, married 7+ years, have 2 ‘planned’ kids and 1 ‘oh why not’ on the way. That’s VERY different than an ‘oops’ kid and such blessings have more to do with big NFP families than any perceived ‘failure’ of the method. God pushed us off the fence in a way not experienced by those who attempt to sever the link between unitive and procreative.