I cannot tell you whether or not you are sinning. It would be good if you talked to a priest. I would say that it sounds as though you and your second husband have no children together. Were you married in the Catholic Church? Did you promise to welcome children into your marriage as Catholics of childbearing years are required to do?I began practicing NFP just last month. I was one of those Catholics who thought that I was not sinning using contraceptives. About 6 months ago, I began practicing my faith like a Catholic should. I started following all the teachings of the Catholic Church including the one on contraception. My husband (45 years old) and I (37 years old) are both in our second marriages. Our children (23, 18, & 13) are from our first marriages with little or no moral and zero financial support from our ex-spouses and are all still very dependent on us. We lived in mobile home for the first 2 years of our marriage, then built a house 2 years ago for obvious reasons. My husband’s pay was cut back recently and we are going through some tough financial times. We have agreed not to have any more children because of our ages and finances. Of course, if it would happen, we would love this child. My question is, "Am I sinning by using NFP to prevent pregnancy?