Nfp - How often

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Because it’s not PG. this forum has rules of keeping it PG. it’s a very private thing
No, I actually did, I stated it several times, and in multiple ways.

I said a screwdriver is not a hammer. You said a dog is not a cat. No amount of coaxing will make that cat work like a dog.

Good day.
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How long is your cycle, how days “safe”, how days “not safe”;
I don’t know how long it is right now as it hasn’t returned after my last baby. Before that, they were normally 28 to 30 days. We generally had 2 to 3 days between my period and the first signs of fertility. After I confirmed ovulation, we averaged about 10 available days.

How often do you have sex at month;
We averaged about 5 times a month in 2015 and early 2016 (the last time we were avoiding for an extended time and I had cycles to work with).

What method do you use and since many years.
We use the sympto-thermal method. We’ve been married 10.5 years. We got pregnant twice when we took a chance on known risky days. We got pregnant once when I wasn’t temping and miscounted post-peak. In other words, I wasn’t following the rules. My other pregnancies were planned in the traditional sense (as opposed to deciding on a whim).

We are now strictly avoiding as I need blood thinners to reduce my chance of miscarriage and one of them is incompatible with breastfeeding.
it’s rule 1.
  1. Consider these forums rated “PG” and any content going beyond a “PG” rating, as solely deemed so by the moderators, will be removed and any member posting such content may have privileges taken away or be banned/suspended.
it’s rule 1.
  1. Consider these forums rated “PG” and any content going beyond a “PG” rating, as solely deemed so by the moderators, will be removed and any member posting such content may have privileges taken away or be banned/suspended.
This is a pretty PG discussion of sex. You are allowed to use the word sex here. When it comes to sex specifically it’s about not being crude.
i’m not talking about using the word sex, that’s not a big deal. but asking couples how often they do it isn’t PG
i’m not talking about using the word sex, that’s not a big deal. but asking couples how often they do it isn’t PG
They are not talking about how they do it, just frequency. Its fine. If you don’t like it, flag it.
In case you’re not clear, we’re talking PG–parental guidance, not PC- politically correct here.

Derived from the abbreviation for “Parental Guidance”, PG is used for describing something rude or potentially offensive for which the conversation participants may require adult supervision

In other words, if you are a minor and can’t handle it go talk with your mommy and daddy.
NFP is something practicing Catholic sometimes need. Getting worked up about the discussion is really immature.
Of all the things to gripe about.

NFP is a legit moral thing, unlike the endless masturbation threads. :roll_eyes:
If you are offended by it, stay out of forums entitled with the term “NFP”. NFP is bioligy, and so is having sex. I haven’t seen anything here that should be upsetting to anyone trying to stay PG. Nobody is describing anything graphically.
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