Because it’s not PG. this forum has rules of keeping it PG. it’s a very private thing
And there are younger people who read here whose parents may not want them to discuss this at this point. Very fair observation.Because it’s not PG. this forum has rules of keeping it PG. it’s a very private thing
There’s no rule about PG. It’s that the forum has to be free from crude and explicit language.Because it’s not PG. this forum has rules of keeping it PG. it’s a very private thing
This is a pretty PG discussion of sex. You are allowed to use the word sex here. When it comes to sex specifically it’s about not being crude.it’s rule 1.
- Consider these forums rated “PG” and any content going beyond a “PG” rating, as solely deemed so by the moderators, will be removed and any member posting such content may have privileges taken away or be banned/suspended.
They are not talking about how they do it, just frequency. Its fine. If you don’t like it, flag it.i’m not talking about using the word sex, that’s not a big deal. but asking couples how often they do it isn’t PG
I’m not a dude.dude chill out. it may be fine to you but maybe others disagree and don’t talk down to me