No Congratulations for us!

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šŸ˜ƒ I have three diamonds myself, all girls. My first two are only 17 months apart so I did get a little bit of that with our second one. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. I loved having them close in age, little Irish twins. šŸ˜‰
Just to let everyone know for an update, Kate and I miscarried yesterday. Iā€™m the original poster telling everyone how we didnā€™t get any congrats or acceptance. My wife started bleeding heavily yesterday afternoon when we were out. It got harder and harder. We were about six weeks along she estimates. We never even got to go to the OBG but itā€™s an obvious miscarriage. She bled so much and isnā€™t queezy with her usual symptoms. Today she bled out even more globs and weā€™re pretty sad about it. I just went to Mass by myself yesterday and prayed for us. Having gone through this before and being mature enough in my life as a Catholic, I know this is His divine will. Weā€™re ok with it now. Thanks for the outpouring of support from all the people in this forum! I couldnā€™t get over the love and emails.
Just to let everyone know for an update, Kate and I miscarried yesterday. Iā€™m the original poster telling everyone how we didnā€™t get any congrats or acceptance. My wife started bleeding heavily yesterday afternoon when we were out. It got harder and harder. We were about six weeks along she estimates. We never even got to go to the OBG but itā€™s an obvious miscarriage. She bled so much and isnā€™t queezy with her usual symptoms. Today she bled out even more globs and weā€™re pretty sad about it. I just went to Mass by myself yesterday and prayed for us. Having gone through this before and being mature enough in my life as a Catholic, I know this is His divine will. Weā€™re ok with it now. Thanks for the outpouring of support from all the people in this forum! I couldnā€™t get over the love and emails.
Scott, I am so sorry for your great loss. Please know that you and your wife and children are in my prayers. May the Lord in His compassion bless you with His peace.

In Christ,
Scott, I am sorry for your loss. The odd part is that I wanted to tell you that people even think you are crazier when you have three and then you have two unborn children die. I then scrolled down to see you last post. My husbands family believed we were done when our daughter was born dead at 31weeks. They were shocked when I became pregnant just a few months later. That child died also. Now they say that it is probably My Godā€™s way of telling me that three children is enough. I just laugh and say, ā€œDo you mean five children.ā€ There is such joy in being open to life. I know God has blessed me with five wonderful children. Three of them I am privledged to raise and two I am privledged to have praying for me from heaven. God Bless You!
Now they say that it is probably My Godā€™s way of telling me that three children is enough. I just laugh and say, ā€œDo you mean five children.ā€

I donā€™t know how you could do anything but stare at the thoughtless cruelty of people who would say something like that to you. I wonder if they realize that theyā€™re saying, basically, that they believe in a God who would rob pre-born children of their lives to ā€œteach the parents a lessonā€. Thankfully, Fatherā€™s homily about the Gospel reading for today (Feb. 18th) is still in my mind, so I will pray for your family members, and all people who are so enmeshed in the culture of death.

And you, your wife, and all your children are in my prayers, Kolchak.

Please allow me to add my condolences to everyone elseā€™s. šŸ˜¦

I was talking to my dh about the attitude you folks were getting and the rude, ridiculous, and uncalled for remarks. He said what people who have 3 or more children ought to say to those who decided to have only one or none is, ā€œSo, who do you think is going to pay for your needs in your old age? The government? Retirement benefits from work? If there are many more seniors than young people to support them, how is that going to happen, do you think?ā€

Besides, they have never thought about the fact that they are the ones who will be the first to be euthanized when they become a burden to the state while those with children, brought up to love others as themselves, will be there to care for their parents when they need them most.

Once again, I am very sorry for your loss. God bless you and your dear family.

Please accept my condolences and prayers as well.

As the mother of four young children on earth (the oldest is 3 1/2), and four souls in Heaven, I can empathasize. I have heard all the comments too, both in conceiving more children (what are you doing? Donā€™t you know what causes that? Oh, no, not again, didnā€™t you learn your lesson last time? and so on) and after our losses (Obviously God does not want you t have more children. Maybe you should stop trying. There was probbaly something ā€œwrongā€ with the baby. It wasnā€™t really a baby that earlyā€¦just tissue). I would like to say that people mean well, but I am not sure I believe that anymore. I would also like to say that I simply smile and walk away, while offering a silent prayer for the person who offended me. But more often than not, I too get angry and hurt. I am only human.

I think it was Kimberly Hahn, in her book ā€œLife Giving Loveā€ that said something that really affected me after one of my losses. I canā€™t remember the exact circumstances, or who actually said what (I loaned the book, otherwise I woudl look it up) but the book comments that either she felt (or was told) that her miscarriages are helping to atone for some of the sexual sins of mankind (abortion, promiscuity, contraception, etc). Obvioulsy God does not cause a mother to lose her child, but we do know about the virtues of redemptive suffering. Reading that paragraph made me feel so much better about my losses.

Anywaysā€¦I hope you and your wife are able to find some comfort in this difficult time. It is never easy to lose a wanted child, regardless of where you are in the pregnancy. Please know your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I think it was Kimberly Hahn, in her book ā€œLife Giving Loveā€ that said something that really affected me after one of my losses. I canā€™t remember the exact circumstances, or who actually said what (I loaned the book, otherwise I woudl look it up) but the book comments that either she felt (or was told) that her miscarriages are helping to atone for some of the sexual sins of mankind (abortion, promiscuity, contraception, etc). Obvioulsy God does not cause a mother to lose her child, but we do know about the virtues of redemptive suffering. Reading that paragraph made me feel so much better about my losses.
If you look at the Cross, you see that for those who are faithful, God can take the worst thing in the world and make it into the best thing in the world. Jesus did not ask to be nailed onto the cross, and by asking forgiveness on those who crucified Him, He made it clear that it was not Godā€™s doing that put Him there.

Whatever evil causes a miscarriage, a disease, a fire, a storm, a famine, or any other calamity, it is not an evil that God cannot defeat, cannot turn to the service of good through the cooperation of those who are faithful. You do not have to know what God had in mind, whether God desired to give you an angel to pray for you or whatever. All you need to know is that God will cover you with His wings and that your faithfulness to His will is never wastedā€¦including your faithfulness in welcoming this child and your sacrifice in having to let the child go so soon. You willingness to do Godā€™s will, in the face of all uncertainty, is to His Glory, and always will be. There is no ā€œmaybeā€ about that.

I am so sorry for your loss, but I still congratulate you for living the gift of your faithfulness, a faithfulness that glorifies God.

You desereve itā€¦Our daughter has had four little boysā€¦7,5,3 and nine monthsā€¦They got lots of the same remarks when number four came alongā€¦We were thrilled with each oneā€¦

I canā€™t edit my post anymore, but Iā€™m very, very sorry for missing the post about miscarriage. šŸ˜¦ Iā€™m sorry to have hurt you like this. Youā€™re in my prayers. Once again, my deepest apologies.
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Iā€™m very happy for you!
I am so sorry for your loss. No amount of words can help the hurt. I have gone through this and if you need to talk please feel free to pm me.
Just to let everyone know for an update, Kate and I miscarried yesterday. Iā€™m the original poster telling everyone how we didnā€™t get any congrats or acceptance. My wife started bleeding heavily yesterday afternoon when we were out. It got harder and harder. We were about six weeks along she estimates. We never even got to go to the OBG but itā€™s an obvious miscarriage. She bled so much and isnā€™t queezy with her usual symptoms. Today she bled out even more globs and weā€™re pretty sad about it. I just went to Mass by myself yesterday and prayed for us. Having gone through this before and being mature enough in my life as a Catholic, I know this is His divine will. Weā€™re ok with it now. Thanks for the outpouring of support from all the people in this forum! I couldnā€™t get over the love and emails.
I was going to post a congratulations to you and your wife, but I just read your post, so Iā€™m very sorry about the loss of your little one. Iā€™ve had a miscarriage, too, and be prepared when people donā€™t always appreciate the loss of a child you never saw or held. You have a little intercessor for your family in heaven now. God bless you and your wife for being open to life.

Please forgive the rest of the world for being SELFISH and GREEDY sons of *, sorryā€¦ šŸ˜›

Congratulations again. That is wonderful news! Iā€™m gonna be a dad myself so I know how this means!
Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family during this tough time.
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