No Congratulations for us!

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That child died also. Now they say that it is probably My God’s way of telling me that three children is enough.
RCMom; 1922507:
I would like to say that people mean well, but I am not sure I believe that anymore. I would also like to say that I simply smile and walk away, while offering a silent prayer for the person who offended me. But more often than not, I too get angry and hurt. I am only human.
Try bursting into tears and running from the room. People who make thoughtlessly cruel comments like that deserve the feelings of guilt; and maybe it will improve their social skills.

Scott and Kate, doinzan, and RCMom, I’m so sorry both for your losses and for the cruel comments. I can’t speak to the pain of losing a child, but I imagine it must be terrible to feel. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers tonight.
Scott…I have finally read the entire thread, and am so sorry for your loss…And that I congratulated you without reading the entire thread…Please forgive me.

I am a mom of two and a grandmother of five boys, so I know how precious our little ones are…

I will certainly keep you and your wife in my prayers.

Scott, I was rushing to get to the end of the thread to give you my congratulations. I’m terribly sorry to hear about the miscarriage. You and your family have my family’s deepest sympathies and you’re in out prayers.
Kolchak: I was so uplifted by reading all the positive responses and support you received and then crushed to read news of your wife’s miscarriage. I have no doubt that God will bless your generous hearts and loving spirits with much joy from your family–no matter how large or small. Take care.

**My wife is about to have our third in four years so I hear ya brother!
I am so sorry for your loss. I have miscarried as well, and I share your pain.
OH gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t read your last post. I did what I get mad at other folks for doing-not reading the whole thread.

We miscarried our first pregnancy. It was rough. I won’t disagree. But two little gifts later and the hurt has healed a lot. I still carry a little memento of that pregnancy with me everyday. I take it out and look at it and know my two little girls (and prayerfully little boy coming) have an older sibling in Heaven watching out for them.
My wife and I have had two children in the last two years, 364 days apart, a boy and then a girl; they are both precious gifts from God. My wife and I are 32 years old.
We just found out that we’re pregnant again and NOBODY we know and no one with whom I work (I’m a teacher) has congratulated us, no one! We’ve heard, “you’re crazy” and “oh my God!” and “oh, Scott, oh my goodness.” and so many other snide remarks. I come from a family with a long line of only-children. I grew up with no brothers and sisters in a family with two parents who had no siblings. My wife and I became orthodox Roman Catholics five years ago and have strictly followed the faith of the Church. Three kids in three years we have had and each pregnancy is such an act of grace, such a gift from Christ Himself, in our view. It seems like everyone we know and everyone at my work and the parents in my classroom think we’re nuts! Is the Devil at work in the public’s mind or what!? Fertility and life is considered gross and obtrusive now, an obstacle to a fancy career instead of the grace of God. With our first two kids we received praise and congrats, number three is another story. We don’t care what other people say; we are THRILLED, but it saddens my heart to see America turning so pagan in its view of pregnancy and infants.
Congratulations, you are very blessed. We are having #6 and get a lot of comments about how crazy we are. I’m sorry that the comments put a damper on things. It’s a shame and yes, our society doesn’t look upon people w/large families as lucky. Now, if you told them you were getting a new boat…
To follow up, now that I’ve been through the whole thread, I am SO sorry for your loss. Prayers for peace for both of you,

This thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.
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