you can get rid of Mary by creating a false image, a false history, a false persona also
Catholicism can only be false if there is in fact
a gap between the early Church and the Protestant Reformation such that the Reformation fixed the “false” history. Otherwise, the Reformation IS the false history. Of course, for the Reformation to be legitimate, 1 Tim 2:3-4 must be false, John 17 was prayed in vain, and on and on.
Speaking of false history:
Here is why you hate Mary.
What really happened was that Queen Elizabeth I of England wanted to make an alliance with the Islamic Ottoman Empire and conquer Catholic Spain and France so as to get rich off their New World assets. So she violated Magna Carta Article 1 by seizing control of the English Church, had all her Catholic relatives that had not already been killed by Henry VIII executed, and then went to the Sultan with a theory. Catholicism was supposedly corrupted by the Roman Emperor Constantine who turned it into an idol worshipping cult of Mary.
The Sultan, as a Muslim, despised idolatry and saw Elizabeth as a sympathizer. He said that Islam and Protestantism had much more in common than either did with Catholicism, “as both rejected the worship of idols", “idols” there meaning Mary. Your rejection of Her is just more of the same.
So the Sultan made an alliance between England and the Ottoman Empire. Elizabeth funded his massive navy to go take over Rome, kidnap the Pope and end the Catholic Church. We fought the Sultan at the Battle of Lepanto and defeated their navy even though they had twice the men because we entrusted the battle to Mary. That’s why you’re a Christian and not a Muslim. But Elizabeth indoctrinated all Englishmen with her false history. And you still hold it.
A couple centuries later we Americans fought the empire Elizabeth had created to get our religious freedom back. We only won because Catholic France blockaded Cornwallis at Yorktown. When we fought Britain again in the War of 1812, we would have lost Louisiana but for some nuns there who asked Mary to help us again.
Go google it. Look at the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Wikipedia or any secular source. It’s all true. Now stop fighting Mary. And start thanking Her.
I’ve said enough. Good night.